The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan Mr. Ornstein Willow Canyon High School IB History of the Americas
Answer: Who Developed the Idea of Containment? How did Containment Work?
Greece and Turkey Pro-Western Governments in Greece and Turkey were on the Verge of Collapse USSR wants Turkish Territory Soviets Support Communists in Greek Civil War
Great Britain Before WWII Great Britain Supported Greece and Turkey Militarily and Financially. Winter Can No Longer Afford to Support the Greeks and Turks
The Fear Greece and Turkey Would Fall to Soviet/Communist Influence Near East and North Africa Were Now at Risk
The Truman Doctrine March 12, 1947 Policy is Announced
The Truman Doctrine 400 Million Dollars in Aid to Greece and Turkey US Will Give Military and Financial Aid to Nations Fighting Communism
The Truman Doctrine Moral Gauntlet Bargaining over Territory is Out of the Question Conflict is Democracy vs. Totalitarianism Free Peoples vs. Oppressed Soviet Union Must Change its Policy or its System Must Collapse
Who was George Marshall? Chief of the Army During WWII Sec. of State Under Truman Well Respected
Conditions in Europe Economic Conditions were Bad in Europe After WWII Fear that Communism Could Spread in the poor Economic Conditions Helping Europe Recovery=Containing Communism
European Recovery Act/Marshall Plan
European Recovery Program/Marshall Plan Announced at Harvard on June 5, 1947 Stops Communism by attacking poverty, hunger, despair 13 Billion/Equal to 100 Billion Today Not Straight Cash/Credits to Purchase Aid Offered to Stalin
Marshall Plan
Stalin and the Marshall Plan Stalin Refuses to Accept Money Does Not Allow “Iron Curtain Countries” to accept either Isolates Communist Bloc Even More Tightens Control on Eastern Europe
Success of the Marshall Plan Western European Economies Improve Greatly 16 Countries Helped 25% Improvements in Some Countries European Industries recover: chemical, engineering, steel Reduces poverty Increases cooperation between Western Europe and the United States Communism Never Gets Popular
Criticisms/Revisionist Did Truman Show a True Picture of the Communist Threat in Greece and Turkey? Did Truman Provoke Stalin? Was Truman Looking to Save his Poll Numbers?
Criticisms/Conservative Did Truman Unconstitutionally Increase Presidential Power? Did Laissez-faire Capitalism Help Western Europe more than the Marshall Plan? What is one revisionist criticism of the Truman Doctrine?
Ticket Out the Door What was the goal of the Marshall Plan? What two countries were helped by the Truman Doctrine?