MDG UPDATE October, 2012
Progress on MDG’s: key trends and concerns Since 2000 the progress was significant but uneven; Recent economic crisis has not undermined the progress significantly; Key risks: global and regional economic outlook (growth/remittances); budgetary austerity vs. human development priorities; food & energy prices; climate vulnerability (agriculture) Key concerns: new drivers of economic growth; inclusion (urban-rural divide, gender) and sustainability; lack of reliable data in certain areas
MDG progress: confusing traffic lights MDG 1. Reduce extreme poverty and hunger MDG 2. Achieve universal access to general compulsory education MDG 3. Promote gender equality and empower women MDG 4. Reduce child mortality MDG 5. Improve maternal health MDG 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and other diseases MDG 7. Ensure environmental sustainability MDG 8. Develop a global partnership for development
Poverty down, but… Poverty has been continuously slowing (21.9% in 2010 vs. 30.2% in 2006) Key drivers: remittances and rising incomes from agriculture (2010) Still predominantly rural phenomenon (80%), children are hit particularly hard (24.2%) Risk group: rural, lower educated households, with big number of children
“But’s” continued Children from these households - lower level of gross enrollment into compulsory education – lower access to health care and higher risk of mortality - “path dependency”? No gender discrepancies Sustainable access to sewerage 54.6% in 2011 vs. target of 65% in High inequality: rural up to 90% of havenot’s
Gender in focus Progress on gender equality is uneven Moldovan women are mostly employed in low- paying jobs and occupy lower positions in the job hierarchy Politically under-represented (electable and executive function, central and local) Wage gap falling but still big (74.4%): lower paid sectors, lower paid positions
HIV/AIDS and TB: uphill battle? HIV incidence/TB trends in general population and adults aged erratic; Generally high (17.6 cases per 100,000 vs. target of 8; vs 10), but particularly in Transnistria TB treatment rate (success in treatment) is low (54% of new cases, 34% of re-treated)
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