National Postal Forum March 2005 – Nashville, TN Move Update: Are You In Compliance? National Postal Forum March 2005 – Nashville, TN Audrey Conley, DeWitt Crawford & Angelo Wider United States Postal Service, Address Management
WHY IS ADDRESS QUALITY IMPORTANT? ADDRESS QUALITY TOOLS WHY IS ADDRESS QUALITY IMPORTANT? Address Quality Breakout 76.5% 23.6% Errors 2.4% Moved 4.1% Apartment # 6.0% Directional / Suffix 0.4% Rural Rt / Box # 5.9% Street Name / # 4.8% ZIP Code / City / State The major addressing deficiencies include: Moved from the address Wrong or missing apartment numbers Wrong directional suffixes Errors in rural route and box numbers Errors in street names and numbers And errors in ZIP codes, city name and state.
National Change of Address Linkage System NCOALink™ National Change of Address Linkage System
ADDRESS QUALITY TOOLS NCOALink Replaced NCOA Effective Sept. 30, 2004 Secure Data Set Of USPS Change Of Addresses (160 M - 48 mo., 60 M -18 mo.) Binary Data Format, Unintelligible To Readers Processing Using Logic Defined By USPS Allows Wider Distribution
ADDRESS QUALITY TOOLS NCOALink Utilizes A Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) Creates A Mathematical Value Unique To Every Name/Address In The File
ADDRESS QUALITY TOOLS NCOALink Consolidated File Containing Over 160 Million Permanent COA Records Database Contains 4 Years Of Change Of Address Information Service Provided To Mailing Industry Via Licensees (Full, Limited, or End User) Customers Can Submit Address List On Electronic Media Or Process In-House As I’ve mentioned previously, the NCOA program is a service by which mailers can get their address lists corrected before the enter mail. The NCOA database is compiled from the data entered at CFS, and presently TN contains all permanent change-of-address orders that have been filed within the past 4 years. The data represents a “rolling” 4year cycle, where the past 48 months of data is retained within the NCOA database. The USPS has licensed 18 commercial companies the right to act as our agents and to provide services to mailers. It is important to understand that NCOA licensees offer services for a fee, and that fee is not established or controlled by the USPS. In considering an NCOA licensee, I recommend that you competitively shop the different licensees. Typical charges for NCOA processing can range from $2 to 4$ per thousand records. There is often a minimum fee, or a setup fee for new customers. This is why it is important to shop the different vendors. As part of NCOA processing, the vendor also is required to provide ZIP+4 coding services to match and standardize your addresses. To use the NCOA service, a customer would submit their address file electronically. The NCOA licensee would compare addresses within a mailer’s file to the data within the NCOA database. Where a match occurs between the mailer’s address and the old-side address, the NCOA processing returns the customer’s new address.
ADDRESS QUALITY TOOLS NCOALink Matching Logic Strictly Controlled By USPS Typical Match Rate Is Approximately 4% 244.6 Billion Address Records Processed By NCOA Licensees in FY 03 9.5 Billion Address Records Updated For Change-of-Address The USPS is very strict on what an NCOA licensee may do and not do. For example, an NCOA licensee must obtain a signed Processing Acknowledgement Form from every customer before they can provide any NCOA services. This is required by the USPS to insure that customers are using NCOA for its intended purpose which is to correct lists used to prepare mail. If a customer wished to use NCOA to track down customers who have bad debt, it would be considered inappropriate and the NCOA licensee would not be allowed to provide services. In the comparison of customer addresses to NCOA, there are options available to control the name-matching routines. For example, if Jim Wilson filed a change-of-address indicating that everyone with the last name of Wilson were moving, then any match of the old address and the last name Wilson is considered valid. This would cause mail for Barbara Wilson and Thomas Wilson to be considered valid matches. If the COA is filed as an individual, then the first name must agree before a match would be considered valid. If Jim Wilson filed as an individual, then Barbara Wilson would not be considered a match. Individual matching does accommodate common name variations, such as James as a match to Jim. When a customer uses NCOA, they also control how they want the names on their lists to be matched. A customer can require that individual name matching always be used.
ADDRESS QUALITY TOOLS NCOALink NCOALink Expands Mailer’s Accessibility To USPS National Change-of-Address Mailers Can License NCOALink Product For Use Within Their Native Mail Processing Environment NCOALink Product Licensing Commenced October 1, 2004 Ask Your Existing Address Hygiene Product Supplier About Their Plans To Market Interfaces To The NCOALink Product
EXAMPLE OF PREVIOUS NCOA DATA FORMAT ADDRESS QUALITY TOOLS EXAMPLE OF PREVIOUS NCOA DATA FORMAT OLD SIDE DEWITT CRAWFORD 5891 PLUM VALLEY DR MEMPHIS TN 38141-6826 (91) NEW SIDE 512 KING RIDGE DR COLLIERVILLE TN 38017-1705 (12) This example represents a typical customer change-of-address. This is also typical of the “text’ representation shown in NCOA.
EXAMPLE NCOALink CHANGE-OF-ADDRESS DATA ADDRESS QUALITY TOOLS EXAMPLE NCOALink CHANGE-OF-ADDRESS DATA OLD SIDE Not present within COA/Link data format NEW SIDE a7 52 f2 22 0a .. .. .. This example represents what a typical customer change-of-address will look like within the NCOALink Product.
AVAILABLE ANNUAL LICENSES AND PRICING ADDRESS QUALITY TOOLS AVAILABLE ANNUAL LICENSES AND PRICING Commercial Distributor License $25,000 Full Service License 48 Month Data File $175,000 Additional Site License $87,500 Weekly Updates
AVAILABLE ANNUAL LICENSES AND PRICING ADDRESS QUALITY TOOLS AVAILABLE ANNUAL LICENSES AND PRICING Limited Service License 18 Month Data File $15,000 Additional Site License $7,500 Weekly Updates
FASTforward - WHAT IS IT? ADDRESS QUALITY TOOLS FASTforward - WHAT IS IT? USPS-Licensed Technology That Enables Mailers to Obtain Change-of-Address Prior to Mailing FASTforward System Consists of: – Tamper-Proof Microcomputer System With Defined Interface Protocol – USPS Supplied Matching Software and Encrypted COA Database FASTfiorward is very similar to NCOA. The major difference between the two processes are in the amount of data maintained, 3 years in NCOA versus 13 months in FASTforward. FASTforward is a technology solution that allows mailers to implement the change-of-address operation within their own facility. Instead of having to send files out-of-house for NCOA processing, mailers can implement FASTforward within their own facility. This gives mailers great flexibility and control over how they perform change-of-address updates. The FASTforward system is a microcomputer and software product supplied by the USPS. Mailers may develop their own interface with the FASTforward system or they may elect to acquire an interface system from a commercial supplier. Many of the companies that sell address-matching products also offer a FASTforward interface product.
FASTforward - VERSIONS AVAILABLE ADDRESS QUALITY TOOLS FASTforward - VERSIONS AVAILABLE Only one Version Currently Available for Licensing: Multiline Optical Character Readers (MLOCR) & Remote Video Encoding (RVE) Updates Mailpieces Directly There are two versions of FASTforward, one is known as FASTforward MLOCR and the other is FASTforward Mailing List Correction or (MLC). The MLOCR version is intended to operate in conjunction with commercial multiline optical character readers. As the MCOCR system is reading mailpieces to determine the ZIP+4 and delivery point barcode, it simultaneously submits the name and address information on the mailpiece to the FASTforward system. The FASTforward system then compares the name and address information to the old address data maintained within the FASTforward database. When a match results, the FASTforward system instructs the MLOCR to spray the customer new address and the delivery point barcode for that address onto the mailpiece. This allows that mailpiece to automatically redirected to the customer’s new address, saving time and processing costs. The MLC version is intended for use in updating customer address data maintained in computer format. In the process of comparing address data, FASTforward provides new address data on valid matches. The new address data then updates the customer address record, so that the next time something is mailed to the customer, the mailer already has the customer’s new address.
FASTforward - COMMON FEATURES OF BOTH VERSIONS ADDRESS QUALITY TOOLS FASTforward - COMMON FEATURES OF BOTH VERSIONS COA Database With 13 Months of Permanent Change-of-Address Records COA Database Updated Weekly Via CD-ROM FASTforward Licensed Directly to End-User Licensees Are Routinely Audited by the Postal Service to Confirm Proper Use of the FASTforward Technology As I indicated earlier, FASTforward has a database containing a rolling eight months of data FASTforward data is updated each week. FASTforward is licensed directly to the end-user. An annual licensing fee of ten-thousand dollars is charged each year. Mailers who implement FASTforward are required to undergo at least 3 audits per year. These audits are necessary to verify that FASTforward is being used in accordance with the license agreement. Another reason for the audits is to demonstrate to Congress, the General Accounting Office, and privacy groups that the Postal Service takes its responsibility seriously to protect customer privacy. The Postal Service is not about to risk the possible loss of the NCOA system due to somebody’s misuse of either NCOA or FASTforward.
FASTforward: EXAMPLE OF AN MLOCR REDIRECTED MAILPIECE ADDRESS QUALITY TOOLS FASTforward: EXAMPLE OF AN MLOCR REDIRECTED MAILPIECE JIM WILSON 123 Main St Memphis TN 38101-1234 DEWITT CRAWFORD 456 ELM ST MEMPHIS TN 38188-0001 This is an example of what a mailpiece that has undergone FASTforward processing. The delivery point barcode on this mailpiece is for the customer’s new address, which is printed in text immediately above the barcode. Because the barcode is for the new address, it will cause the mailpiece to be automatically directed to the customer’s new address. The address text is make it easier for the carrier receiving this mailpiece to determine where it should be delivered. In addition to the delivery address text, the mailpiece shows ecacty which MLOCR sprayed this address by the new address information by the code which follows COA. COA-ES 1000 SE 17TH ST 33316
Address Change Service (ACS)
ADDRESS CHANGE SERVICE (ACS) ADDRESS QUALITY TOOLS ADDRESS CHANGE SERVICE (ACS) Post-Mailing Service That Provides Electronic COA Notices For Mailpieces Undeliverable Due to Customer Move Or Deficient Address (Nixie) Mailers Apply A Participant Code And An Optional Keyline To Mailpiece Using ACS Customers Can Reduce Cost Associated With Manual Returns & Manual Keying Of Data ($.20 For Electronic Returns verses $.70 For Manual) Centralized Billing Address Change Service is a process whereby mailers can receive change-of-address notices electronically. When a mailer uses ACS, they print a specific code in the address block that identifies the mailpiece as requesting ACS processing service. When a mailpiece for a customer’s old address is received by the carrier, it is sent to CFS for forwarding. At CFS, the operator recognizes the ACS print format. The CFS operator will then key the ACS participant code and any optional keyline data that may be present. This causes a transaction to be generated that sends the change-of-address update back to the mailer. Mailers may elect to add an optional line to their address block that contains a “keyline”, or a tie-back to the original record that was used to create the address block. This keyline would allow a mailer to automatically update their address records, without any manual intervention.\ To participate in ACS, mailers would simply contact the ACS Dept at the NCSC and request a participant code. There is no charge to enroll in ACS, however a ..20 cent fee each records supplied back to a customer is ACS can be fulfilled on a customer defied basis. The program supports the ability to send files back via various electronic fulfillment means.
MAILING LABEL AFTER ACS (In Address Block) ADDRESS CHANGE SERVICE (ACS) MAILING LABEL AFTER ACS (In Address Block) Keyline Participant Code #BXBJDCK******** 5-DIGIT 22030 #JAN9 7000 CA3# 1508 1T52 2030 CENTRAL LIBRARY 3915 CHAIN BRIDGE RD FAIRFAX VA 22030-3995
ACS PROGRAM ENHANCEMENTS ADDRESS CHANGE SERVICE (ACS) ACS PROGRAM ENHANCEMENTS USPS Now Accommodates Printing The ACS Participant Code Directly On The Face Of The Envelope Expanded Service Options Address Service Requested (Option 2) Change Service Requested (Option 2) New Fulfillment Options Electronic Printed Report Option
NEW ANCILLARY SERVICE ENDORSEMENT OPTIONS * ADDRESS CHANGE SERVICE (ACS) NEW ANCILLARY SERVICE ENDORSEMENT OPTIONS * Address Service Requested (Option 2) Provides Electronic ACS Notification in Addition to Physical Mailpiece Return Change Service Requested (Option 2) Provides Forwarding for Eligible Mail * New Options Only Available for First-Class Mail Using ACS
CUSTOMER NOTIFICATION OPTIONS ADDRESS CHANGE SERVICE (ACS) CUSTOMER NOTIFICATION OPTIONS First-Class Address Service Requested Month 1 – 12 Month 13 – 18 ACS Notification Mailpiece Forwarded No ACS Notification Mailpiece Is Returned With New Address Information Or Reason For Non-delivery
CUSTOMER NOTIFICATION OPTIONS ADDRESS CHANGE SERVICE (ACS) CUSTOMER NOTIFICATION OPTIONS Periodicals First Occurrence Forwarding Period Follow-up Notification OPTION 1: DAY 1 ACS Notice 60 Days Form 3579 OPTION 2: DAY 61 60 Days ACS Notice OPTION 3: DAY 120 ACS Notice 120 Days Form 3579 OPTION 4: DAY 1 ACS Notice 60 Days No Form OPTION 5: DAY 1 ACS Notice 60 Days ACS Notice OPTION 6: DAY 120 ACS Notice 60 Days ACS Notice
CUSTOMER NOTIFICATION OPTIONS ADDRESS CHANGE SERVICE (ACS) CUSTOMER NOTIFICATION OPTIONS Standard Mail Change Service Requested Month 1 – 12 ACS Notification Mailpiece Is Not Returned Address Service Requested Month 1 – 12 Month 13 – 18 ACS Notification Mailpiece Is Forwarded No ACS Notification Mailpiece Is Returned at Weighted Fee
CUSTOMER NOTIFICATION OPTIONS ADDRESS CHANGE SERVICE (ACS) CUSTOMER NOTIFICATION OPTIONS Package Services Address Service Requested Month 1 – 12 Month 13 – 18 ACS Notification Mailpiece Forwarded No ACS Notification Mailpiece Is Returned With New Address Information or Reason for Non-Delivery Change Service Requested Month 1 – 12 ACS Notification Mailpiece Is Not Returned
ADDRESS CHANGE SERVICE (ACS) NIXIE Provides ACS Mailers With Information Concerning Addresses That Are Undeliverable For Reasons Other Than A Move UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 6060 PRIMACY PKWY STE 201 MEMPHIS TN 38188-0001 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED #BXBJDCK ******* 5-DIGIT 22030 #JAN9 7000 CA3# 1508 1T52 2030 CENTRAL LIBRARY 3915 CHAIN BRIDGE RD FAIRFAX VA 22030-3995
ADDRESS CHANGE SERVICE (ACS) NIXIE CODES A Attempted - Not Know B Returned For Better Address C Outside Delivery Limits E In Dispute I Insufficient Address L Illegible M No Mail Receptacle N No Such Number P Deceased Q Not Deliverable As Addressed – Unable To Forward R Refused S No Such Street U Unclaimed V Vacant W Temporarily Away X No Such Office
ELECTRONIC PRINTED REPORT OPTION ADDRESS CHANGE SERVICE (ACS) ELECTRONIC PRINTED REPORT OPTION Provides ACS Notices in Printer-Friendly Format Print Program Supplied on CD-ROM Consolidates Information into Single Report Makes Manual Update Processing Easier 512 KING RIDGE DR COLLIERVILLE TN 38017-1705
ADDRESS CHANGE SERVICE (ACS) ADDRESS QUALITY TOOLS ADDRESS CHANGE SERVICE (ACS) Additional Information on the Address Change Service Program Available at:
WHAT IS THE CURRENT STATUS OF MOVE UPDATE? ADDRESS QUALITY TOOLS WHAT IS THE CURRENT STATUS OF MOVE UPDATE? Move Update Compliance Reviews Effective March 2003 Federal Register Notice (8/28/2003) 95 Day Processing of MUD 95 Day Processing of CASS™ Use Of A Monthly Data Base Disallow Ancillary Service Endorsements MUD For Other Classes Of Mail http:/ (Federal Register)
DMM™ - DOMESTIC MAIL MANUAL REVENUE ASSURANCE DMM™ - DOMESTIC MAIL MANUAL Move Update Requirement DMM E130.3.3 and E140.1.3 - DMM Issue 58 Updated 7-8-04 A030 Address Quality 1.0 MOVE UPDATE 1.1 Basic Standards — (includes 185 day requirement to update addresses) 1.5 Mailer Certification — The mailer’s signature on the postage statement certifies that the Move Update standard has been met for each address in the corresponding mailing presented to the USPS.
REVENUE PROTECTION TOOLS REVENUE ASSURANCE REVENUE PROTECTION TOOLS IBI/RP Information Based Indicia/Revenue Protection Identifies “leads” where the new IBI is used Barcode Duplicate Exceptions Meter Status Exceptions Register Exceptions Short Paid Postage Exceptions Move Update / PARS Interface PARS is Postal Automated Redirection System PARS Interface generates “leads” for Move Update Compliance
OLD MOVE UPDATE PROCESS REVENUE ASSURANCE OLD MOVE UPDATE PROCESS Leads CFS Unit Delivery Unit Business Mail Entry Phone Call Supporting Documentation Working Process? Yes – No Deficiency NO – Assess a Deficiency
NEW MOVE UPDATE PROCESS REVENUE ASSURANCE NEW MOVE UPDATE PROCESS Leads PARS & Address Management Systems Interface CFS unit Business Mail Entry Phone Call Supporting Documentation Working Process? Yes – No Deficiency NO – Assess a Deficiency
PARS AND ADDRESS MANAGEMENT INTERFACE REVENUE ASSURANCE PARS AND ADDRESS MANAGEMENT INTERFACE Mail at origin is processed through the Postal Automation Redirection System (PARS) Mail is checked for a Change of Address (COA) on file with Address Management If COA on file, mail is redirected to address. If COA on file and older than 185 days, an image is captured and a tally started. If tally is greater than 100, several images are stored. Files are sent to Revenue Assurance server for analysis and follow-up.
PARS AND ADDRESS MANAGEMENT INTERFACE REVENUE ASSURANCE PARS AND ADDRESS MANAGEMENT INTERFACE BENEFITS: Reduced cost to capture leads Fewer visits to CFS Fewer fingering mail All non-compliance pieces for a mailing are captured at origin. No arguments over number of pieces identified as leads Able to perform analysis closer to time of mailing Mailer can react quicker to improve mail quality
Review Documentation from Mailer No Deficiency Assessed REVENUE ASSURANCE MOVE UPDATE REVIEW PROCESS Process in Place? YES Review Documentation from Mailer No Deficiency Assessed NO Assess A Deficiency
MOVE UPDATE INITIATIVE Having a “correct” deliverable address is a foundation of an effective mailing event.
MOVE UPDATE INITIATIVE Mailers would prefer to know about a revenue shortfall issue before they have wasted the effort to induct mail into the system.
1-800-238-3150 Customer Support AIS Products ADDRESS QUALITY TOOLS FOR MORE INFORMATION Customer Support We deal with undeliverable-as-addressed mail through a variety of products called the Address Information System. In summary, our story is short, but the news is good. We have developed new products to help mailers correct undeliverable as addressed mail, and we’re providing more customer support. And, those will help drive down costs for mailers. AIS Products 1-800-238-3150