7847i Internet Communication Module
Agenda Introduction Overview of the 7847i / 7847iE Communication Path Features Summary of connections Before You Leave the Shop Network Connectivity Programming the Device Registering the Device Updating Code
Introduction The 7847i delivers highly secure, reliable, Internet communication of alarm data while the 7847i-E is suitable for enterprise private network applications using local LAN or point to point connections.
Applications Banking Institutions Jewelry Industry Federal Government Medical Industrial Residential
Features Secure IP Reporting Dialer Capture Ready Universal Control Panel Compatibility Full Contact ID or ADEMCO High Speed Reporting Six Input Zones Tamper Protected Enclosure Remote Services Capability* Network Friendly Ease of installation Upload/Download
Wiring the 7847i/7847i-E Wiring for ECP, 4204 and Two-4204 Modes Connect the 7847i/7847i-E to a compatible Honeywell VISTA control panel's ECP terminals, in parallel with keypads and other peripheral devices Wiring connections for ECP or 4204 modes
Wiring the 7847i/7847i-E Wiring a LynxR-I for ECP Mode To trip the zone on the 7847i/7847i-E in V+ trigger mode, the positive triggering voltage from the control panel must be within 2.0V-14V. To trip the zone on the 7847i/7847i-E in V- trigger mode, the negative triggering voltage must be less than 1.0V. Note: Trigger levels above this range may cause permanent damage to the unit. Trigger levels below this range result in unreliable operation.
Wiring the 7847i/7847i-E Wiring for Zone Trigger Mode To trip the zone on the 7847i/7847i-E in V+ trigger mode, the positive triggering voltage from the control panel must be within 2.0V-14V. To trip the zone on the 7847i/7847i-E in V- trigger mode, the negative triggering voltage must be less than 1.0V. Note: Trigger levels above this range may cause permanent damage to the unit. Trigger levels below this range result in unreliable operation.
Wiring the 7847i/7847i-E Primary power for the 7847i/7847i-E is provided by the auxiliary power output of the control panel 9.6V –13.8V, typical, or other external power source. Zone 1 Input to a LynxR Trigger Output Zone 1 Input for EOL Supervised N.O./N.C. Triggers
Select Programming Option From AlarmNet Direct If the device is already in service go to: If the device is new, choose the appropriate selection:
Enabling Remote Services For A new account enter the following: Primary City ID Primary CSID Primary subscriber Supervision rate MAC ID MAC CRC Then select: Enable remote services Advanced programming Remember to enable here if using Total Connect
With Edit displayed in the Actions box Click GO. Edit Mode Status of the device is displayed. With Edit displayed in the Actions box Click GO.
Select Mode and Options Select Operation Mode ECP – 4204 Emulation – 2-4204s Emulation – Zone Select Options Old Alarm Time IP Fault Time Fault Relay Normally On Tamper Report Use DHCP NIC IP Address Subnet Mask Gateway IP Address DNS Server IP Address Enable Power Save
AlarmNet Direct Programming ECP Mode Enable Direct Wire Downloading Keypad Address Total Connect Features Remote Access Keypad Address/Type Multimode Multimode Address Zone 6 and 7 EOLR, V+ or V- Invert Zone Zone Restore Zone Delay
AlarmNet Direct Programming Zone Mode Trip Inputs 1 or 2 w/Bell out Increases Trip Voltage to 5V for V+ mode Lynx Panic Telco Zone Open/Close Zone Multimode Total Connect Trigger Type Invert Zone Zone Restore Zone Delay Zone Report On Arm
AlarmNet Direct Programming 4204 Emulation Modes Fault Relay Normally On Telco Zone Open/Close Zone Enable Direct Wire Downloading Keypad Address Total Connect Feature Remote Access Keypad Address/Type Set Multi Partition View Zone Restore Zone Delay Zone Report On Arm Zone 4 or Zone 8 Arms
AlarmNet Direct Programming If the device is powered and connected to the Internet: Save And Transfer Data to Device If the device is not powered or connected to the Internet: Click “Save” Click “Exit” Return to Show Program Devices page.
7720 Programming Tool The device can also be programmed using a 7720P Programmer. This 7720P allows access to Useful Diagnostic Tools.
7720P Programming Enters programming mode. Change Password? (Y/N)_ Strt Prog Mode? (Y/N)_ Enters programming mode. If a password has been previously assigned, this prompt appears. Enter a 4-digit password (0-9, A-F, N, S, T, X, Y). The next prompt appears. Enter Password Program Device? (Y/N)_ NOTE: The central station can remotely block access to local device programming. If this has been done, the following prompt appears: Access to Prog Mode Denied
Programming In ECP mode, the 7847i/7847i-E communicates with Press the [space] key to scroll through the modes of operation. Press [ENTER] to select ECP mode. Device Mode (ECP)_ ECP Zone Triggers 4204 Emu Two 4204s In ECP mode, the 7847i/7847i-E communicates with the panel as a Long Range Radio (LRR) device. Enter the appropriate ECP device address. For controls, see the control panel’s Installation and Setup Guide. Device Address (03)_
Programming Enter the 2-digit primary city ID, 01-99 (decimal). (??)_ Enter the 2-digit primary city ID, 01-99 (decimal). Enter the 2-digit primary central station ID number, 01-FE (HEX). Primary CS ID? (??)_ Primary Sub ID? (????)_ Enter the 4-digit subscriber account number for the primary central station, 0001-9999 (decimal). 2ND CS Y/N? (N)_ Applicable only if control supports Central Station #1and #2 Category Enable reporting for the LRR device(e.g., VISTA-128BP, FA1660C, etc.). 2ND City ID? (??)_ Enter the 2-digit secondary city ID, 01-99 (decimal). 2ND CS ID? (??)_ Enter the 2-digit second central station's ID number,01-FE (HEX). 2ND Sub ID? (????)_ Enter the 4-digit subscriber account number for the second central station, 0001-9999.
Programming Remote Access Y/N (N)_ Press [Y] to allow the end user to access their system via a website. Select "4204 Sourced" to send up to four events or "2-4204 Sourced" to send eight events. Disable for normal alarm processing and go to Prompt21: "Primary City ID". Multi Mode (Disabled)_ Device address must be unique from the normal LRR Device Address (Prompt 28), and the Keypad Address used for Remote Access or Direct Wire downloading. Multi Mode Addr (12)_ Multi-Mode (email notification) is intended as a convenience for the user, and does not replace Central Station reporting of critical events (alarms, troubles, etc.).
Programming Direct Wire Y/N (N)_ Applies only to VISTA-128BP/250BP and FBP Series controls, and FA1600C and FA1700C Series controls. Must be programmed if using either the Remote Access feature or Direct Wire downloading. Enter the appropriate device address. Keypad Address (28)_ The AlarmNet network must hear at least one supervisory message from the module during this supervision period; otherwise, AlarmNet notifies the central station that a communication failure has occurred. Supervision (24 Hours)_ 24 Hours • 1 Hour • US UL Line (6 Min) • CN UL Line Lvl 3 (3 Min) • US UL Line (90 Sec) • CN UL Line Lvl 4 (90 Sec) • CN UL Line Lvl 5 (75 Sec) • None • 30 Day
UL NOTE: Must be 10 Minutes Programming Old Alarm Time (10 Minutes)_ Sets how long an undeliverable alarm is retried for delivery to the central station. Enter the time delay (01-99) in minutes before the 7847i/7847i-E notifies the control panel that there is loss of contact with the network. The fault open collector output is normally energized to ground, and de-energizes (open circuit) in the event of a module fault. Allows the Cover Tamper to be disabled/enabled. UL NOTE: Must be 10 Minutes IP Flt Time (60 mins)_ Flt Rel ON Y/N (N)_ Tamper Rpt Y/N (Y)_
Programming Mode Use DHCP Y/N (Y) _ If using DHCP the screens below will not be shown. It will skip to the “PWR Save Mode” question. NIC IP Address: Subnet Mask: The Use DHCP option will only be displayed on the 7845i_GSM, DHCP Dynamically allocates the IP address, this is the recommended option. If you can use DHCP then press enter to skip to Review. If you can not use DHCP on the network, then enter no and obtain the following information from your IT administrator. NIC IP address, Subnet Mask, Gateway IP address and the DNS Server IP address. Key in the numbers obtained, To enter the dot you will press the star key. After programming all 4 locations Review will be displayed. By selecting yes to review allows you to verify all programming locations. Gateway IP Addr: DNS Serv IP Addr:
Repeat for zone 7 if required Programming Mode Enable Zn 6 (Y/N) (N) Zn 6 Trigger Type (V+) Invert Zn 6 (Y/N) (N) V+ 2V to 13V Trips Zone V- 0V Ground Trips Zone EOLR Loss of 2k EOLR Trips No - Normal Zone Activation Yes - Faulted Zone sends normal report. - Normal Zone sends alarm report. Restore Zn 6 Y/N (Y) Delay Zn 6 (secs) (00) ECP mode supports 2 optional hardwire zone input triggers on the zone 6 and zone 7 terminals. When connected and programmed, the optional hardwire zones report in ADEMCO High-Speed format. Enable zone turns on alarm reporting for the zone. Trigger type selects the triggering method for this zone, positive, negative or end of line resistor. Invert, inverts the alarm and normal states of the zone input trigger. Restore, enables restore reporting for the zone. Delay, defines the reporting delay in seconds for the zone, 01 to 15 or leave at 00 for no delay. At this point in programming the same 5 locations covered here will be repeated for zone 7 trigger input. Yes - Zone sends Restore report. No - Zone will not send Restore report. Zone can be Delayed from 1 to 15 seconds Zone must remain faulted for the full extent of delay to send report. Repeat for zone 7 if required
Programming Mode Pwr Save Mode (Y/N) (Y) _ When Power Save Mode is enabled, the Network Interface Card (NIC) powers up, Pings a Redir, and turn back off. This process takes about 3 seconds and the process repeats every 20 seconds. Some Routers may see this as being “under attack” and shut down the Port on the router. Devices connected to routers that shut down the port may try using Static IP Addressing, before disabling the Power Save Mode feature. Power cycle the Router to reset the port, and determine if this was the problem. NOTE: If this feature is disabled, the device will not meet the UL Requirement for Battery Backup. It will reduce the backup time to 18 hours. The Use DHCP option will only be displayed on the 7845i_GSM, DHCP Dynamically allocates the IP address, this is the recommended option. If you can use DHCP then press enter to skip to Review. If you can not use DHCP on the network, then enter no and obtain the following information from your IT administrator. NIC IP address, Subnet Mask, Gateway IP address and the DNS Server IP address. Key in the numbers obtained, To enter the dot you will press the star key. After programming all 4 locations Review will be displayed. By selecting yes to review allows you to verify all programming locations.
Press Shift Y then Enter to Continue and Exit Programming Mode Review? Y/N Press Enter to Continue and Exit Create Password? Y/N Press Enter to Continue and Exit Exit Prog Mode? Y/N The Use DHCP option will only be displayed on the 7845i_GSM, DHCP Dynamically allocates the IP address, this is the recommended option. If you can use DHCP then press enter to skip to Review. If you can not use DHCP on the network, then enter no and obtain the following information from your IT administrator. NIC IP address, Subnet Mask, Gateway IP address and the DNS Server IP address. Key in the numbers obtained, To enter the dot you will press the star key. After programming all 4 locations Review will be displayed. By selecting yes to review allows you to verify all programming locations. Press Shift Y then Enter to Continue and Exit Updating Root File \ DONE Resetting………
Zone Mode Setup
Programming Zone Mode With a LynxR/R-EN Panel, enable Lynx Panic Lynx Panic Y/N (N) With a LynxR/R-EN Panel, enable Lynx Panic Temporal Pulse = Zone 1 Report FIRE Constant or Steady = Zone 2 Report BURG Single 3 second Pulse = Zone 3 Report Silent Panic, Medical, Duress Always program Zone 1/2 as a negative trip (V-) and install a 2k EOLR across the zone input and ground. ECP mode supports 2 optional hardwire zone input triggers on the zone 6 and zone 7 terminals. When connected and programmed, the optional hardwire zones report in ADEMCO High-Speed format. Enable zone turns on alarm reporting for the zone. Trigger type selects the triggering method for this zone, positive, negative or end of line resistor. Invert, inverts the alarm and normal states of the zone input trigger. Restore, enables restore reporting for the zone. Delay, defines the reporting delay in seconds for the zone, 01 to 15 or leave at 00 for no delay. At this point in programming the same 5 locations covered here will be repeated for zone 7 trigger input.
This field also affects the zone 3 input. Programming Zone Mode Trip Inputs 1 or 2 w/Bell Out (N) Enabling this option will change the required trip voltage on zones 1, 2 and 3, as described below. Positive Trip – Always enable for Positive Trip. Disabled – 2V Enabled – 5V Negative Trip Disabled – 0V ground potential Enabled – 0V to 5V will trip. Must be greater than 5V to be normal. This field also affects the zone 3 input. ECP mode supports 2 optional hardwire zone input triggers on the zone 6 and zone 7 terminals. When connected and programmed, the optional hardwire zones report in ADEMCO High-Speed format. Enable zone turns on alarm reporting for the zone. Trigger type selects the triggering method for this zone, positive, negative or end of line resistor. Invert, inverts the alarm and normal states of the zone input trigger. Restore, enables restore reporting for the zone. Delay, defines the reporting delay in seconds for the zone, 01 to 15 or leave at 00 for no delay. At this point in programming the same 5 locations covered here will be repeated for zone 7 trigger input.
Programming Zone Mode Telco Zone (0) Enabling this option will cause the specified zone input to send the High Speed Telco Report to Central Station. Available for zones 3 through 7. Telco Fault 5555 5155 6 Telco Restore 5555 5355 6 ECP mode supports 2 optional hardwire zone input triggers on the zone 6 and zone 7 terminals. When connected and programmed, the optional hardwire zones report in ADEMCO High-Speed format. Enable zone turns on alarm reporting for the zone. Trigger type selects the triggering method for this zone, positive, negative or end of line resistor. Invert, inverts the alarm and normal states of the zone input trigger. Restore, enables restore reporting for the zone. Delay, defines the reporting delay in seconds for the zone, 01 to 15 or leave at 00 for no delay. At this point in programming the same 5 locations covered here will be repeated for zone 7 trigger input.
Example uses zone 3 to indicate Open/Close Programming Zone Mode Open/Close Zone (0) Enabling this option will cause the specified zone to send a High Speed Open or Close report to central station, in the zone that was indicated. Example uses zone 3 to indicate Open/Close Available for zones 3 through 7. Arming 5545 5555 7 – Restore Report Disarming 5525 5555 7 – Alarm Report Note: If your trigger activates for Arming, you will need to enable INVERT for the zone. (Invert option will be discussed later.) ECP mode supports 2 optional hardwire zone input triggers on the zone 6 and zone 7 terminals. When connected and programmed, the optional hardwire zones report in ADEMCO High-Speed format. Enable zone turns on alarm reporting for the zone. Trigger type selects the triggering method for this zone, positive, negative or end of line resistor. Invert, inverts the alarm and normal states of the zone input trigger. Restore, enables restore reporting for the zone. Delay, defines the reporting delay in seconds for the zone, 01 to 15 or leave at 00 for no delay. At this point in programming the same 5 locations covered here will be repeated for zone 7 trigger input.
Programming Zone Mode Multi-mode (N) Enabling this option will cause the specified zone ONLY attempt to generate an email message via Total Connect Remote Services. When enabled, only device Supervisory Messages will be sent to Central Station, i.e. Low Batt, AC Loss, Swinger Suppression, etc. (Not Tamper) NOTE: This option should only be enabled when using Remote Services and Alarm Reports are not desired to be received by Central Station. ECP mode supports 2 optional hardwire zone input triggers on the zone 6 and zone 7 terminals. When connected and programmed, the optional hardwire zones report in ADEMCO High-Speed format. Enable zone turns on alarm reporting for the zone. Trigger type selects the triggering method for this zone, positive, negative or end of line resistor. Invert, inverts the alarm and normal states of the zone input trigger. Restore, enables restore reporting for the zone. Delay, defines the reporting delay in seconds for the zone, 01 to 15 or leave at 00 for no delay. At this point in programming the same 5 locations covered here will be repeated for zone 7 trigger input.
Programming Zone Mode Zn x Trigger Type (V+) Invert Zn x (Y/N) (N) V+ 2V to 13V Trips Zone V- 0V Ground Trips Zone EOLR Loss of 2k EOLR Trips No - Normal Zone Activation Yes - Faulted Zone sends normal report. - Normal Zone sends alarm report. ECP mode supports 2 optional hardwire zone input triggers on the zone 6 and zone 7 terminals. When connected and programmed, the optional hardwire zones report in ADEMCO High-Speed format. Enable zone turns on alarm reporting for the zone. Trigger type selects the triggering method for this zone, positive, negative or end of line resistor. Invert, inverts the alarm and normal states of the zone input trigger. Restore, enables restore reporting for the zone. Delay, defines the reporting delay in seconds for the zone, 01 to 15 or leave at 00 for no delay. At this point in programming the same 5 locations covered here will be repeated for zone 7 trigger input. Restore Zn x Y/N (Y) Delay Zn x (secs) (00) Yes - Zone sends Restore report. No - Zone will not send Restore report. Zone can be Delayed from 1 to 15 seconds Zone must remain faulted for the full extent of delay to send report.
Exiting Program Mode Correctly NEVER disconnect the programmer while in program mode. ALWAYS exit program mode AND leave the programmer connected until the screen displays “DONE”. If you didn’t exit correctly… Plug the programmer back in and… Press enter then exit as normal. - or - Power cycle the 7845GSM radio.
Registering… Shift Registering… Registration Successful
Registering…PIN Replacement When registering the GSM radio press Enter PIN Wait for acknowledgement PIN: _ Registering… Registration SUCCESS
Status Codes The 7847i sends status messages to the control panel for tamper and network communication failures. When using Honeywell’s VISTA-10P, VISTA-15P, Vista 20P series control panels, the status is displayed on the control panel’s keypad as “Check 103 LRR” followed by a 4-digit code). STATUS CODE DESCRIPTION 0000 Control Panel lost communication with panel 0880 7847i tamper detected (cover removed) 0005 7847i has lost contact with AlarmNet 000F 7847i is not registered; radio account not activated 0400 7847i Power On Reset 0C80 7847i Power On Reset & Tamper detected 0C8F 7847i Power On Reset, Tamper detected & Not Registered
Status Display LEDs
Press and hold the Mode & Status button to view. Mode & Status LEDs Press and hold the Mode & Status button to view. The two Yellow LEDs indicate which mode the device is programmed in. The first Green LED indicates the status of the Internet or Web connection.
Network Connectivity LEDs
Central Station Messages
7720P Programmer Diagnostic Commands
Programmer Keyboard Commands The 7720P Programmer is an invaluable tool for troubleshooting the device and network connection. Section 5 of the Installation Instructions provides details of each command. [ A ] INTERNAL IP/GSM x.x.xx mm/dd/yy Software Revision [ B ] MAC xxxxxxxxxxxx MAC CRC yyyy MAC Address [ C ] Mon 01 Jan 2001 05:48:39 am GMT Time and Date
Programmer Keyboard Commands For more information on Network Diagnostics, see Section 6 of the Installation Instructions. Physical Link Good Network Diagnostics Display [ D ] [ * ] to go to NIC IP Address NIC IP Address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx If using DHCP, this information is assigned by the Gateway/Router. If not using DHCP, this information must match the information provided by the site Network Administrator. [ * ] to go to Subnet Mask Subnet Mask xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx [ * ] to go to Gateway IP Address Gateway IP Addr xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx [ * ] to go to DNS Server IP
Programmer Keyboard Commands Network Diagnostics Display Continued If using DHCP, this information is assigned by the Gateway/Router. If not using DHCP, this information must match the information provided by the site Network Administrator. If using DHCP Run Network Diagnostic Tests DNS Serv IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx [ * ] to go to encryption test Encryption Test AES Passed! [ * ] to go to DHCP Status DHCP OK [ F ] Testing Gateway Redir 1
Programmer Keyboard Commands ECP 67 TmPB Flt xx 5 ++ OK Status Display for ECP Mode [ * ] = next field, [BS] = previous field 12345678 TmPB Flt 5555555x 5 ++ OK Status Display for 4204 Emulation Mode [ * ] = next field, [BS] = previous field 1234 67 TmPB Flt 5555 xx 5 ++ OK Status Display for 2-4204 Emulation Mode [ * ] = next field, [BS] = previous field 1234567 TmPB Flt 5555555 5 ++ OK Status Display for Zone Trigger Mode [ * ] = next field, [BS] = previous field Bat NLd: x.xxV Bat Ld: x.xxV Battery Voltage Status Display [ * ] = next field, [BS] = previous field
Programmer Keyboard Commands ECP 67 TmPB Flt xx 5 ++ OK Status Display for ECP Mode [ * ] = next field, [BS] = previous field 12345678 TmPB Flt 5555555x 5 ++ OK Status Display for 4204 Emulation Mode [ * ] = next field, [BS] = previous field 1234 67 TmPB Flt 5555 xx 5 ++ OK Status Display for 2-4204 Emulation Mode [ * ] = next field, [BS] = previous field 1234567 TmPB Flt 5555555 5 ++ OK Status Display for Zone Trigger Mode [ * ] = next field, [BS] = previous field Bat NLd: x.xxV Bat Ld: x.xxV Battery Voltage Status Display [ * ] = next field, [BS] = previous field
Programmer Keyboard Commands [ S ] Continued Battery Charger OK Battery Charger Status Display [ * ] = next field, [BS] = previous field Line Voltage xx.xxV Line Voltage Status Display [ T ] Test Msg Sent Send Test Alarm [ * ] = next field, [BS] = previous field Reset CPU Y/N [ X ] Reset the 7847i [ * ] = next field, [BS] = previous field
Programmer Keyboard Commands [ 0 ] Force Server Update? Y/N Force Upload of Configuration File Note: If the Internet is not available or if the module cannot communicate with AlarmNet, the following screen will be displayed after entering this command. Cannot Upload Try Later!_ Path for Data Transmission Not Available.
http://www.security.honeywell.com/hsc/ and click on MyWebTech User name: honeywell Password: support99 Honeywell Security support email: MyWebTech@Honeywell.com AlarmNet Support (800) 222-6525