GEOMETRIC POTTERY Greek Pottery 1050-700 BC
Geometric Pottery Enduring Understanding: Though the Greek civilization experienced a Dark Age from 1150-750 BC, archaeologically, they produced quite a lot of material. It is evident that the Greek civilization continued to advance even through this Dark Age.
GEOMETRIC POTTERY History: Between 1200-1000 BC, most pottery was influenced by the Dorians,a simple group of people from Europe who took over Greece. Their forms of pottery were simple, uneven shapes. By 1050 BC, a new style began to develop. It is called Geometric style. But the earliest stage of this new style of pottery was called Proto-Geometric (1000-900 BC).
GEOMETRIC POTTERY Different Types of Pottery: USAGE KRATER: Large Mixing container for water with Wine KYLIX: shallow, circular, 2 handled drinking cup on narrow stem HYDRIA: large 3 handled jar for carrying water. One handle for pouring, 2 for lifting. OINOCHOE: small pitcher used for pouring wine into cups
GEOMETRIC POTTERY Different Types of Pottery: USAGE AMPHORA: tall, 2 handled storage jar for oil, wine, dry goods such as grain.
GEOMETRIC POTTERY DORIAN POTTERY: Crude in design and uneven in terms of symmetry
Periods of Geometric Pottery Proto-Geometric Period: 1050-900 BC Early Geometric Period: 900-850 BC Middle Geometric Period: 850-800 BC Late Geometric Period: 800-700 BC
Periods of Geometric Pottery More complexity over time Late Geometric 800-700 Middle Geometric 850-800 Early Geometric 900-850 Proto-Geometric 1050-900 BC
GEOMETRIC POTTERY History Proto-Geometric Period: 1050-900 BC Made on a wheel Decoration on pots: black bands, wavy lines, simple geometric shapes. Principally concentric circles and half circles. Careful attention was given to relationship between decoration and shape of pot. Signaled a reawakening of technical proficiency in Greece
GEOMETRIC POTTERY PROTO-GEOMETRIC STYLE: 1050-900 BC Proto-Geometric neck handled amphora Proto-Geometric belly-handled amphora Neck handle Half circles Belly Handle Wavy Lines Simple bands
GEOMETRIC POTTERY PROTO-GEOMETRIC STYLE: Notice: dark colors painted on lighter body. Proto-Geometric neck handled amphora Proto-Geometric belly handled amphora
GEOMETRIC POTTERY Geometric Period: 900-700 BC Increasing variety of design on pots More coverage on pot. Lots of lines and patterns. Complexity of design increases: simple figures of animals then later, humans appear. Bodies and limbs represented by triangles. Some patterns recall those on baskets, clothes, a “weave pattern”.
GEOMETRIC POTTERY Geometric Period: Black painted over a lighter body. Depictions of humans and animals are conceptual rather than representational. Human figures reduced to geometric shapes. Upper bodies are triangles. Rest of body in profile. Subject matter: battle scenes or funeral scenes.
GEOMETRIC POTTERY Geometric Period: Large amphora with handles attached to neck were also used for the cremated remains of men and boys. Large jars, Kraters, with handles attached to belly could also be used for the cremated remains of women and girls. Shapes: zig-zag, cross-hatched, triangles, the meander and swastika. General rule: size of figure denotes its importance. Some Kraters served as grave monuments. Holes at the bottom allowed the liquid poured in to seep into the ground for the dead.
GEOMETRIC POTTERY Early Geometric Style: 900-850 BC Different shapes Early Geometric Grave group 900-850 BC
Early Geometric 900-850 BC
GEOMETRIC POTTERY Middle Geometric Style: 850-800 BC MG Belly handled Amphora (850-800 BC MG Horse handled Pyxis Notice the growth and variety of shapes
GEOMETRIC POTTERY Geometric Style: Late Geometric 800-700 BC. Diplyon amphora/grave marker 760-750 BC Diplyon Krater/grave marker 750-740 BC Triangular human figures Funeral scene Battle scene
GEOMTETRIC POTTERY Geometric Style: Late Geometric 800-700 BC Detail of Figures from pots
GEOMETRIC POTTERY Geometric Style: Late Geometric 800-700 BC. Detail of figures from pots
GEOMETRIC POTTERY Geometric pottery with its shapes and depictions of humans and animals is one step toward a more realistic view of life.
Periods of Geometric Pottery More complexity over time Which periods are these pots from?