PPTG Thin Overlays Task Group (TOADS) Team Overlay Asphalt Debaters Presented by Basem Muallem (CT) - Tony Limas (Industry) April 19, 2005
Toads Initial Meetings Caltrans co chair –Bill Moses Elected industry co chairs –Skip Brown (no relation to Lance) –Tony Limas (Back Up)
Toads Initial Meetings Requested input from TG members –Outlined issues and priorities –Proposed changes to specifications –Discuss current state of pavements in CA
TOADS Initial Work Plan Prioritize the Issues Set time tables to address issues TG to provide recommendations to Caltrans Caltrans shall consider and approve several recommendations to be successful with thin lift pavements Safety for the public and employees will be enhanced
Issues Received from Task Group Issue: Specifications require maximum aggregate size in HMA mixture too large for specified lift thickness resulting in mat segregation and excessive in-place air voids Specifications require maximum aggregate size in HMA mixture too large for specified lift thickness resulting in mat segregation and excessive in-place air voidsRecommendation: Select maximum aggregate size in accordance with industry standards to: Select maximum aggregate size in accordance with industry standards to: –Attain target air voids to slow oxidation and reduce stripping potential –Reduce permeability in mat and at joints –Minimize segregation –Provide longer life pavements
Industry Standard Industry Standard “if the nominal maximum aggregate size exceeds one third of the compacted lift thickness of the pavement layer, the surface texture of the “if the nominal maximum aggregate size exceeds one third of the compacted lift thickness of the pavement layer, the surface texture of the mix can be affected, and the degree of density of the mix obtained by compaction may be reduced.”
Industry Standard Industry Standard “the layer thickness should be should be equal to or greater than three times the nominal maximum aggregate size.” “the layer thickness should be should be equal to or greater than three times the nominal maximum aggregate size.”
Recommended Lift Thickness for Quality Pavements 19-mm Maximum Medium requires a 57-mm to 76-mm lift thickness 12.5-mm Maximum Medium requires a 38-mm to 50-mm lift thickness 9.5-mm Maximum requires a 29-mm to 38-mm lift thickness
Issues Continued Issue: Newer non-nuclear (electrical impedance) density gauges are replacing nuclear density gauges in the industry. Caltrans does not allow the use of the newer non-nuclear gauges. Newer non-nuclear (electrical impedance) density gauges are replacing nuclear density gauges in the industry. Caltrans does not allow the use of the newer non-nuclear gauges.Recommendation Caltrans should seriously consider adopting existing test procedures and modify specifications to accept the use of non-nuclear density gauges. Caltrans should seriously consider adopting existing test procedures and modify specifications to accept the use of non-nuclear density gauges.
Issues Continued Issue: Contractors are not using pneumatic tire rollers on thin lift overlays when paving over rutted and/or uneven substrates. Contractors are not using pneumatic tire rollers on thin lift overlays when paving over rutted and/or uneven substrates.Recommendation: Encourage the utilization of pneumatic tire rollers on thin lift overlays (Except for ARHM) when paving over a rutted and/or uneven substrates. Encourage the utilization of pneumatic tire rollers on thin lift overlays (Except for ARHM) when paving over a rutted and/or uneven substrates.
Issues Continued Issue: HMA bid quantities are based on the specified lift thickest resulting in significant underuns and insufficient layer thickness when the pavement substrate is rutted or uneven. HMA bid quantities are based on the specified lift thickest resulting in significant underuns and insufficient layer thickness when the pavement substrate is rutted or uneven. Recommendation: Recommendation: Base bid quantities on the thinnest or median lift thickness anticipated to eliminate significant underuns. Base bid quantities on the thinnest or median lift thickness anticipated to eliminate significant underuns.
Issues Continued Issue: The single ambient temperature spec (50°F min.) is not (by itself) adequate to determine if there will be adequate time to compact the pavement to the desired density (in-place air voids). The single ambient temperature spec (50°F min.) is not (by itself) adequate to determine if there will be adequate time to compact the pavement to the desired density (in-place air voids). Recommendation: Include other factors to determine if the compaction window is reasonable. Include other factors to determine if the compaction window is reasonable.
MultiCool Software Program computes the time available for compaction. MultiCool Software Program computes the time available for compaction.Example: 300 ° F. mix temperature 300 ° F. mix temperature 50°F substrate temperature 50°F substrate temperature 50°F ambient temperature 50°F ambient temperature 5 MPH wind 5 MPH wind
2-inch Lift (Time VS. Temp)
1-inch Lift (Time VS. Temp)
A 2-inch lift takes approximately 25 minute to reach cessation temperature A 1-inch lift takes approximately 10 minutes to reach cessation temperature Under Similar Conditions:
Other Considerations for Thin Lift AC Paving: –Coordinate trucking –Consider changing initial compaction temperatures –Include CQS1H in specs for a tack coat –Review all thin lift specs for needed improvements –Remove automatic screed control requirements for thin lift overlays with the exception of the joint matcher
Gather Existing Best Practices for Thin Lift Paving Utilize Existing Experiences from: –FHWA –Other DOT –Super Pave –PG Binders –NCPP –NCAT –TRB
TOADS MISSION Bring Added Value to our State by: –Constructing longer lasting Pavements –Reducing cone zone days –Making California pavements safer –Makes the movement of goods and services more efficient. (Vital to California's Economy) Thank you, and be safe!