In Modern Publication Design Compiled by Dianne Smith, CJE Alief Hastings High School Houston, TX
Part III:
A type family generally has three variations on the regular face: italic, bold, and bold italic.
Some type families have more variations, such as condensed, light, semibold and extended. Times Garamond Myriad
Leading is the distance between lines of type and is measured in points. During the days of metal type, printers inserted extra strips of lead between long lines of text to make them easier to read. Leading There is too much leading in this sample
Leading Too much spacing causes the eye to jump from line to line. Leading is the distance between lines of type and is measured in points. During the days of metal type, printers inserted extra strips of lead between long lines of text to make them easier to read.
Leading Leading is the distance between lines of type and is measured in points. During the days of metal type, printers inserted extra strips of lead between long lines of text to make them easier to read. However, for special effect, it may be desirable to insert extra space between lines. We call this “extra leading”.
Leading In this sample the lines are spaced too close together. Leading is the distance between lines of type and is measured in points. During the days of metal type, printers inserted extra strips of lead between long lines of text to make them easier to read.
Leading At times it may be desirable, for effect, to set lines close together, with no spacing in between. This is called “set solid”. Leading is the distance between lines of type and is measured in points. During the days of metal type, printers inserted extra strips of lead between long lines of text to make them easier to read.
Leading In this sample, the text is easier to read because there is proper leading between the lines. Leading is the distance between lines of type and is measured in points. During the days of metal type, printers inserted extra strips of lead between long lines of text to make them easier to read.
To CAP or Not to Cap Text set in all capital letters (all caps) is not as easy to read as text set in a more traditional fashion. It can be used for emphasis or special effects, but should be used sparingly. THIS IS SET IN ALL CAPS. This is set in upper and lower case.
Justification Justification refers to how the type is set…flush left (ragged right), flush right, or fully justified.
Justification There is a difference of opinion about whether justified or ragged right (justified left) is best for body copy.
Justification Justified type has uneven word spacing and even line widths. Ragged right has even word spacing and uneven line widths. Justified type usually is hyphenated. (In other words, hyphens are used to break words between lines.) Justified type without hyphenation suffers from excessive word spacing. Ragged right type may or may not be hyphenated. Even when ragged right type is hyphenated, it usually has fewer broken words than justified type.
Justification Uneven word spacing but even line spacing Even word spacing, but uneven line spacing
Justification Hyphenated words are common Less hyphenation due to fewer broken words
Justification Factors to consider when choosing which style to use: 1. READABILITY. According to one study, ragged right type is easier to read for about 7 out of 10 people. Other studies find little difference in readability. 2. SUITABILITY. Which style will create the most suitable image for your publication? Justified creates a quiet, traditional, formal look. Ragged right creates a more active, contemporary, informal look.
Justification Factors to consider when choosing which style to use: 3. PRODUCIBILITY. Today's software can easily produce both justified and ragged right type. 4. LINE WIDTH. If your lines are very narrow, ragged right usually works best. When type is justified in a short line, big holes often appear between words. 5. SPACE. How much space do you have? On average, justified copy usually fills about 3 percent less space than the same copy set ragged right.
Sometimes, setting type flush right, ragged left, can be effective, such as for a caption. However, you should never set more than 5-7 lines of type ragged left because readers find more than that irritating. With rapid-fire precision, colorful balloons fill the skies of Albuquerque, N.M., during the annual fall festival. Caption is set ragged left, allowing right edge of type to line up with left margin of the photograph.
Vertical Type Type set vertically (up and down) is very hard to read. YUCK!
Vertical Type Type set vertically (up and down) is very hard to read. Ptooey!
Part III: Type Variations
1. Most type families have variations from the normal face, including bold, italic and bold italic. Some type families have even more variations which give even more flexibility.
2. Most designers agree that no more than two typefaces or four variants of a single typeface should be used together.
3. Text can be set flush left- ragged right; fully justified; centered; or flush right-ragged left. Large blocks of body text should be set either fully justified or flush left, depending on the effect you want to achieve.
4. Centered text blocks should be reserved for special presentations, such as poetry, short pull-out quotes, advertising.
5. Flush right-ragged left text can be used to line up against another object on the page, such as a caption next to a photograph.
6. Type should never be set vertically as it is too hard to read. If it is necessary to set type along one side of the page, it would be better to rotate horizontal type so that it appears on its side.
6. Type should never be set vertically as it is too hard to read. If it is necessary to set type along one side of the page, it would be better to rotate horizontal type so that it appears on its side. TYPE
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