Welcome to Kindergarten Ms. Wade and Ms. O’Shea
Agenda About Ms. Wade A Day in Kindergarten Goals and Curriculum Discipline Communication Parent Volunteers Questions Anticipated expenses
Nita Wade Virginia Native Attended Arlington Public Schools 3 children that graduated from ASFS Masters in Education from Marymount University
A Day in Kindergarten WEB Language arts Rotations Science City Lunch/Recess Writer’s Workshop Social Studies Snack Math Specials Dismissal Field Trips Assemblies Science is incorporated throughout the day Specials Monday and Friday P.E. Tuesdays Art Thursday Music Wednesday Library Investigation Station on a rotating basis
Goals for Students Independence Love learning/life-long learners Readers Problem solvers (use strategies) Creative and critical thinkers
Curriculum Virginia Standards of Learning Language arts: Words Their Way, Harcourt, Handwriting Without Tears, M.A.R.S. bags, shared/guided reading, interactive writing Science: ASFS science curriculum, Children’s Engineering, Harcourt Brace Series Mathematics: Investigations Social Studies: Harcourt Brace Series Report cards twice a year (January/June)
Discipline –Be Safe –Be Fair –Be Kind
Communication 4Friday Newsletter 4Notes 4 4Voic (703) ext: 99385
Parent Volunteers W.E.B. Room Parents Friday Fresh Special Projects Chaperones for Field trips Art in the classroom
Anticipated Expenses $20 party donation for October 31st Halloween party, December 21 Winter Holiday party, and February 14th Valentine’s Day party $7 October 2 field trip to Frying Pan Farm Park (adult chaperones $7) A new book for a winter holiday gift exchange Free January field trip to the APS planetarium Free February field trip to the APS planetarium $4 April 3 field trip to That's Not Magic, It's the Baird Auditorium, National History Museum. (adult chaperones $5) Free June field trip to the National Zoo Any balance from the initial $20 donation will be allocated to a year end celebration contributions of snacks to share as needed and fresh fruit/vegetables for our Friday snack