Spoken by this guy Why does he look the same in every photo and painting?
Douglas MacArthur argued that the American forces should respond by widening the war into China. Truman was like “Heck no man” (Paraphrased), and fired him. So because of this firing Truman had to present this speech to the American people.
Primarily, Truman thought that MacAuthor’s actions may lead to World War III “The best time to meet the threat is in the beginning. It is easier to put out a fire in the beginning when it is small than after it has become a roaring blaze.” (Truman, his speech)
This And mostly this
Well as many know Communism was pretty scary stuff back then. Many people were afraid of Communism spreading. “ability of the whole free world to resist Communist aggression has been greatly improved. “ (Truman) ^ Primary reason Truman fired MacAuthor and did the speech.
Invention Arrangement Style Memory Delivery
"discovering the best available means of persuasion.“ (Artistotle) Truman capitalized on the threat of global Communism and World War III Fear is persuasion, this is how terrorist get what they want (not to say Truman is a terrorist…)
Order of speech. Ethos first, ethics, how we don’t want to be communist, no world war. We not like that. Logos, logic, second, if we get involved in different ways we risk bigger war. Pathos, emotions, “we know that we are following the great principles of peace, freedom, and justice.” (Truman)
“How the speech is said” Speech revolves around insisting it’s for the good of the country, not just because of conflicting interests. It’s not about MacAuthor, it’s about us.
Several long term effects came from this speech and the actions before it. Great speech by MacArthur On-going war in Korea. Possible prevention of World War III
Is what Truman did right? Would it of been better if done differently? Did the speech actually apply to Logos, Ethos, and Pathos effectively? Reflects on Style.
"Faulkner University - Harry Truman, Speech on Korean War, April 11, 1951." Faulkner University - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr James, D. Clayton (1970), "Volume 1, 1880–1941", The Years of MacArthur (Boston: Houghton Mifflin), ISBN , OCLC "Silva Rhetoricae: The Forest of Rhetoric." Silva Rhetoricae: The Forest of Rhetoric. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr "Speech Explaining the Firing of MacArthur by Harry S. Truman." TeachingAmericanHistory.org -- Free Seminars and Summer Institutes for Social Studies Teachers. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr Stokesbury, James L (1990). A Short History of the Korean War. New York: Harper Perennial. ISBN