Welcome to Music! By Mrs. Perry
Did you know that making music is a lot like cooking?
When you cook it is important to read the recipe and gather the ingrediants.
Music has a recipe,too! Recipe for Music The 5 Elements of Music 1.Rhythm 2.Melody 3.Harmony 4.Form 5.Tone Color
The BEAT is the foundation of music. The beat is STEADY like a heartbeat. The RHYTHM is uneven. It is made of: Sounds Silence
Sound is shown by a NOTE ~ Silence is shown by a REST Each NOTE has a REST of the same value Whole note 4 beats Whole rest Half note 2 beats Half rest Quarter note 1 beat Quarter rest Eighth note ½ beat Eighth rest Sixteenth note ¼ beat Sixteenth rest
The MELODY of a song is the collection of PITCHES that make up the TUNE of the song. The PITCH of a note is the highness or lowness of the note. PITCHES can move in three ways: Downward Upward Repeat
The Staff Notes of higher pitches are placed higher on the staff. Notes of lower pitches are laced lower on the staff.
HARMONY occurs when 2 or more sounds are heard at the same time. HARMONY can be created many different ways. HARMONY adds texture to music.
We will make HARMONY in many different ways. Ostinati Rounds Partner Songs Chords ~Playing Autoharps and Ukuleles
Look around and you will see that our world is full of patterns. Music is no different. We call the patterns in music FORM.
ABAB We label sections of songs with letters. Sections that sound the same are labeled with the same letter. Here are some song forms: ABAABAABCABC ABACADAABACADA
Which instrument would you use for a lullaby? Yes! The FLUTE!! TONE COLOR simply means that different instruments and voices have their own unique sound.
This year we will be learning about and playing many different instruments. Each instrument and voice has its own tone color.
Let’s Mix-Up some good music this year! Tone Color Form Harmony Rhythm Melody