Pulmonary blood flow 5l/min Total pulmonary blood volume -500ml to 1000ml These volume going to be spreaded all along the alveolar capillary membrane which has 50 to 100 m² surface area
Pulmonary blood flow 5l/min Total pulmonary blood volume -500ml to 1000ml These volume going to be spreaded all along the alveolar capillary membrane which has 50 to 100 m² surface area
Due to gravitational influence the lower – dependent areas receive more blood Upper zone – nondependent areas are less per fused
ZONE-I: Only exist if Ppa very low in hypovolemia / PA in PEEP ZONE-II: Perfusion α Ppa-PA arterial-alveolar gradient ZONE-III: Perfusion α Ppa-Ppv arterial-venous gradient ZONE-IV: Perfusion α Ppa-Pist arterial-interstitial gradient Pulmonary circulation – Alveolar Perfusion Q
Ventilation is unevenly distributed in the lungs. Rt lung more ventilated than Lt lung [53% & 47%] Due to gravitational influence on intra plural pr [decreased 1cm/H2O per 3cm decrease in lung height] lower zones better ventilated
Ventilation Intra pleural pr
Ventilation pattern - V A Pleural pressure [Ppl] increased towards lower zone Constricted alveoli in lower zones & distended alveoli in upper zones More compliant alveoli towards lower zone Ventilation: distributed more towards lower zone
Upper zone: less pleural pressure, distended more & hence less compliant Lower zone: more pleural pressure, less distended, & hence more compliant Ventilation pattern - V A
V = RR x V T Minute Ventilation V = RR x V T ALVEOLAR VENTILATION-V A Volume of the inspired gas participating in alveolar gas exchange /minute is called ALVEOLAR VENTILATION-V A V A = RR x V T -V D V A = RR x V T -V D Not all inspired gas participating in alveolar gas exchange DEAD SPACE – V D Some gas remains in the non respiratory airways ANATOMIC DEAD SPACE Some gas in the non per fused /low per fused alveoli PHYSIOLOGIC DEAD SPACE
Lower zone i.e. dependent part of alveoli are better ventilated than the middle & upper zones i.e. nondependent
Dead space ventilation - wasted ventilation ventilation of unperfused alveoli Dead space V D = 2ml/kg ; 1ml /pound Dead space ratio V D / V T = 33% V D = PACO2 – PECO2 V T PACO2
Ventilation Perfusion ratio V A /Q Ventilation & Perfusion both are distributed more towards lower zone. Ventilation[V A ] less increased t0wards l0wer zone than Perfusion[Q] Perfusion more increased towards Lower zone than Ventilation Ventilation Perfusion ratio V A /Q: Less towards lower zone V A /Q VAVA Q
Ventilation Perfusion ratio V A /Q Ventilation & Perfusion both are distributed more towards lower zone. Ventilation[V A ] less increased t0wards l0wer zone than Perfusion[Q] Perfusion more increased towards Lower zone than Ventilation Ventilation Perfusion ratio V A /Q: Less towards lower zone V A /Q VAVA Q
VENTILATION PERFUSION RATIO Wasted ventilation V=normal Q=0V/Q=∞ DEAD SPACE Wasted Perfusion V=o Q= normalV/Q=0SHUNT Normal V&QV/Q=1 IDEAL ALVEOLI VVV Q Q Q
V/Q = 0.8 The overall V/Q = 0.8 [ ven=4lpm, per=5lpm] Ranges between 0.3 and 3.0 Upper zone –nondependent area has higher ≥ 1 Lowe zone – dependent area has lower ≤ 1 VP ratio indicates overall respiratory functional status of lung V/Q = 0 SHUNT V/Q = 0 means,no ventilation-called SHUNT V/Q = ∞ DEAD SPACE V/Q = ∞ means,no perfusion – called DEAD SPACE Ventilation Perfusion ratio VA/Q
Means – Wasted perfusion Shunt – 1. Absolute Shunt : Anatomical shunts – V/Q = 0 2. Relative shunt : under ventilated lungs –V/Q ≤ 1 Shunt estimated as Venous Admixture Venous Admixture expressed as a fraction of total cardiac output Qs/Qt Qs = CcO2-CaO2 Qs = CcO2-CaO2 Qt CcO2-CvO2 Qt CcO2-CvO2 Normal shunt- Physiologic shunt < 5% Q V V/Q<1
SHUNTS have different effects on arterial PCO 2 (PaCO 2 ) than on arterial PO 2 (PaO 2 ). Blood passing through under ventilated alveoli tends to retain its CO 2 and does not take up enough O 2. Blood traversing over ventilated alveoli gives off an excessive amount of CO 2, but cannot take up increased amount of O 2 because of the shape of the oxygen-hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) dissociation curve. Hence, a lung with uneven V̇P relationships can eliminate CO 2 from the over ventilated alveoli to compensate for the under ventilated alveoli. Thus, with Shunt, PACO 2 -to-PaCO 2 gradients are small, and PAO 2 -to- PaO 2 gradients are usually large.
PAO 2 is directly related to FIO 2 in normal patients. PAO 2 and FIO 2 also correspond to PaO 2 when there is little to no shunt. With no S/T, a linear increase in FIO 2 results in a linear increase in PaO 2. As the shunt is increased, the S/T lines relating FIO 2 to PaO 2 become progressively flatter. With a shunt of 50% of QT, an increase in FIO 2 results in almost no increase in PaO 2. The solution to the problem of hypoxemia secondary to a large shunt is not increasing the FIO 2, but rather causing a reduction in the shunt (fiberoptic bronchoscopy, PEEP, patient positioning, antibiotics, suctioning, diuretics).
PAO 2 is directly related to FIO 2 in normal patients. PAO 2 and FIO 2 also correspond to PaO 2 when there is little to no shunt. With no S/T, a linear increase in FIO 2 results in a linear increase in PaO 2. As the shunt is increased, the S/T lines relating FIO 2 to PaO 2 become progressively flatter. With a shunt of 50% of QT, an increase in FIO 2 results in almost no increase in PaO 2. The solution to the problem of hypoxemia secondary to a large shunt is not increasing the FIO 2, but rather causing a reduction in the shunt (fiberoptic bronchoscopy, PEEP, patient positioning, antibiotics, suctioning, diuretics).
DEAD SPACE Not all inspired gas participating in alveolar gas exchange DEAD SPACE – V D Some gas remains in the non respiratory airways ANATOMIC DEAD SPACE Some gas in the non per fused /low per fused alveoli PHYSIOLOGIC DEAD SPACE
Means – Wasted Ventilation Vd/Vt Dead Space estimated as ratio Vd/Vt Dead space expressed as a fraction of total tidal volume Vd/Vt Vd = PACO2-PECO2 Vd = PACO2-PECO2 Vt PACO2 Vt PACO2 Normal dead space ratio < 33% Q V V/Q= ∞
1. SHUNT RATIO Qs = CcO2-CaO2 Qt CcO2-CvO2 2. MODIFIED = CcO2-CaO2 [CcO2-CaO2]+4 PcO2=PAO2 PAO2=PiO2-PaCO2/0.8 =FiO2x6 PiO2 =PB-PH2OxFiO2 CaO2 = O2 carried by Hb + Dissolved O2 in plasma = 1.34 x Hb% x SaO x PaO2 CcO2-Pulmonary end capillary O2 content CaO2-Arterial O2 content CvO2-Mixed venous O2 content
QUANTIFICATION - SHUNT 3. ALVEOLAR – ARTERIAL O2 GRADIENT : PAO2-PaO2 Varies with FiO2 & age 7-14 to 31-56mm Hg 4. ARTERIAL – ALVEOLAR RATIO : PaO2/PAO2 FiO2 independent >0.75 -normal acceptable – poor < 0.20 –very poor
QUANTIFICATION - SHUNT 5. ARTERIAL O2 INSPIRED O2 RATIO : PaO2/FiO2 Normally >500mmHg Acceptable P00r Terminal <100 LI Score: <300ALI, <200ARDS SAPS 2
QUANTIFICATION – DEAD SPACE Vd = PACO2-PECO2 1. Vd = PACO2-PECO2 Vt PACO2 Vt PACO2 2. MV x PaCO2 Body Wt <5 -normal >8 increased dead space 3. PaCo2- EtCO2 GRADIENT 2-5 mmHg
V̇P inequalities have different effects on arterial PCO 2 (PaCO 2 ) than on arterial PO 2 (PaO 2 ). Blood passing through under ventilated alveoli tends to retain its CO 2 and does not take up enough O 2. Blood traversing over ventilated alveoli gives off an excessive amount of CO 2 but cannot take up a proportionately increased amount of O 2 because of the flatness of the oxygen-hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) dissociation curve in this region. Hence, a lung with uneven V̇P relationships can eliminate CO 2 from the over ventilated alveoli to compensate for the under ventilated alveoli. Thus, with uneven V̇P relationships, PACO 2 -to-PaCO 2 gradients are small, and PAO 2 -to-PaO 2 gradients are usually large.