1.Warm Up: Week 16 2.Interview Assignment. 3.Time Capsules: Part 2&3 4.Wrap Up 1.Warm Up: Week 16 2.Interview Assignment. 3.Time Capsules: Part 2&3 4.Wrap Up No Current Event Interview: Due Tuesday, May 28 th :200 Points No Current Event Interview: Due Tuesday, May 28 th :200 Points Number 1-10 Standard Students analyze instances of nation building in the contemporary world in at least two of the following regions or countries: the Middle East, Africa, Mexico and other parts of Latin America and China. Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.-Thomas Edison
Name the country at the number.
1.Warm Up: Week 16 2.Time Capsules: Part 1 3.Wrap Up 1.Warm Up: Week 16 2.Time Capsules: Part 1 3.Wrap Up No Current Event Everyone must have shoe box tomorrow! No Current Event Everyone must have shoe box tomorrow! Page 574 What events occurred in the following years: Page 574 What events occurred in the following years: Standard Students analyze instances of nation building in the contemporary world in at least two of the following regions or countries: the Middle East, Africa, Mexico and other parts of Latin America and China. Adult shoe boxes with lids Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor. ~ Truman Capote
Task #1 Title O Read your entire section O Write notes/summary/main idea of each paragraph on post-its O The title of your section will be BOLDY be printed on the TOP of your capsule.
Task #2 Illustrated Timeline O Create a timeline of the key events from your section. O Place them in chronological order O Label the date O Create a color image to illustrate each event O This will go on the FRONT of your capsule.
Task #3 Illustrated Glossary O Color picture, term, and definition of key vocabulary and people in your section. O This will go on the RIGHT panel of your capsule.
Task #4 Maps and Flags O Draw and label a colored political map of the countries discussed in your section. O Draw the flags in color for each country. Write the name of the country under their flag. O This will go on the BACK of the capsule.
Task #5 Important and Interesting Facts O In complete sentences, write the 5 most important and interesting facts from your section. O Number each fact. O This will go on LEFT side of your time capsule.
Task #6 Artifacts O 5 real or “replicated” pieces of culture from the region. O Ideas: Religious symbols, newspapers, photos, household items, foods, animals, plant life, money. O Think of it like this: If you were an archeologist studying this region 500 years from now, what interesting things would you find representing the people? O BE CREATIVE
Task #7 So what? O WHY does this information matter? O HOW does it affect the world today? O WHAT are the long term effects of what has happened or is happing today?