Talis Linkaits Head of VASAB Secretariat Balticness 9 May 2008, Vilnius.


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Presentation transcript:

Talis Linkaits Head of VASAB Secretariat Balticness 9 May 2008, Vilnius

VASAB is a network of 11 countries on the ministerial level for spatial planning and monitoring of spatial development, fostering common discussion and establishing forum to create spatial framework for cooperation within the Baltic Sea Region VISION AND STRATEGIES AROUND THE BALTIC SEA

 Permanent co-operation since 1992 to develop common spatial vision of the Baltic Sea Region  Covers all countries bordering the Baltic Sea, plus Belarus „Old“ EU members (DK, SE, FIN, DE) „New“ EU members (PL, LT, LV, EE) Non-EU members (RUS, BY, NO) + RU and DE regions  Since 1994 ministers are supported by permanent Committee on Spatial Development (CSD) and Secretariat  Since 2007 Secretariat located in Riga  Latvian chairmanship July 2007 – June 2008 VISION AND STRATEGIES AROUND THE BALTIC SEA

Vision and Strategies around the Baltic Sea 2010 Tallinn 1994 Vision and Strategies around the Baltic Sea 2010 I. Pearls Urban network of international importance II. Strings Effective and sustainable links between cities III. Patches Areas supporting dynamism and quality of life IV. System Comprehensive spatial planning in function

on key issues of sustainable development 1. Co-operation of urban regions on key issues of sustainable development Strategic important for transnational integration within the BSR 2. Strategic spatial development zones important for transnational integration within the BSR Transnational important for cross-BSR and cross-Europe integration 3. Transnational transport links important for cross-BSR and cross-Europe integration Diversification and strengthening of rural areas 4. Diversification and strengthening of rural areas Development of transnational including cultural landscapes 5. Development of transnational green networks including cultural landscapes Integrated development of and islands 6. Integrated development of coastal zones and islands VASAB Spatial Development Action Programme Spatial Development Action Programme Wismar 2001 It supported via Baltica, via Hanseatica and Rail Baltic

Encouragement to update the vision of long-term territorial development of the Region together with the relevant regional stakeholders Decision to prepare a long-term perspective for the spatial development of the Baltic Sea Region (LTP) under active participation of the regional authorities and in a dialogue with relevant pan-Baltic organizations Council of the Baltic Sea States - Communiqué June th Conference of Ministers responsible for Spatial Planning and Development in the BSR - Gdansk Declaration of September 2005 Main Task – Long Term Perspective for the Region

Seminar in Pärnu on April 2006 WG1 - Urban and urban-rural networking WG1 - Urban and urban-rural networking WG2 - Accessibility and transnational development zones WG2 - Accessibility and transnational development zones WG3 - Sea use planning and ICZM WG3 - Sea use planning and ICZM The work on the LTP started Prioritized key three themes – LTP Working Groups Involvement of BSR Stakeholders Conference in Warsaw on 6-7 November 2006 Conference in Warsaw on 6-7 November 2006 RU Stakeholder conference in St.Petersburg on October 2007 Conference in Riga on 23 April 2008

- Screening of the national long term transport strategies - Analysis of accessibility and regional development potentials in the Baltic Sea Region BSR Internal accessibility BSR Internal accessibility European accessibility European accessibility Access to global networks –BSR in the world Access to global networks –BSR in the world Energy Energy Accessibility to ICT networks Accessibility to ICT networks Screening of the relevant INTERREG projects Screening of the relevant INTERREG projects ANALYSIS PERFORMED BY LTP WG 2

▫Climate change ▫ Climate change ▫ Change of the BSR from a peripheral location to a strategic ▫ Change of the BSR from a peripheral location to a strategic one and taking advantage of this location one and taking advantage of this location ▫Humanization of globalization ▫ Humanization of globalization ▫Diversification of energy sources ▫ Diversification of energy sources ▫Intensive and incoherent use of the Baltic Sea ▫ Intensive and incoherent use of the Baltic Sea ▫Depopulation of rural areas ▫ Depopulation of rural areas ▫ Unexpected transport growth and urban sprawl ▫ Unexpected transport growth and urban sprawl ▫Explosive growth of underground and underwater ▫ Explosive growth of underground and underwater New challenges: New challenges:

23 April 2008, Riga BSR peripheral Lower population potential Remote geographical position Is it an obstacle for development in the BSR?

BSR has strong connections to the most important global players

23 April 2008, Riga How is the BSR integrated with the rest of Europe? Role of air connections Potential role of rail connections

23 April 2008, Riga How is the BSR integrated with the rest of Europe? Role of air connections Potential role of rail network

23 April 2008, Riga Road networks Fragmented motorway and highway network Dense but uneven secondary road network

Are all BSR zones sufficiently connected?

Conclusions by VASAB WG2, A.Dubois, Nordregio Integration of the accessibility issues at different scales Importance of air and ferry connections for internal and global integration Adaptation of regional accessibility strategies to the territorial structure Management of the increase of future mobility needs (more infrastructure? Better use of existing?)

The Baltic Sea Region is a sustainable, integrated, well-functioning and safe part of Europe with the Baltic Sea as a common asset, which we all cherish The Baltic Sea Region is well-connected internally as well as with the rest of Europe and the world, creating benefits from global partnerships and sound development of its surrounding neighbors The Baltic Sea Region is a model of efficient cooperation between creative, well-educated inhabitants, strong regions and institutions benefiting from human capital, natural and cultural diversity and ensuring life quality in urban and rural areas Proposed draft VISION 2030 Proposed draft VISION 2030

For further information visit VASAB Secretariat in Riga Elizabetes str.19, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia Tel: , Fax: