REGISTRATION FORM NAME: ___________________________ ADDRESS:__________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP:_____________________ PHONE:____________________________ ___________________________ TITLE:____________________________ EMPLOYER:________________________ NURSING LICENSE # :_______________ Please mail completed registration form to: Truman Medical Center Mail to: C/O Lisa Rosa, Nursing Administration nd floor main hospital building 2301 Holmes Road Kansas City, MO If space permits, we will accept registrations at the door. __________________________________ Contact Hours Statement: Participants may receive 5.0 MONA nursing contact hours for attending this program. Target Audience: This conference will benefit physicians, inpatient and ambulatory nurses, leaders, and others. ADA Accommodations: If you have special needs addressed by the American with Disabilities Act, via to Requests for assistance should be received no later than June 16 th, Planning Committee Danna Calvin-Weeks, MSN, RN, RNC-OB Truman Medical Centers Nursing Workforce Development Perinatal Services Connie Kleinbeck – Diabetic Educator Truman Medical Centers Nursing Practice Shannon Kuczynski, MSN, MHSA, RN, NE-BC Truman Medical Centers Nursing Workforce Development Wednesday June 18th, Contact Hours (Missouri Nurses’ Association) Presented by Truman Medical Centers 2301 Holmes Street Kansas City, Missouri Venue: University of Missouri Kansas City 2411 Holmes Road Kansas City, Missouri Theater B
CONTINUING NURSING EDUCATION Truman Medical Centers is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Missouri Nurses’ Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. 5.0 continuing nursing education hours may be awarded for attending the entire program. CONFERENCE SCHEDULE Registration Classification and Pathophysiology of Diabetes Danna Calvin-Weeks, MSN, RN, ONC-BC Screening and Diagnosis Danna Calvin-Weeks, MSN, RN, ONC-BC Break Medication Management Ashley Ausmus, Pharm D Nutrition Management Aubrey Hall, RD & Jeneta Culton, RD, LDN Break Nursing Management Danna Calvin-Weeks, MSN, RN, ONC-BC Hypoglycemia Management Chris Call, BSN, RN OBJECTIVES Define the classification of diabetes in pregnancy. Describe the pathophysiology of diabetes in pregnancy. Discuss the current recommendations for diagnosis of diabetes in pregnancy Describe the role of nutrition in the management of diabetes. Describe general recommendations for use of medication to treat the pregnant patient with diabetes. SPEAKERS Danna Calvin-Weeks, MSN, RN, RNC-OB Associate Clinical Educator Perinatal Services Truman Medical Centers Ashley Ausmus, Pharm D. Pharmacy Resident University of Missouri Kansas City Aubrey Hall, RD Truman Medical Centers Jeneta Culton, RD, LDN Clinical Nutrition Manager Truman Medical Centers Chris Call, BSN, RN Clinical Team Manager Inpatient Medical-Surgical Specialty Truman Medical Centers COURSE DESCRIPTION This 5 hour program will provide comprehensive education and insight into assessing, treating and managing the diabetic pregnant patient. This course is designed to enhance the knowledge and skill necessary for those staff caring for the diabetic pregnant patient.