Monash University Library Digitisation Centre
The Digitisation Centre zThe Monash University Library’s Digitisation Centre offers a service to academics who want to support or enhance their course materials with digital reproductions of excerpts from commercially published monographs, textbooks and journals.
The Digitisation Centre zUniversity policy to centralize licensed digital copying of copyright protected material: yManage licensed digital copying. yComply with the copyright law. yCentral repository – secure online access for all Monash staff and students.
Copying Limits - 1 zJournals yOne article from a journal issue. Two or more articles if both on the same specific topic. yLimited by subject.
Copying Limits - 2 zBooks and other published works yone chapter or 10% of the total pages from a published work, whichever is greater. yOnly one part of the work can be available online at any one time. yLimit applies to the whole university.
Digitisation Process zScanned as black and white image with a resolution of 300 dots per inch. zSaved as a Postscript Document Format (PDF) file: yEasy to view and print yTamper proof
Limitations zImage file = Large file size. File size increases in proportion with the number of pages. Think carefully about the number of pages needed. zGood for text and diagrams. Poor for detailed pictures and other complex images. zNo Colour or high definition black and white images - due to excessive file sizes.
Flexible Access - 1 zAll files are stored on the Library’s image server. yAvailable online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. ySimultaneous access by multiple users. yAccess to files is protected by AuthCate. yAdobe Acrobat Reader – free download.
Flexible Access- 2 zThe PDF file can be linked to directly from a WebCT page. URL for the file is ed to you when the request is complete. zOr searchable on Voyager catalogue by Author, Title, Citation and Course Code.
Requesting Digitisation - 1 zTo request a digital copy you must complete a request form – available online in PDF, word and RTF formats at zPlease fill out the request form completely and accurately.
Requesting Digitisation - 2 zFor a large number of requests, attach a reading list to single request form. Please ensure correct citation details for each item on the list. zPrefer original documents over photocopies. Originals will be returned.
Requesting Digitisation - 3 zCan request digitisation by four methods: 1.Contact the Reserve staff at your nearest Monash Library Site - request digitisation Internal Mail. 4.Deliver request directly to nearest library site.
Document Delivery zAlways advise the digitisation centre if you are submitting a photocopy obtained through Document Delivery Services. zThe library needs to obtain another copy to avoid placing you in breach of your Doc Del undertaking.
Contact zWebsite: zMail: Digitisation Centre Matheson Library Clayton zPhone: z