Cold War Targets ACT Common Core Targets: We will….. Analyze dimensions of the Holocaust and the Allies’ response to the Holocaust and war crimes Evaluate the social, political, and economic impacts of World War II on the home front Identify and evaluate the scientific and technological developments in America during and after World War II Analyze the social, cultural, and economic changes at the onset of the Cold War era Analyze the origins of the Cold War, foreign policy developments, and major events of the administrations from Truman to present
Cold War Targets: ACT Quality Core Targets: We will….. Analyze dimensions of the Holocaust and the Allies’ response to the Holocaust and war crimes Evaluate the social, political, and economic impacts of World War II on the home front Identify and evaluate the scientific and technological developments in America during and after World War II Analyze the social, cultural, and economic changes at the onset of the Cold War era Analyze the origins of the Cold War, foreign policy developments, and major events of the administrations from Truman to present
Cold War Targets: ACT Quality Core Targets: We will….. 1. Analyze dimensions of the Holocaust and the Allies’ response to the Holocaust and war crimes. Poland, Russia, Germany 1) IKE- Document- thru Pictures, Interviews, Media Reports 2) Jewish Emigration- Zionism Israel- Displaced Persons Act in U.S. 3) Nuremberg Trials- Nazi War Crimes “We were only following orders”
Cold War Targets: ACT Quality Core Targets: We will….. 2. Evaluate the social, political, and economic impacts of World War II on the home front Baby Boomers (Charlie and Rosie Have a Family) Red Scare, Return to Normalcy Booming U.S. Economy- (Last Man Standing) 3. Identify and evaluate the scientific and technological developments in America during and after World War II Space Race- Sputnik (Math and Science) Rocket, Nuclear, Jet, Computer NASA- Vaccines
Cold War Targets: ACT Quality Core Targets: We will….. 4. Analyze the social, cultural, and economic changes at the onset of the Cold War era Suburbia, Red Scare, Conformity, TV 5. Analyze the origins of the Cold War, foreign policy developments, and major events of the administrations from Truman to present : Containment, Domino Theory, Truman Doctrine- Help those resisting Communism Marshall Plan- U.S. Rebuilds Europe, G.I. Bill- Veterans College, Loans
#Example- Who? When ? What?
Newspaper in a hurry to report the election result of 1948 incorrectly projects Thomas Dewey as the winner over Harry Truman ( first Cold War President)
#1 What? (Clue- Irish Band)
#1 U-2 Spy Plane- Shot down over the Soviet Union– Francis Gary Powers- Prisoner. U.S. denies at first we are spying on the Soviet Union.
#2 Who’s Face? When?
#2. Unpacking the head of the Statue of Liberty, 1885– Inspiration to Immigrants (migration)
#3 Who? Where?
#3. Elvis in the Army, 1958 Cold War- West Germany
#4 What?
#4 Polio- before the Vaccine
#5 Silent Film- Actor pioneer- Who?
#5 Talkie- Actor Charlie Chaplin- suspected communist- Hollywood Blacklist during the Red Scare
#6 Germany Technology: What? Where? When?
#6 Nazi Hindenburg- New Jersey- 193__
#7 Era, Year??
#7. Annette Kellerman promotes women’s right to wear a fitted one-piece bathing suit, She was arrested for indecency. - Violation of Victorian Rules
#8 Era-? What?
#8. Annie Edison Taylor, the first person to survive going over Niagara Falls in a barrel, 1901
#9 Where? Why?
#9. Baby cages used to ensure that children get enough sunlight and fresh air when living in an apartment building, ca. 1937
#10 Where? What?
#14. Disneyland Employee Cafeteria in 1961
#11 Technology- Vaccines WW2- Where?
#11. Advertisement for Atabrine, anti-malaria drug, in Papua, New Guinea during WWII- In the Pacific
#12 What? Where? When?
#12. Soldier shares a banana with a goat during the battle of Saipan, ca. 1944– Island Hopping
#13 Where? What? When?
#13. Little girl with her doll sitting in the ruins of her bombed home, London, 1940
#14 What? Where? When?
#14. Construction of the Berlin wall, 1961
#15 What Event? When?
#15. Bookstore in London ruined by an air raid, London Blitz (Battle of Britain)
#16 What Decade?- What are they doing?
#16. Measuring bathing suits – if they were too short, women would be fined, 1920′s
#17 What Event? When?
#17. Martin Luther King with his son removing a burnt cross from their front yard, Alabama
U.S. History The Cold War- ACT Targets- Writing 2. Cold War to Unit Test TUESDAY 3. Korean War Map- was due Frida 4. Cold War Review Notes Due Tuesday– I am putting the Review Slides on-line so you can study from those. –Study…. –1. Packet Box Notes –2. The Atomic Café– Finish outside of class
What to Write Line 1– What you think, observations, clues, details you see, etc…. Line 2– Specific Content Information.
#18 What? When?
#18. “Sam” A space chimp posing to camera after a successful mission to space, 1961 (Space Monkey) RIP Enos, Albert1, Albert 2
#19 What? When?
#19 Atomic Bomb Tests of the 1950’s. Curious mix of Domestic and Cold War Life.
19. Mom and son watching the mushroom cloud after an atomic test, Las Vegas, 1953
#20 Who? When did he serve as President? How did he react to the situation in Little Rock High School?
#20– He sent in Federal Troops to escort the Little Rock 9 into Little Rock High School (1957)– making sure the State National Guard and Police couldn’t block them
21. Who? What was his Doctrine of the Cold War?
21. Harry Truman – Truman Doctrine– The U.S. will help any nation that stands up to communism. Containment!!
21.The Truman Doctrine President Harry Truman “It must be the policy of the U.S. to support free peoples who are resisting attempting subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures” (Communists)
# 22 Who? What program would rebuild Europe? Why?
#22 George C. Marshall– The Marshall Plan. U.S. booming economy would rebuild Europe to keep it from falling to Communism. (Your tax dollars at work) (APUSH- mixed results. Our products, their inflation)
23. Who? What was his Deal? His Domestic Policy called…. The _________Deal
23. Who? THE FAIR DEAL– Welfare Relief, Civil Rights, Displaced Persons Act- (Domestic Policy)
#24 Who? Where? What is his Zone????
#24 Joe Stalin- Soviet Union “Buffer Zone” “The Iron Curtain”- Paranoia? Ask
How many people did Joe Stalin Kill? Stalin’s extremely brutal 30- year rule as absolute ruler of the Soviet Union featured so many atrocities, including purges, expulsions, forced displacements, imprisonment in labor camps, manufactured famines, torture and good old- fashioned acts of mass murder and massacres (not to mention World War II) that the complete toll of bloodshed will likely never be known 20 million personally responsible - 20 million more in WW2
25. Who? Where? What Wars?
#25 Gen. Douglass MacArthur – WW2 Pacific Commander, Korean War Military Leader of American Forces. He advocated using the atomic bomb in the Korean War. Fired by President Truman for insubordination.
#26. Who? What?
#26. The Rosenbergs– Accused spies during the Red Scare. Convicted of Treason and Executed.
#27 Who? Where? What?
#27. Chairman Mao Zedong– Leader of the Long March in China during the Revolution. China becomes Communist-in He didn’t get along with Stalin. APUSH- There was NO Communist Monolithic Conspiracy.
#28- The FIRST Dear Leader- What Nation? What War?
#28 Kim Il Sung- Founder of communist North Korea- Led N. Korea in the Korean War
#29- Who?– “We will….”
#29 Nakita Kruschev- Replaces Stalin (DeStalinization)– Speech at the United Nations to the United States-- “We will bury you!”
#30- Who? Where?
#30-Fidel Castro Cuba– Communist Revolution
#31 “ War on P________” LBJ When?
#31. Mother hides her face in shame after putting her children up for sale, Chicago, 1948 Prompted LBJ’s War on Poverty
#32 What? When?
#32. Austrian boy receives new shoes during WWII– (same thing happened in the Berlin Airlift)
#33 Who? When?
#33. Hitler’s officers and cadets celebrating Christmas, 1941
What the…..?
Melted and damaged mannequins after a fire at Madam Tussaud’s Wax Museum in London, 1930
34. Who? What was he known for in the Cold War 1950’s?
24. Richard Nixon– IKE’s Vice President and famous communist hunter. He ran against Kennedy in 1960 and lost. Won the Presidency in (resigned)
#35 Clue
#35. Illegal alcohol being poured out during Prohibition, Detroit, 1929
#36 Ivy Leaguers- New Jersey
#36. Princeton students after a freshman vs. sophomores snowball fight, 1893
#37 Fashion- Trend When?
#37. Suntan vending machine, 1949
#38 Sweden- What’s Up?
#38. First morning after Sweden changed from driving on the left side to driving on the right, 1967
#39 Who? What do they have in common? What Year do they have in commen?
#39 Rev.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Bobby Kennedy- Democratic Presidential Candidate Civil Rights Movement– Both assassinated 1968
#40- Who? What was his vision concerning the Race for Space? When?
40. By the end of this decade (the 1960s), we will put a man on the moon.” (We did in 1969)