Careful logging Where do loggers fit in the process of managing our working forest?
Careful Logging What is it? AWARENESS –Being aware of the environmental reason why we log the way we do. –Being aware of the potential impacts logging has on soil, water and the ecosystem. –Being aware of the environmental conditions and adjusting operations depending on conditions to minimize potential impacts.
How do we manage the forest? Make a plan Implement the plan Assess what we did Evaluate if we are meeting the plan Report to the landowners Adjust if necessary
Who owns the land? Public accountability –Social –Economic –Environmental Defines the health of A working forest Society needs to feel confident there is a healthy working forest returning
How do we inform the public? We report on: –Biological diversity –Ecosystem condition and productivity –Forest soils and water resources –Contributions to global cycles –Economic and social benefits –Social responsibilities and public involvement –How we adapt to new information and continue to improve our practices Most influenced by logging activities
Where do we start? We need to set a starting point or a benchmark These are typically in the form of standards, guidelines (e.g. buffer strips or skid trail coverage) Standards and guidelines are enforced by federal and provincial legislation for the protection of the public interest.
What do we measure? Soils: Maintenance of Quantity and Quality –Compliance with localized standards or guidelines Water: Un-natural downstream flow and water quality degradation. Harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat. –Compliance with standards and guidelines.
Planning Objectives 10 Yr Forest Management Plan (FMP) Annual Work Schedules Silviculture Planning, (i.e. ground rules) Protection of Values –(i.e. areas of concern, maintaining ecosystem values) Pre-harvest Assessment & Block Layout
Implementation What are the objectives? Or Why do you do what you do?
Implementation Silviculture Silviculture: Harvest Methods –Clearcut systems: Conventional (emulate natural disturbance pattern) Strip/block (seed, wildlife, site protection, aesthetics) Patch (seed, wildlife, site protection, aesthetics) Seed-tree (provide seed source) Claag (protection of advanced regeneration – even-aged) HARP (protection of advanced regeneration – uneven-aged) –Shelterwood (mainly white pine silviculture) –Selection (uneven aged management)
Implementation Silviculture Silviculture: Logging Methods –Full-tree Logging sometimes a site nutrient concern, but can make follow-up silviculture easier. More favourable for aspen suckering. –Tree-length Logging Slash may offer some soil protection and greater amounts of natural seed available, however seedling establishment may not be as expected. –Cut-to-length / shortwood Slash mats offer soil protection. Natural regeneration could be clumpy.
Implementation Protection of Values Protection through Standards and Guidelines Silviculture Guides: –NR (not recommended practice – restricted to frozen ground) –Cautions (be careful of saturated conditions) –Hazard Potentials (may expect some difficulty) Soil
Implementation Protection of Values - Soil
Implementation Protection of Values - Water Protected by Standards, Guidelines, DFO regulations, riparian code of practice, fish guides…. –Buffers around water No machine zones No soil disturbance zones No harvest zones
Assessment (Industry self compliance, with MNR Audit checks) FOIPs (Industry self compliance, with MNR Audit checks) Independent Forest Audits – Maintain SFL Certification Audits – maintains SFI, CSA, FSC … certification – makes product marketable
Evaluation and Reporting Corporate Evaluation: (Industry & MNR Districts) –FMP/Annual Reports –Silviculture Effectiveness –Continuous Improvement –Audits (IFA, Certification) State of the Forest Report (MNR Forest Management Branch) –Mandatory –Address stakeholder interest –Must be clear and transparent
Adjust Why might the rules change? –As more information becomes available a more appropriate standard or guideline may become available –There may be a need to shift the balance of the three pillars of sustainability: Social Economic Ecological