Battle of the Bulge Allied forces began to advance on Germany from the west Soviet forces advanced on Germany from the east Hitler now faces a war at 2 fronts He counterattacks in the west in hope of splitting up the British and U.S. supply lines German tanks broke through American defenses in Dec.
Battle of the Bulge Even though the Americans were caught off guard, they were able to hold off the Germans Germans had to retreat After the battle, the war began to come to an end March of 1945, Allies rolled across the Rhine River In April, 3 million Allies came from the SW, Soviets came from the east
Hitler Prepares for the End As the Allies approached Berlin, Hitler prepares for the end Marries Eva Braun Next day he and Braun commit suicide Their bodies carried outside and burned May 7, 1945 Eisenhower accepts Germany surrender V-E Day (Victory in Europe)
Victory in the Pacific Fall of 1944, Allies move onto Japan MacArthur regains the Philippines To prevent Allied advancement, Japan goes after the US fleet in the Battle of Leyte Gulf Japan uses the kamikazes as an attempt to stop the fleet
Iwo-Jima March of 1945 U.S. Marines take Iwo-Jima Took heavy losses By April, the U.S. move onto Okinawa in southern Japan Japan puts up a fight Japan looses 100,000 troops while the Americans lose 12,000
Japan Surrenders Truman realizes to take Japan may cost many American lives Truman uses a new weapon known as the atomic bomb Truman warns the Japanese Aug. 6 th the first bomb drop on Hiroshima (70-80,000 people die) Aug. 9 th bomb hits Nagasaki (70,000 killed) Japan surrenders on Sept. 2 nd