Session III: Wakiso District Presentation, Ugamda 2 Back ground to district response. The integrated multi-sectoral approach to HIV/AIDS prevention in Wakiso was launched with the support from UACP in August District HIV/AIDS Focal Point & DHAC were established. An integrated Workplan was submitted for funding of district HIV/AIDS Initiatives CSOs, private sector and district sectors can access funds for HIV/AIDS Initiatives under the District HIV/AIDS Initiatives component Communities can access fund for community Led HIV/AIDS initiatives through the CHAI component. Over 300 applications received under CHAI. Implementation has been constrained by Cash Flow crisis experienced by UACP.
Session III: Wakiso District Presentation, Ugamda 3 The initial district response. The initial response was poor and haphazard Had no bench marks for important indicators on HIV/AIDS Did not know which NGOs, CBOs and Private Sector were providing which services where. There was a lot of duplication of efforts due to lack of co-ordination. Services tended to be concentrated in areas with easy access while some areas were totally left out (uneven distribution of services). Concentrated on the external response and no internal response The workplan was hurriedly put in place, there was no time for wide consultations
Session III: Wakiso District Presentation, Ugamda 4 Improvements made in the district response. Initiated integrated action planning with NGOs, CBOs and Private Sector. Did two baseline surveys, District Panning Unit Survey (April 2003) and Local Quality Assurance Survey (LQAS, November 2003) to provide benchmark indictors. Focusing resources and actions on selected priority indicators where we are below National average and priority Counties where bench marks are below average. Gaps in service provision have been identified, especially in the areas of VCT,PMTCT provision of Orphans support and plans to address these put in place. Distribution of services within the district is also being addressed A workplace subcommittee has been proposed to direct the internal response strategy.
Session III: Wakiso District Presentation, Ugamda 5 Implementation of the district Response The District response is implemented at two levels District Level :- by district level sectors & departments, NGOs,CBOs and private Sector.The main intervention areas are:- –IEC & advocacy –Condom promotion and education –provision of VCT, PMTCT, STI & OIs care Services –Training of Counsellors and counselling Aides –Planning, Supervision and monitoring. –Support to community HIV/AIDS initiatives Community level. –Community Education and sensitisation –Home based care –Support to PWLHA, Orphans and Widows –Education of orphans
Session III: Wakiso District Presentation, Ugamda 6 Funding of the district Response UACP has been and is still the main funder of the district HIV/AIDS response. –UACP has provided a Motorvehicle, Computers and IEC equipment –Provides funds for both district and Community initiatives. Support is expected from Uphold a USAID funded project –Uphold is going to support the expansion of VCT and PMTCT services over the next three years.
Session III: Wakiso District Presentation, Ugamda 7 How are funds accessed District departments, NGOs, CBOs & Private sector access funds for activities which are agreed upon during the planning workshop and have been included in the integrated Annual workplan. Communities to access funds have to submit the prescribed application forms, which are then appraised, approved by the DHAC and submitted to UACP for funding. Funds are released to the district for transmission to the Communities. All funds are released on a quarterly basis. All implementers are required to accounted for the Funds received.
Session III: Wakiso District Presentation, Ugamda 8 Responsibilities of the District HIV/AIDS Task Force (DHAT)-(Policy team) DHAT is responsible for the Advocacy – sustain commitment for attention to HIV/AIDS issues Partnership development- ensure participation of all sectors in appropriate fora Knowledge Management Policy formulation, interpretation & ensure implementation Planning, review and approval of plans Resources Mobilisation, ensuring timely flow of funds and accountability
Session III: Wakiso District Presentation, Ugamda 9 Responsibilities of the District HIV/AIDS Committee(DHAC- Technical team) DHAC is responsible for the Development of integrated work plans Submits plans to DAT Approves the community HIV/AIDS Initiatives Oversees the implementation of the plans Monitors and Evaluates the programs being implemented.
Session III: Wakiso District Presentation, Ugamda 10 Responsibilities of the District Focal Point DFP is responsible for the Organisation of the planning workshop Compiling the integrated annual workplan Quarterly requisition and Disbursement of funds Compiling accountabilities for the funds from the IAs Co-ordinating Implementation of activities by the IAs Submission of quarterly reports Organising for the Review of Implementation programs
Session III: Wakiso District Presentation, Ugamda 11 Responsibilities of the Implementing Agencies The Implementing Agencies ( District departments, CBOs, NGOs, Private Sector or Communities) are responsible for the ensuring that their activities are included in the district integrated annual workplan. Implement activities agreed upon during the planning workshop. Submit status report on programs being implemented Account for the funds and other resources utilised promptly Document lessons learnt during the implementation and disseminate best practices to other IAs
Session III: Wakiso District Presentation, Ugamda 12 FOCUS FOR THE DISTRICT DURING THE FY The IEC campaign will focus on Promoting Awareness, knowledge and the use of VCT, PMTCT & STI services. Promoting behavioural changes, safer sex practices and condom use in high risk groups including the sex workers, Fishermen, communities around fish landing sites and army units. Promoting life skills, Abstinence, delayed sexual activity among the youth. Improve capacity to provide VCT and PMTCT services through opening new centres, training health workers, counsellors and counselling aides. Promotion of Condom use, training of distribution focal persons and establishment of a good distribution network.. Improving planning, Management and co-ordination of the district HIV/AIDS response.
Session III: Wakiso District Presentation, Ugamda 13 The end of presentation Thank you for your attention