General Ledger enquires Account Enquires -shows balance information against nominal codes, so it is summary information as opposed to transaction level detail Transactions by Account Code- similar to transaction list Transactions by other – by Transaction Reference, Journal Type / Reference,Cost Allocation, Analysis Code, Reconciliation Code Account Enquires Must enter either CC, Funding, Nominal or Set Code Set Code is a code which groups a set of accounts together e.g. subschool code Can also filter by year, period and report type – Budget group Monitor is the default report Clicking Full Account will display the full CC/Funding & Nominal of the selection Wildcards (% or _) enable you to enter part of a code/word/ phrase rather than the whole thing This option is available by clicking on the chevrons at the top right of the section or anywhere on the blue bar. Note: Extended selection allows further filtering The mandatory information in the primary selection area will still need to be entered You can drill down from the enquiry result by selection the amount you want to investigate and either select drill down or double click and this will bring you to the next level of detail until you reach transaction level
General Ledger enquires The Transaction Data Details is split into 4 tabs for convenience with information such as Summary Analysis Source Ledger Cost Allocation Other Transaction Enquires Transaction Enquiries defaults to AB balances and as a result you will only be able to see GJNL journals. To see other journals change Bal Class to IU or to see everything leave Bal Class Blank (although you will see PO, GR etc posting and reversing out of cost centre Filtering by value – remember that when trying to filter amounts from -10 to that the is the value that is input in the value from and -10 in the value to Must enter either CC, Funding or Nominal Can also filter by year, period and value, batch type or journal reference The Code Switch button in the action bar at the top of the screen allows you switch between formats – above is codes only for CC, Funding and Nominal but you could have codes and description or description only
General Ledger enquires Extended selection in Transaction Enquires – is more extensive than Account enquiries Linked Enquires Once enquiry has been run, you can click on the AR Link or Linked enquiry to bring you the data from the original ledger Select Balances from the bottom of the screen and this will take you to the account enquiry for that cost centre /funding letter / nominal for that period
General Ledger enquires Transaction Enquiries Other Similar to the Main Transaction Enquires screen but the pull down allows you to filter it by Transaction Reference Journal Type / Reference Cost Allocation Analysis Code Reconciliation Code