Benchmark 3 Review US History Mr. Tran
Snake Game Have students take out a piece of paper Put aside any unused desks Ask a question and have students write answer on their paper. The students who got the correct answer move to the next empty seat (but keep the paper on the desk) The students who did not get the correct answer does not move The student who get back to their original seat or who is closest – wins Students can check if someone cheated by looking at the paper that is on the desk they moved to. If the answer is incorrect, yet the student moved, they cheated. Make arrows and place on desks to determine which way the students need to move.
What was going on in the U.S. that prevented them from declaring war sooner? The Great Depression
Why did Truman fire MacArthur? He wanted to use atomic weapons on China He spoke out against Truman.
Why did the U.S. get involved in the Vietnam War? To stop the spread of communism
What was the last German Offensive in WWII? The Battle of the Bulge
an economic system in which all means of production – land, mines, factories, railroads, and businesses – are owned by the people, private property does not exist, and all goods and services are shared equally Communism
post World War II struggle between the U.S. and the Soviet Union The Cold War
Who came up with the strategy for the D-Day invasion of France? General Eisenhower
Because of this new technology the fight for Civil Rights was successful The Television
What is the policy of limiting nuclear weapons called? Disarmament
An economic system based on private ownership of capital Capitalism
What battle of considered the turning point in the Pacific during WWII? Midway
Senator who accused the government from hiding communists Joseph McCarthy
What does HUAC stand for? The House of ________ Activities Committee Un-American
During WWII what did most woman do? Worked in defense industry jobs
What is the social impact of the small pox vaccine? Less deaths due to small pox
What president made the decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan during WWII? Truman
In 1962 President Kennedy ordered a naval blockade of Cuba in order to To keep Soviets from delivering anymore missiles
What war started at the same place it ended? The Korean War
What was the first war the U.S. lost? The Vietnam War
Alger Hiss was accused of Being a communist spy
The second nation to detonate the atomic bomb was? The Soviet Union
What was the purpose of the Highway Act? To be able to transport weapons quickly
What event brought the U.S. the closest to nuclear war? The Cuban Missile Crisis
In the case: Korematsu vs. United States Korematsu sued the U.S. based on what amendment? 5 th Amendment: Due Process – everyone has the right to go through the same “ process ” when accused of a crime.
Who were the Vietcong? Vietnamese Communists
What did Executive Order 9066 do? Interned the Japanese
The Truman Doctrine outlined the foreign policy of the United States. What was this policy called? Containment
Cesar Chavez created this organization to obtain more rights for agricultural workers in California The United Farm Workers
What sphere was Berlin located in? U.S. Soviet Union France Britain Soviet Union
To prevent Germany from re-unifying what did the Soviet Union do? Blockaded Berlin
What was the verdict in the case: Korematsu vs. United States The Supreme court ruled that the internment of the Japanese was legal on the basis of “ national security ”
What did the U.S. do to apologize for the internment of the Japanese? Gave every living internee $20,000
List a technological advance since 1945 : Medical - Polio vaccine, penicillin, Electronic – Computer, television Agricultural – insecticides
What does containment mean? To prevent the spread of communism
What two countries were the first targeted by the Truman Doctrine? Greece and Turkey
What was the goal of the Bay of Pigs invasion? To assassinate Castro
After WWII what decreased due to the development of agribusinesses? The small family farm
In 1953 the USSR detonated its first ____________ Hydrogen Bomb
The failed attempt by Cuban exiles to assassinate Castro was called The Bay of Pigs
What is one way young men tried to prevent fighting in the Vietnam War draft card burning, deserting, leaving the country,
On what college campus were 4 students killed for protesting against the Vietnam War? Kent State University
If one side attacked then it knew that the other could retaliate. This was known as MAD. What does MAD stand for? “ mutual assured destruction"
What do Alger Hiss and the Rosanbergs have in common? Both had a hearing for communists suspicions
What was the program called that allowed Mexicans to work temporarily in the United States? Bracero Program
What country detonated its first nuclear weapon in 1964? China
What was the first satelite developed by the USSR called? Sputnic