Citizen Airmen The Total Force
Reserve Categories Structure and Organization AccessibilityOverview
History 1653, Oliver Cromwell overthrows British Parliament Legitimate need for national defense – Who should rise up if we have no standing army? The militia created 1780s – Grew into the National Guard and the Reserve Forces
Policy Evolved as official policy in 1970s – Aug 1970—The Total Force Concept was announced by Secretary of Defense Laird – Aug 1973—SECDEF James Schlesinger elevated the Total Force Concept to the Total Force Policy Objective: Integrate Active and Reserve forces in the most cost-effective manner possible maintain as small an active peacetime force as commitments permit.
Force Modernization Improved the equipment to state of the art during the 1980s – “First to deploy, first to be equipped.” - DOD Directive
Cost Effectiveness Provides over 35% of Total Force Provides over 55% of the total US AF flying/combat capability Only consumes 12 % of AF budget
Cost Efficiency Other cost-saving benefits (for the Air Force) – No paid leave – No family healthcare – Smaller retirement fund contributions
Reserve Categories Ready Reserve – Made up of 3 sub-groups – Selected Reserve – Individual Ready Reserve – Inactive National Guard Standby Reserve Retired Reserve
* Selected Reserve part of Ready Reserve Selected Reserve Units and individuals designated as essential to wartime missions and prepared for active duty with 72hr notice – Have priority for training, equipment, and personnel Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMAs) – Air Force Reserve category only – Not attached to an organized Reserve unit – Assigned to active duty components
Individual Ready Reserve * Individual Ready Reserve is part of Ready Reserve Pool of pre-trained individuals who: – Served in Active units or Selected Reserve – Have military service obligation (MSO) remaining About 45,000 Guard and Reserve personnel Eligible for involuntary service
Do not train Are not attached to active units Inactive National Guard
Standby Reserve Standby Reserve Reservist who maintain their military affiliation in one of two statuses and have key federal or state jobs that are crucial to national security (also defense industry) Active status: Voluntarily participate in training for retirement but receive no pay. Eligible for promotion. Inactive status: Not authorized to participate in for retirement points and cannot be promoted. Often hardship or health issues but maintain military status because of skills the military may need in the future. They are subject recall only under full mobilization.
Retired Reserve Personnel who receive retired pay (AD/Reserve) or are placed in retirement status but have not yet reached age 60 All may be recalled to active duty by the appropriate service Secretary
Air National Guard Dual Mission – State Protect Life and Property Peace and Order Civil Defense – Federal Support USAF Missions Train for Wartime
Citizen Airmen The Total Force
Air National Guard Dual Chain State Air Guard Units State Adjutants General Federalized State Governor Non-Federalized State Control SEC Defense President Director,ANGDirector,ANG Director, ARNG ARNGDirector, Chief of Staff SEC Air Force Chief of Staff Chief, NGB SEC Army
Duty Status Comparison State Active DutyTitle 32 USCTitle 10 USC Command & Control Governor President Where IAW State LawCONUSWorldwide Pay StateFederal Mission TypesIAW State Law (Riot Control, Emergency Response, etc.) Training and other federally authorized purposes Overseas training and as assigned after mobilization Discipline State Military Code UCMJ Support Law Enforcement Yes No
National Guard Personnel Drill Status (Traditional) Guardsmen – 67% of force – Typically enlist for 6 years – Minimum of one unit training assembly (UTA) a month and 15 days annual training – Average 4 months additional time beyond annual commitment ( post 9/11…21 days prior to 9/11)
National Guard Personnel Full time Guardsmen – 33% of total Guard force – Air Technicians Full-time Civil Service employees – Active Guard/Reserve (AGR) personnel Same areas as Technicians, but full benefits – Active Duty Component personnel AF personnel assigned to Guard units (advisors) – Active Duty for Training Traditional Guardsmen temporarily on AD for training
Commander Air Force Reserve Command Chief of Staff, Air Force Secretary of the Air Force Air Reserve Personnel Center Denver. CO 4th Air Force March AFB, CA 10th Air Force NAS JRB Ft Worth, TX 22d Air Force Dobbins ARB, GA Air Force Reserves
Total Force Provides over 55% of total US AF Combat Capability Only consumes 12 % of AF budget Missions have increased to a steady state of 46 million mandays since 9-11
Accessibility Full mobilization Partial mobilization Presidential Selected Reserve Call-Up Volunteers
Full Mobilization Gives access to the full Ready Reserve Requires a declaration of war by Congress or designation of national emergency Duration of Conflict plus 6 months
Partial Mobilization 1,000,000 members of the Ready Reserve – Up to 24 months President must declare a national emergency
Presidential Selected Reserve Call-Up Up to 200,000 personnel – Up to 270 days President must notify Congress
Volunteers Provide the majority of personnel in times of war and peace George Washington Thomas Jefferson James Madison James Monroe William H. Harrison John Tyler James Knox Polk Franklin Pierce Andrew Jackson Abraham Lincoln James Buchanan Ulysses Simpson Grant Rutherford Birchard Hayes Chester Alan Arthur James Abram Garfield Benjamin Harrison William McKinley Theodore Roosevelt Harry S. Truman George W. Bush 20 Presidents
Increasing Tempo (number of deployments) 077 For AFR/ANG (38 Years) 10/ (20 Years) 120/81
A Balanced Lifestyle: Typical Civilian Vacation Sick Leave Weekends Holidays 058 Work = 221 Days Play = 144 Days
Work = 221 Days Support = 60 Days 059 Reservists Support Commitments Play = 84 Days
Work = 221 Days Play = 21 Days 21 Aircrew = 123 Days Aircrew Commitments
Points to Remember Reserve Categories – Ready Reserves – Standby – Retired Chain of Command – ANG vs. AFRC Accessibility – Full/Partial Mobilization – Presidential Selected Reserve Call-up – Volunteers
Impact of ANG Hometown Visibility 70 Active Duty Hometown Locations 15 AD Hometown Fighter Locations (in 10 States) 177 ANG Hometown Locations 41 Hometown Fighter Locations The National Guard connects every police and fire station to the Pentagon and every State House to the White House Provides the Air Force with a strong link to 41 additional American communities and 27 additional States/DC that have no other active component Air Force combat force visibility and only two Active Duty airlift units Magnified Across The Nation
Army & Air National Guard Installations Nationwide Nearly 3300 Locations in 2700 Communities “Citizens Serving Citizens With Pride & Tradition”
“We need to shift away from the Cold War stance of having the active duty do the operational missions and have the Reserves just do training.” ~ Vice Admiral David Frost Former Deputy CINC US SPACE COMMAND