By : Leah Eng
Policy of Containment This includes Four main topics. Does anyone know these Four topics? Domino Effect Iron Curtain Speech Marshall Plan Truman Doctrine
Does anyone know what this is?
The Domino Effect Took place during the 1950s to 1980s. This effect is mainly about communism. It says that if one country has communism as there government then the countries surrounding it will become communism. When the counties would follow to communism it was and is called the Domino Effect. This was promoted by the government of the United States.
Do you know what the Iron Curtain Speech is?
Iron Curtain Speech This speech was said by Winston Churchill. It was said on March 5, Churchill used the term Iron Curtain in his Sinew of Peach Address at the Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri. This term was used in the context of soviet-dominated Eastern Europe. Even though many people thought that “iron curtain” was a great phrase many people didn’t understand the short-hand reference to the division in Europe.
Iron Curtain Speech In front of the iron curtain which lies across Europe are other causes for anxiety. In Italy the Communist Party is seriously hampered by having to support the Communist trained Marshal Tito's claims to former Italian territory at the head of the Adriatic. Nevertheless, the future of Italy hangs in the balance. Again one cannot imagine a regenerated Europe without a strong France. All my public life I worked for a strong France, and I never lost faith in her destiny, even in the darkest hours. I will not lose faith now. However, in a great number of countries, far from the Russian frontiers and throughout the world, Communist fifth columns are established and work in complete unity and absolute obedience to the directions they receive from the Communist center. Except in the British Commonwealth and in the United States where Communism is in its infancy, the Communist parties or fifth columns constitute a growing challenge and peril to Christian civilization. These are somber facts for anyone to have recite on the morrow a victory gained by so much splendid comradeship in arms and in the cause of freedom and democracy ; but we should be most unwise not to face them squarely while time remains.
What is the Marshall Plan officially called?
Marshall Plan This was officially called the European Recovery Program, or the ERP. This plan was established on June 5, This program was a large-scale economic of America program if cash grants to Europe with repayment of the money. This was mainly from 1947 until The man mainly in charge of the was George Marshall. He was the Secretary of State. This plan was largely created for the State Department Officials.
George Marshall, William L. Clayton and George F. Kennan
Marshall Plan A couple of the major ones were William L. Clayton and George F. Kennan. The goals of this were: Rebuilding a war-devastated region Removing trade barriers Modernizing industry Making Europe prosperous again Marshall talked about an urgent need to help European countries recover. This was in his address at Harvard University in June, This plan was reconstructed and developed at a meeting of participation European countries.
Marshall Plan It was offered to the Soviet Union and its allies but they did not accept. Even though it was established on June 5, 1947 it did not begin operating until April 1948, almost a year later. During this time we have out $13 billion in economic and technical assistance to European Countries. The Marshall Plan was replaced by the Mutual Security Plan at the end of 1951.
What do you think the Truman Doctrine deals with?
Truman Doctrine This was set up by President Harry S Truman. March 12, This basically stated that the U.S. would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent them falling to the Soviet Union. This was mainly aimed and trying to get rid of communism or to help it from spreading into Greece and Turkey. Greece had been supported by Brittan for many years but they were near bankruptcy and so they had to reduce their involvement and requested that he helped them. In February 1947, was the day which we were formally requested to take over the role of supporting the Greek government.
President Truman
Truman Doctrine The policy was supported by the Republicans which had control of congress. They sent $400 million dollars, but no military forces. This helped to end the Communist threat. In 1952 both countries joined NATO. NATO was a military alliance that guaranteed their protection. The Truman Doctrine was informally the blame of the American Cold War.
Sources: stonchurchillsinewsofpeace.htm stonchurchillsinewsofpeace.htm The American’s Textbook rue&doc=81