ProFileCRM GETTING THE WHOLE PICTURE Document Management for CRM (Without the pain)
ProFileCRM Peter Bromley Root 3 Tom Chambers Clifton Asset Management (CAM)
ProFileCRM - Overview What Does ProFileCRM Help You Do? Store ANY document securely and with the same entity relationship structure that exists within CRM (Regarding and Related Regarding); Instantly view any relevant document; Search throughout your CRM system for all related documents in a single view; Build your own search criteria to automate common searches; Filter and sort documents so you get straight to the information you need; Store images of paper documents and faxes; Limit user access to only those documents each individual should see; Encrypt all stored documents to make them tamper-proof; Automatically manage your document life-cycle rules; Manage document version control (Check In/Out); Comply with today’s ever increasing regulation and information security requirements.
ProFileCRM – The CAM Experience CAM – An Overview Structural Issues CRM Installation Document Storage Requirements Technology Profile Rollout and Acceptance Future Plans
CAM – Overview Current company formed in 1997 Specialist in SSAS Pension Schemes, a means by which Director/Shareholders can use their pensions to fund their Businesses Group Turnover, including Pension Administration company will be around £5M for 2009, workforce of just over 60 ProFileCRM – The CAM Experience
Structural Issues To Be Addressed Fragmented storage of information Weaknesses in Windows file storage structure Control over storage location and naming CRM work segregated from files New client, setup on various systems ProFileCRM – The CAM Experience
CRM Installation Aims Remove the requirement for various existing disparate systems and spreadsheets Enable tracking of Business procedure through workflow Enable full remote access with all records in one place Give us better ability to monitor individual performance through all areas of the Business without the requirement for manually updated records ProFileCRM – The CAM Experience
Document Storage Requirements Integration with Dynamics Ease of use and remote working ‘All in one solution’ ProFileCRM – The CAM Experience
Technology Profile SQL Based Embedded in CRM, looks like it is part of Dynamics Utilises Windows username and password authentication Simple index management Not reliant upon SharePoint ProFileCRM – The CAM Experience
Rollout and Acceptance User acceptance excellent, incredibly easy to use, intuitive indexing All client records in one place Version control, not previously possible Extract KPI’s on use by admin (and sales!) Full remote access to client files ProFileCRM – The CAM Experience
Future Plans Reduce paper holding requirement Integrate phone recording Virtual mailboxes for fax traffic ProFileCRM – The CAM Experience
CONCLUSION ProFileCRM – The CAM Experience
Q & A ProFileCRM – The CAM Experience