Learning Objectives Look at the injury statistics Know the contributing factors, types of falls, and types of injuries Make yourself aware of prevention strategies Recognize slip, trip, fall hazards on the farm /workplace
Fall Statistics One of the most frequent types of injury incidents –2nd to motor vehicle collisions Over one million people suffer from a fall each year in the workplace Annually –300,000 disabling injuries –1,400 Deaths
Types of Injuries 20% of falls result in multiple body part injuries and the rest include isolated body part injuries Common Injuries –Sprains –Fractures –Bruises –Concussions –Soreness and Pain
How Falls Happen Same level falls –Slips: Losing traction between footwear and walking surface –Trips: Foot collides with object causing a lose of balance Falls from an elevated surface
Contributing Factors Poor housekeeping and lots of clutter Poor lighting in walkways and work areas Carrying oversized object that obstruct vision Wearing the wrong footwear Walking too fast or running Distractions Not paying attention
Same Level Falls More Frequent Usually Less Severe Weather, liquids and chemical spills can all contribute to slips on walking surfaces Trips can also occur when you don’t see an object or surfaces are uneven
Same Level Fall Hazards on the Farm Manure in feed lots, pens, or isles Muddy conditions or loose gravel Loose hay Spilled grain Fresh oil spills or grease Working in low level light conditions Uneven surfaces or rough terrain Severe weather: ice, snow, rain
Elevated Falls Elevated –Occur less often –More severe than same level falls 60% occur at 10 ft or less above walking / working surface Falls from vehicles, loading docks, equipment, ladders, buildings, and other elevated structures
Elevated surfaces on the Farm Haymow or lofts Below ground pits or open trenches Loading docks Bank barns Equipment platforms / surfaces Grain bins or silos Steps / ladders
Methods to Prevent Falls Keep floors dry and clean Remove clutter Clean livestock pens regularly Remove dirt, mud and debris from surfaces Mark permanent isles or travel paths Inspect the farm regularly for fall hazards Train employees Schedule maintenance
Working in Changing Weather Conditions Use proper footwear Take short steps or shuffle, and try to ensure your torso stays balanced over your feet Keep your hands out of your pockets Utilize handrails, grab bars, fence line or solid object for stability Create a secondary travel path Use caution around livestock watering areas
Methods for Elevated Surfaces Proper Housekeeping Well designed traffic patterns Be aware of changes in surface elevation Provide adequate lighting in work areas Utilize railings for surface changes over 4 feet in height Cover floor openings when not in use Always be cautious and alert to surroundings
Portable Ladders Use only approved American National Standard Institute step and extension ladders Should be set at a 4:1 ratio between height and distance from the wall Make sure surfaces are level and solid Ensure no damage to the ladder before mounting Extension ladders should extend 3 rungs above elevated surface Never stand on top step of a step ladder
Farm Vehicles & Equipment Don’t allow extra riders Observe safety rules in owners manual Make sure equipment is shut off and in park before dismounting Keep surfaces clean and dry Check for uneven ground when dismounting from last step
Farm Vehicles & Equipment Face the equipment when mounting or dismounting Use three points of contact when mounting or dismounting Never jump off of steps Ensure steps, hand holds, and railing are in good condition Avoid trying to carry objects when mounting or dismounting
Protection Devices At high elevations protective devices should be used Proper devices include –Cages / Rest Platform –Lifeline Lanyard –Safety Harness –Safety belt & limit line Device should ensure maximum protection without restricting work
Recognize the hazard
Hay Barn: Snow and ice Loose hay Extension cord across travel path Changing light conditions
Recognize the hazard
Feed lot: Snow, ice, and frozen manure Variety of elevation changes Contrast in light and shadows
Recognize the hazard
Hay Loft: Multiple obstructions getting on and off ladder. Loose hay of floor Loose or uneven floor boards Changes in light causing shadows
Recognize the hazard
Unloading Grain: Loose grain on ground. Changes in elevation with the ramp. Tools laying against the auger. Potential to fall into auger
Summary Slips and Falls are sources of the most common injuries on a farm. Take necessary steps to reduce hazards. Know your farm and the hazards that exist. It’s important to properly train workers.
References Coping with Slips, Trips, and Falls in Farming Enterprises – Ladders, Lifting and Falls – Preventing Work Place Falls –
For More Information OSU Ag Safety & Health The Ohio State University Ag Engineering Building 590 Woody Hayes Drive Columbus, Ohio Phone: Website:
This project was supported by the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Rural Health and Safety Education Grant Program- grant number