Chapter 51 Products, Processes, and Quality Chapter 5 Achieving Quality Through Continual Improvement Claude W. Burrill / Johannes Ledolter Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1999 Prepared by Dr. Tomi Wahlström, University of Southern Colorado
Chapter 52 Products & Processes w Custom Product: Produced for specific customers who can specify the requirements for the product w Consumer Product: Large group of customers dictates product requirements w Custom/Commodity Services
Chapter 53 Processes w What is a process: Logically related collection of actions or operations that work together to produce a given result Transforms inputs into outputs Also called function, work effort, work activity, etc. Inputs and outputs define the process
Chapter 54 Input-Process-Output Diagram w A simple tool for describing processes w It is to serve as a tool for solving a problem, not for creating one
Chapter 55 Flowchart w Tool for mapping the time sequence of events in a process w Shows chronological steps that an operation follows Diamond: Decision Box: Task Eclipse: Start and End
Chapter 56 The System Life Cycle w IProposal Stage w IIBuilding Stage w IIIOperating Stage w IVReplacement Stage All stages are sequential Each stage has different quality issues: all users identified, meeting requirements, providing products, have we learned anything?
Chapter 57 Production Process w Management Challenge: Processes are defined effectively Processes are created, deployed, and implemented properly Processes are operated properly Processes are monitored to assure that they are providing expected results in an effective manner
Chapter 58 Process Documentation w Procedure: specific work effort w Instruction: detailed requirement w Records: means of documenting
Chapter 59 Project Management w Being in charge of a specific operation of a project process w Project is a single time effort needed to produce a product Contrasted with continuing efforts w System development process: process used to develop a production system System development project
Chapter 510 Process Variability w Nothing is certain but death (and taxes) - B. Franklin w Every process exhibits randomness and is probabilistic w Two types of causes: Assignable causes Non-assignable causes or common-cause variation
Chapter 511 Deming’s Red Bead Experiment w Six people taking samples from a jar of 4000 beads w 20% are red and 80% white w Objective to produce white beads With 50 draws, one can expect 10 red in average since the process is stable, etc. - There is no reason to believe that best performers will continue to be the best
Chapter 512 Deming’s Funnel Experiment w Process variation is a fact w In funnel experiment, different strategies to tamper with stable system caused greater variance w Deviations from the target are purely random and cannot be assigned a cause
Chapter 513 Questions?
Chapter 514 Copyright© 1999 John Wiley & Sons Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted in section 117 of the United States Copyright Act without the express written permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Request for further information should be addressed to the permission department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The purchaser may make back-up copies for his/her own use only and not for distribution or resale. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or damages, caused by the use of these programs or from the use of the information contained herein.