Greenhouse Structures Greenhouse Management
Detached Greenhouses These “stand alone” greenhouses come in 3 basic types: Even-span greenhouses Uneven-span greenhouses Quonset greenhouses
Even-span Greenhouses Examples of even-span greenhouses.
Even-span Greenhouses Usually clear-span. Roofs equal in width and pitch angle. Two basic types: American or high profile. Dutch (Venlo) or low profile.
American or high profile even-span greenhouses One large roof per greenhouse. Overlapping panes. Greater possibility of air leakage where panes overlap.
Dutch or low profile even-span greenhouses Two small roofs per greenhouse. Roof panes extend from eave to ridge. No overlapping panes.
Uneven-span Greenhouses One roof wider than the other. Different pitch angles. Used on hillsides. Not popular. Wider roof faces south for maximum solar gain.
Quonset Greenhouses Examples of Quonset style greenhouses.
Quonset Greenhouses Framework consists of curved bars or tubes. Clear span. Can be used for growing. Often covered with white, polyethylene film and used to over-winter nursery stock.
Attached Greenhouses These “connected” greenhouses also come in 3 basic types: Lean-to Ridge and Furrow Barrel Vault
Lean-to Greenhouses Attached to buildings or other greenhouses. Usually face south.
Ridge and Furrow Greenhouses Consist of several to many even-span structures placed one after another forming a range of greenhouses. Gutter connected. American or Dutch (Venlo).
Barrel Vault Greenhouses Several quonset type greenhouses connected together forming a range. Gutter connected.
Barrel Vault Greenhouses Barrel vault greenhouse with ridge vent.
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