1 A robust detection algorithm for copy- move forgery in digital images Source: Forensic Science International, Volume 214, Issues 1–3, 10 January 2012 Authors: Yanjun Cao, Tiegang Gao, Li Fan, Qunting Yang Presenter: Li-Ting Liao Date: 2012/06/14
OUTLINE 2 Introduction Proposed Scheme Experimental Results Conclusions
Introduction 3 Original imageTamper image Copy-move forgery detect
Proposed Scheme 4 Flowchart of the proposed scheme
THE PROPOSED SCHEME – Block Dividing (1/2) 5 N B B N B B Generate (N-B+1)(N-B+1) Blocks
THE PROPOSED SCHEME –Block Dividing (2/2) Original image … Block size : 4 × 4
THE PROPOSED SCHEME – DCT transform DCT Transform Original block DCT coefficient block
THE PROPOSED SCHEME – Feature extraction (1/2) DCT coefficient block C2C1 C3C4 Generate matching feature :
THE PROPOSED SCHEME – Feature extraction (2/2) DCT coefficient block C2C1 C3C4 Generate matching feature : ≒ ≒ ≒ ≒
THE PROPOSED SCHEME – Matching (1/3) 10 d 1 2X2 2 (x 1, y 1 ) (x 2, y 2 ) Similar condition :
THE PROPOSED SCHEME – Matching (2/3) 11 Not Similar
THE PROPOSED SCHEME – Matching (3/3) 12 ≒ Similar Detected image
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS(1/6) 13 The detection results (from left to right is the original image, tampered image, detection results).
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS(2/6) 14 The detection results for non-regular copy-move forgery
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS(3/6) 15 The test results for multiple copy-move forgery under a mixed operation
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS(4/6) 16 The top row are tampered images with duplicated region size of 32 pixels × 32 pixels. Shown below are the detection results using our algorithm
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS(5/6) 17 DAR curves for DCT, DCT-improved, PCA, FMT, and Proposed methods when the duplicated region is 64 pixels 64 pixels. (a) Gaussian noise, and (b) Gaussian blurring (a) (b)
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS(6/6) 18 [2] A. Fridrich, et al., Detection of Copy-move Forgery in Digital Images, [3] Y. Huang, et al., Improved DCT-based detection of copy-move forgery in images, Forensic Science International 206 (1–3) (2011) 178–184. [4] A. Popescu and H. Farid, Exposing digital forgeries by detecting duplicated image regions, Dept. Comput. Sci., Dartmouth College, Tech. Rep. TR , 2004.
CONCLUSIONS This paper presented an automatic and efficient detection algorithm for copy-move forgery The proposed algorithm could not only endure the multiple copy-move forgery, but also the blurring or nosing adding 19