Truman vs. Zhdanov You will hear from two leaders – one from the West and one from the East, each justifying their government and their actions in response to the other YOUR JOB: Decide which leader makes the most compelling argument and support your decision with evidence taken only from the speeches
Directions In your groups, read your document carefully As you read, highlight words and phrases used by either Truman or Zhdanov to describe themselves and each other Pick one color to highlight text that describes the US, pick one color to highlight text that describes the USSR After you’ve read and highlighted the significant terms, organize them in the table provided Come back together with your side and compare findings BE PREPARED TO SHARE YOUR FINDINGS WITH THE OTHER HALF OF THE CLASS
The Truman Doctrine US would resist Soviet expansion of communism in Europe and the rest of the world Resistance to Soviet expansion was spelled out in Truman Doctrine: “It must be the policy of the United States to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.”