Cold War The Early Years
Cold War Containing Communism – Americans were supporting the rebuilding of Europe – Hope that relations with Soviets could be worked out – Wanted free elections in Eastern Europe Soviets refused
Cold War The Long Telegram – Soviets refusing to cooperate – George Kennan “Russian sense of insecurity” Fear of the West, intensified by communist ideas Impossible to reach any type of agreement Major economic and political weaknesses Soviet System would eventually fall apart Containment
Cold War Crisis in Iran – Soviet Troops remained in Northern Iran after WWII Stalin demanded access to Iran’s oil supplies Helped local communists establish a separate government – Upset Americans Demanded that Soviets withdraw Sent USS Missouri
The Truman Doctrine Soviets try to take over straits of Dardanelles in Turkey – Sent new aircraft carrier to join Missouri Greece – Greek Communists fighting Greek Government – America helps Britain
Truman Doctrine Truman asks Congress for $400 Million to fight Communist Aggression in Turkey and Greece Became known as the Truman Doctrine Fight Communism worldwide
The Marshall Plan Western Europe in turmoil Secretary of State George Marshall proposed the Marshall Plan – Aid to European nations to rebuild their economies Soviets and satellite nations rejected the offer – Came up with their own economic program – Further separated nations
The Marshall Plan Pumped billions of dollars to Western Europe Recovery weakened the appeal of communism
The Berlin Crisis – The debate over German reparations Soviets undermining Germany’s economy – West Germany is formed Completely separate form Soviet zone – Soviets convinced they would never get reparations Created blockade of supplies
The Berlin Crisis Berlin Airlift Americans sent supplies to West Germany Soviets lifted blockade
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization – Alliance with Western Europe – Committed to maintain peace in Europe – West Germany rearms and joins NATO Soviet’s react – Align with Eastern Europe – Warsaw Pact
East Asia China Mao Zedong – Communist leader, takes over China People’s Republic of China China and Soviets sign treaty of friendship and alliance US kept relations with Chinese Nationalists in Taiwan
The Korean War During WWII, Soviets and Americans entered Korea to disarm the Japanese – 38 th parallel Soviets control North, Americans control South After WWII, Borders stayed – Both thought they had control over Korea
The Korean War Soviets heavily armed North Korean Army – Invaded South Korea – June 25 th, 1950 Truman called on UN to intervene – UN sent troops Truman ordered General MacArthur to send troops from Japan to Korea
The Korean War Macarthur pushed back North Korean troops from South Korea Truman ordered MacArthur to go past 38 th parallel China enters the war and pushes back UN troops Macarthur demands more troops and help from Chinese Nationalists
The Korean War Truman refuses Macarthur persists Truman refuses Fires MacArthur for insubordination – Tries to commit to Limited War War fought to achieve a limited objective
The Korean War General Matthew Ridgway replaces MacArthur Along with UN Forces, push back Chinese and North Korea War dies down July 1953, peace negotiations signed 33,600 U.S. soldiers die in battle 2,800 more from disease
The Korean War First military action during Cold War Causes America to build up arms Focus on Asia, as well as Europe to contain communism Signed defense agreements with many Asian countries Including aid to French forces fighting in Vietnam