Military Aviation Architecture Conference September 21-22, 2010 RCC-2825(1) An Open Architecture/Open Business Model Solution for Multi- Level Collaborative Environment Kent Lindell Todd Maxcy Military Aviation Architecture Conference September 21-22, 2010 RCC-2825(1)
Military Aviation Architecture Conference September 21-22, 2010 RCC-2825(2) Mission Integration Systems Mission systems engineering and integration High assurance and mission critical software and hardware High performance computing Platform integration Mission planning and management systems Training and simulation systems Unique production and repair Advanced Mission Computers Common Display System (CDS) Common Network Interface (CNI) Data Storage Systems Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV) Independence-Class Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) SSBN / SSGN Weapon System Submarine Weapon Control System (WCS) and Tactical Control System (TCS) Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program (SEWIP) CapabilitiesKey Solutions and Programs
Military Aviation Architecture Conference September 21-22, 2010 RCC-2825(3) Platforms Operation Centers Networks General Dynamics C4 Systems: Platform Security Solutions Cyber and Mission Assurance solutions “Core-to-Edge” l High assurance security solutions for all warfighting platforms System security engineering Security architecture, design, and Integration Risk management Certification and accreditation NSA Type 1, FIPS DIACAP, NISCAP, DoDIIS, SABI/TSABI Unified Cross-Domain Management Office ST&E and CT&E testing System anti-tamper (AT) l Key products and technologies Multi-level and cross-domain network solutions Data-at-rest encryption Key and identity management solutions Avionics and tactical Comms encryption High-speed IP (HAIPE), ATM, and SONET encryptors Family of Advanced Core Cryptographic Technologies (FAC 2 T) Products Security For:
Military Aviation Architecture Conference September 21-22, 2010 RCC-2825(4) Transition to Net-Centric Collaborative Warfare SNAP enables collaborative tactical network operations and assured interoperability SNAP enables collaborative tactical network operations and assured interoperability l Support for IP data links and MANET Support for link translations Support for computer network defense Support for QoS and traffic management l Support of collaborative warfare applications Support for service oriented architectures Support for border services and network aware applications Support of multi-level security l Need to protect legacy environment l Support for HAIPE Black Networks Traditional Warfare Collaborative Warfare
Military Aviation Architecture Conference September 21-22, 2010 RCC-2825(5) Secure Network Architecture and Processing (SNAP) Introduction l SNAP provides a robust high assurance information assurance infrastructure Provide a MLS Network supporting MILS/MLS processing Based on secure labeling which is cryptographically bound Core Trusted Security Engine (TSE) is reused across the multiple security elements providing mandatory access control l SNAP benefits Provides Open Architecture/Open Business model Allows applications to be ported without the knowledge of underlying security Leverages COTS industry investment Reduce system costs Reduced certification costs and risks Low SWaP Scalable solution Provides a very flexible IA infrastructure
Military Aviation Architecture Conference September 21-22, 2010 RCC-2825(6) SNAP Mandates Guiding Principles/Issues General Dynamics Approach Benefit Certifiable Support cost sensitive platforms Support incremental IA additions Provide IA flexibility to meet large number of mission profiles Certified HA security elements Loosely coupled architecture Standards based Reduced certification costs Reduced logistic cost due to reuse Allows incremental IA additions based on fiscal reality Change IA paradigm – Mission Enabler Configurable Support wide variety of platforms - UAV to Surface/Sub Low SWaP architecture Mezzanine based security elements COTS-based network/ processing elements Standards based Reduced NRE cost due to reuse of architecture across multiple platforms Risk reduction due to reuse Reduced schedule Scalable Support advance platforms and legacy platforms Support for economical technology insertions 1Gbps / 10 Gbps COTS based network/ processing elements Re-use certified HA security elements Affordably increase system capability to meet changing requirements Minimize obsolescence risk High assurance infrastructure that is: certifiable, configurable, and scalable SNAP Guiding Principles
Military Aviation Architecture Conference September 21-22, 2010 RCC-2825(7) Security Segregation Enables a Cost Effective IA Infrastructure Information Assurance Segregation l COTS/NDI base cards provide basic functionality l High assurance functions provide by separate composable, loosely coupled HW and SW elements. Coupling to COTS occurs over open interfaces l Allows evolutionary, scalable approach and minimizes recertification costs l Can add / upgrade processing elements with mitigated impact to deployed systems COTS/NDIHigh Assurance (HA)Platform Customized Legend: MLS Switch MLS HAIPE Platform CDS MLS NIC Open Network Interface COTS Processor Platform CDS MLS NIC MILS & MLS Processing COTS Processor Black Router & Link Controller COTS Processor MLS NIC Open Platform Interface COTS Processor I/O Mezz I/O Module
Military Aviation Architecture Conference September 21-22, 2010 RCC-2825(8) Command and Control Tactical Platforms 5 th Generation Platforms Small Form Factor Scalable and Configurable for Airborne, Sea, Land, and Undersea Architecture must be scalable, configurable, reprogrammable and flexible to support the legacy to net-centric mission Architecture must be scalable, configurable, reprogrammable and flexible to support the legacy to net-centric mission MLS NICMLS Switch HA Composable Components MLS HAIPE®
Military Aviation Architecture Conference September 21-22, 2010 RCC-2825(9) High Assurance Multi-Level Platform Solutions: Certifiable Configurable Scalable MLS NIC and MLS Switch Labeled IP Option Computer Network Defenses (IPS, Firewalls) SOA Components Translations Software Network Management Significant SWaP Benefit Enabler for Support of High Number of Security Enclaves Encrypted Storage Minimal Declassification Time Supports mobile classified data l Flexible approaches for new solutions or major modifications Scalable processing Scalable mass memory Virtualized processing functions Secure Network Architecture and Processing Cross Domain Solution Guards, Diodes, Graders, Down Graders Necessary for moving data into MLS Applications Transfers data from System High to Multi-Level Environment Tactical Browser Secure OS Agnostic Processor Agnostic – x86 or PPC Maximizes the Processing Efficiency Reduction in costs by consolidation of processors
Military Aviation Architecture Conference September 21-22, 2010 RCC-2825(10) Secure Network Architecture and Processing Notional Tactical Implementation Adding net-centric computing to legacy platforms l Net-centric applications IP-based functions enable cross platform translation Distribution of data increases effectiveness Minimize impact to legacy platforms l Net-Centric applications can be supported with the supplemental processing Scalable functions SNAP architecture enables control points for computer network defense SNAP is an evolutionary, high-speed, low-latency, multi-level solution
Military Aviation Architecture Conference September 21-22, 2010 RCC-2825(11) Notional “Wide Body” C-2 Platform Implementation Support for legacy networks l Can incrementally add multi- level infrastructure l Can leverage existing capabilities Support for sensors and roll-on pallets l Can support single level or multi-level roll-on applications by setting MLS Switch security policy appropriately l Can support single level legacy sensors or new multi- level sensor by setting security policy appropriately
Military Aviation Architecture Conference September 21-22, 2010 RCC-2825(12) SNAP Supports Spiral Security Insertions to Support Fiscal Constraints IA infrastructure enables collaborative information exchange l An evolutionary secure network architecture allows affordable security technology insertions l Framework to support current and future applications; e.g., collaborative warfare applications such as NCCT MLS Architected-System HighModerate Collaboration Warfare ADD: MLS HAIPE, MLS Switch, HA Control Interface Software ADD: HA SK, MLS NIC, Multi-Level Workstation Switch Open Network Interface COTS Processor Router & Link Controller COTS Processor Open Platform Interface COTS Processor I/O Module COTS/NDIHigh Assurance (HA)Platform Customized Legend: MLS Switch MLS HAIPE Platform CDS MLS NIC Open Network Interface COTS Processor Platform CDS MLS NIC MILS & MLS Processing COTS Processor Black Router & Link Controller COTS Processor MLS NIC Open Platform Interface COTS Processor I/O Mezz I/O Module COTS/NDIHigh Assurance (HA)Platform Customized Legend: MLS Switch MLS HAIPE Platform CDS Open Network Interface COTS Processor Platform CDS MILS & MLS Processing COTS Processor Black Router & Link Controller COTS Processor Open Platform Interface COTS Processor I/O Mezz I/O Module COTS/NDIHigh Assurance (HA)Platform Customized Legend: High Collaboration Warfare
Military Aviation Architecture Conference September 21-22, 2010 RCC-2825(13) General Dynamics’ MLS Efforts l Planned assurance levels Type 1 for HAIPE® High robustness, high assurance for key TSE components of the architecture Type 1 for data-at-rest l Trusted labeling study Performing on contract for trusted labeling investigation Researching existing trusted labeling and make recommendations on modification to support a standardized approach to multi-layer secure networks Seeking to harmonize labeled network, internal research and development with trusted environment l Active member in FACE Consortium
Military Aviation Architecture Conference September 21-22, 2010 RCC-2825(14) Technology Demonstration l Join us in the exhibit area l SNAP demonstration highlights the operational benefits of high-assurance, multi-level, network solutions ideal for SWaP constrained platforms l SNAP extends recent advancements in multi-level computing to the network, including high-assurance, multi-level network encryption l Includes General Dynamics’ Close Air Support and situational awareness applications running on MILS COTS processors
Military Aviation Architecture Conference September 21-22, 2010 RCC-2825(15) Points Of Contact Technical Kent Lindell Michael Hohman All other product and service names are the property of their respective owners. ® Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. Business Development Mark Grovak Tom Plachecki