STEPS TO PREPARE TAMPER-PROOF PRINTERS STEPS TO PREPARE TAMPER-PROOF PRINTERS CWS team will create a network change request to have print pass through mainframe and notify Steve Laming or Jarvis Jackson when a Tamper-Proof printer is installed on any nursing unit with the name on the device. Jarvis will add the printer to the Logical printer table, but it will NOT display next to the critical printer name; so be sure to look closely for this name. Jarvis will also notify Jon Grande (HEO) and Wendy Kiepek (Rx-Star) of the logical printer name Go to Marty’s tool and find the “printer routing” location (i.e. 7B) and select that location. When that location shows up you will have to “Add location”, making sure to add the location as default_rx on each location the same (see below) and then enter the logical printer name. To test Rx print: After updating Marty’s Tool: Sign onto CWS next to printer as test MD(i.e.TRAIJDA) Go to WIZ test (red hat) Find test pt. on nursing unit when printer is set up Enter order entry session, before accessing discharge wizard, and hit enter Make certain that you receive message box stating print will to accurate nursing unit printer Enter information for letter and prescriptions using discharge wizard Select Done and Accept Check for documents (Rx, letter, instructions & “discharge meds reconciled” order) to print to appropriate printers: RX to Rx printer, letter & instructions to demand printer and order to critical printer Steps for setup and paper ordering
Ordering Paper for Tamper Proof Rx printer Order paper from the Copy Center with an 1180 or on their website and the number is MC Paper comes in packs of 50. It may confuse people but they are called "prescription pads" on the website but the number is correct. Remember to keep this paper secured. Each unit should establish a process for securing it that works best for their area. It is to be used only in the tamper proof printer.
HP LaserJet CB436A Black Print CartridgeHP LaserJet CB436A Black Print Cartridge CB436A questions: contact : Gayle Godkin (615) Fax (615) Ordering Toner for Tamper Proof Printers