1 General George C. Marshall ★★★★★ ★★★★★ Passage 1
2 Text analysis Questions for discussion Text for reading
3 The man who saved the 20th- century west world … twice.
4 Lexington, Virginia (VA)
5 George Cattle Marshall, Jr., age 16, wanted to follow in his brother’s footsteps and enroll at VMI.
6 But his brother Stuart declared, “That boy will disgrace this entire family if he’s allowed to go!”
7 “The urgency to succeed came from hearing that conversation,” Marshall later said.
8 Going from VMI into the Army, Marshall transformed his awkward shyness into an well austere aloofness suited to the command style expected at that time.
11 In the late summer of 1918, the Germans were retreating from western France. The Americans launched an attack on the Kaiser’s forces in the Meuse River- Argonne Forest region, an operation that could hasten the end of the War.
12 Colonel Marshall knew everything there was to know about moving men and material from point A to Point B for battle. He was entrusted with the complex logistical planning for the attack.
13 The German forces were in disarray. The guns of the Great War fell silent on November 11. Marshall’s plan worked superbly. The Meuse-Argonne offensive achieved complete surprise when it began on September 26, 1918, and by the late October…
15 U.S. President Harry Truman, Marshall – now Truman’s secretary – and many others, In Washington, 1947 saw the danger and set out to create a foreign policy that would end American isolationism.
16 In a speech at Harvard University on June 5, 1947, Marshall said the U.S. would support the nations of Europe if they could put together a comprehensive plan to revive their economies.
17 That plan was ready by September, and in December, Truman forwarded to Congress the $17 billion European Recovery Program. The President called it the Marshall Plan…
18 …he knew full well that the program’s prospects for approval by Congress would improve if it carried the name of the great general who was resolute nonpartisan and had no ambitions for elective office.
19 The Marshall Plan won wide support quickly, in no small part because Congress and the nation trusted Marshall himself.
20 American money began to flow in the summer of ’48. The Marshall Plan put Europe back on its feet, helped kill United States isolationism, and...
21 the Marshall Plan won for Marshall the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953, which he accepted as a “tribute to the whole American people.”
22 George Cattle Marshall, Jr., age 16, wanted to follow in his brother’s footsteps and at VMI. enroll v. become a member (of)…
23 But his brother Stuart declared, “That boy will this entire family if he’s allowed to go!” disgrace vt. bring shame on…; be a shame to…
24 “The to succeed came from hearing that conversation,” Marshall later said. urgency n. need for and importance of haste or prompt action
25 Going from VMI into the Army, Marshall transformed his shyness into an well suited to the command style expected at that time. austere aloofness awkward a. simple, not overly complicated; stern n. taking no part in… a.embarrassed
26 a. involving strategic planning, usually related to the military
28 In the late summer of 1918, the Germans were retreating from western France. The Americans launched an attack on the Kaiser’s forces in the Meuse River- Argonne Forest region, an operation that could hasten the end of the War.
29 Marshall knew everything there was to know about moving men and material from point A to Point B for battle. He was entrusted with the complex planning for the attack. Colonel logistical a. relating to the careful organization of a complicated activity so that it happens in a successful and effective way 后勤的
30 Marshall’s plan worked superbly. The Meuse-Argonne offensive achieved complete surprise when it began on September 26, 1918, and by the late October… n. a planned military attack
31 Marshall had at his disposal exactly 3 roads and 3 rail lines to remove 200,000 French and Italian men from the front and put into place 600,000 fresh American troops. 3,000 military pieces, and almost a million tons of supplies. He had to coordinate these moves with French maneuvers in adjacent territory. And he had to do it all at night, to preserve secrecy, and in just a few nights at that.
32 The German forces were in The guns of the Great War fell silent on November 11. Marshall’s plan worked superbly. The Meuse-Argonne offensive achieved complete surprise when it began on September 26, 1918, and by the late October… disarray. n. disorder
34 U.S. President Harry Truman, Marshall– now Truman’s secretary– and many others, In Washington, 1947 saw the danger and set out to create a foreign policy that would end American isolationism. ??
35 America’s foreign policy at the time consisted of avoiding “entangling alliances” with other countries. was laid aside for the World War I, but reappered with a vengeance in 1919 when the U.S. turned its back on Europe. This disastrous decision to leave Europe to its own devices contributed mightily to the World War II. Would history repeat itself with a 3rd World War if America maintained its isolationism?
36 In a speech at Harvard University on June 5, 1947, Marshall said the U.S. would support the nations of Europe if they could put together a comprehensive plan to revive their economies.
37 That plan was ready by September, and in December, Truman to Congress the $17 billion European Recovery Program. The President called it the Marshall Plan… forwarded v. send
38 …he knew full well that the program’s prospects for approval by Congress would improve if it carried the name of the great general who was resolutely and had no ambitions for nonpartisan elective office. a. not belonging to any specific political party 选举产生的职位 n phr. A position that requires someone to be voted into it by the public or by members of an organization 选举产生的职位
39 The Marshall Plan won wide support quickly, because Congress and the nation trusted Marshall himself. in no small part ad phr. having great possibility
40 American money began to flow in the summer of ’48. The Marshall Plan Europe helped kill United States isolationism, and... put back on its feet, v phr. support
41 the Marshall Plan in 1953, which he accepted as a “ the whole American people.” won for Marshall the Nobel Peace Prize tribute to n. sth. done, said, given to show respect or admiration
42 Questions for discussion Why General Marshall is regarded as “the man who saved the 20th century west world twice”? Why General Marshall is regarded as “the man who saved the 20th century west world twice”? What are the two survivals? What are the two survivals? How did he save the west world? How did he save the west world? The Meuse-Argonne offensiveThe Meuse-Argonne offensive; the Marshall Plan Because he save the west world from the two world wars in the 20th century. With his tactical brilliance and the trust of his people.
43 Questions for discussion Why General Marshall is regarded as “the man who saved the 20th century west world twice”? Why General Marshall is regarded as “the man who saved the 20th century west world twice”? What are the two survivals? What are the two survivals? How did he save the west world? How did he save the west world? The Meuse-Argonne offensive; the Marshall Plan Because he save the west world from the two world wars in the 20th century. With his tactical brilliance and the trust of his people.
44 At the time of his death on October 16, 1959, George C. Marshall had spent a total of 49 years and eight months in service to his country.
46 In the late summer of 1918, the Germans were retreating from western France. The Americans launched an attack on the Kaiser’s forces in the Meuse River- Argonne Forest region, an operation that could hasten the end of the War.
47 Colonel Marshall knew everything there was to know about moving men and material from point A to Point B for battle. He was entrusted with the complex logistical planning for the attack.
48 The German forces were in disarray. The guns of the Great War fell silent on November 11. Marshall’s plan worked superbly. The Meuse-Argonne offensive achieved complete surprise when it began on September 26, 1918, and by the late October…
50 U.S. President Harry Truman, Marshall – now Truman’s secretary – and many others, In Washington, 1947 saw the danger and set out to create a foreign policy that would end American isolationism.
51 In a speech at Harvard University on June 5, 1947, Marshall said the U.S. would support the nations of Europe if they could put together a comprehensive plan to revive their economies.
52 That plan was ready by September, and in December, Truman forwarded to Congress the $17 billion European Recovery Program. The President called it the Marshall Plan…
53 …he knew full well that the program’s prospects for approval by Congress would improve if it carried the name of the great general who was resolute nonpartisan and had no ambitions for elective office.
54 The Marshall Plan won wide support quickly, in no small part because Congress and the nation trusted Marshall himself.
55 American money began to flow in the summer of ’48. The Marshall Plan put Europe back on its feet, helped kill United States isolationism, and...
56 the Marshall Plan won for Marshall the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953, which he accepted as a “tribute to the whole American people.”
课件作者: 作者单位: 牛莉 西安交通大学