The Trip to the Zoo. Author and Illustrator Joanna Lamrock
The Trip to the Zoo. Author: Joanna Lamrock Illustrator: Joanna Lamrock Published by: Harborview Publishing
Copyright © 2014 By Joanna Lamrock All rights reserved. This book or any portion there of may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Printed in Canada First printing in 2014 ISBN Publisher: Harborview Publishing Publisher address: 2802 Publishing street in London, Ontario Editor: Kate Goodwin Web address:
Dedicated to my book buddy Hayden. For being a great book buddy this year.
One day Hayden woke up, she was so excited, she was going to the zoo.
Hayden rushed down the stairs to eat.
After Hayden ate, Hayden’s mom told her to go get ready to go the zoo.
Hayden came downstairs and said, “Mom I’m ready to go to the zoo.”
When Hayden and her mom got to the zoo, Hayden wanted to go see the tigers to see if they were big and fierce.
The tigers were very big and fierce.
Next Hayden wanted to go see the zebras, so they could see their wonderful stripes.
After seeing the zebras Hayden wanted to go see the leopards.
“ The leopards are very big”, said Hayden.
After seeing lots of other animals it was getting late.
Autobiography Joanna Lamrock was born on January 28 th 2002 in Liverpool, Nova Scotia. She lives in Birchtown with her mom, step dad, grandfather and sister. She likes to play basketball and soccer. People that are Important to her are her friends and family. She has won three medals two in science and 1 in math and other awards.
Comments Awesome but the truck looked like a refrigerator - Parker Good book- Cadelin Silly pictures- Kate Nice Refrigerators!- Gage L Love The Tiger, So Big And Fierce- Tessa