1 Zortec Accounts Payable 5/1/2015
2 Purchase Orders 5/1/2015
3 Option #2-Purchasing from Accounts Payable main menu Followed by option #3-Purchase Orders from Purchasing menu 5/1/2015
4 From Purchasing menu, select #2-PO Maintenance to create a purchase order... 5/1/2015
5 If your site is set to encumber, you will then enter period and packet information for processing in general ledger. On Functions selection window, select “C” to create a purchase order. Be sure the division and fiscal year are correct for the purchase order being entered. Accept the default purchase order number, or change if necessary. Accept the default next purchase order number, or change if necessary. Note: The system will look at the last entry on the Purchase Order File and add one to it when creating the possible default answer. 5/1/2015
6 ‘Vendor Num' field, you have three choices: 1.If vendor number is known, you can enter the vendor number. 2.You can create a new vendor by hitting the F3 function key. 3.You can use a Search & Select technique to find a vendor by using either the F1 or F4 function key. F4 allows you to scroll and select the vendor. F1 is only for inquiring. 5/1/2015
7 Enter the dollar amount of the purchase order in the `PO Amount’ field. If the amount is unknown, you may leave the amount blank, and the system will calculate it as you enter items later in the creation process. You will not be able to access ‘Liquidated' and ‘Outstanding’ amount fields during PO creation. You will see amounts in these fields as invoices are entered against the purchase order or it is liquidated. 5/1/2015
8 ‘Ship Date’ – Enter date you want to have the items shipped. As a general rule, ‘Status’ field should not be changed. If you believe you should change this field, contact software support for assistance on the code to enter. ‘Issue Date’ – Enter PO issue date or press enter key to use the current system date as the purchase order issue date. Note: If you are doing encumbrance accounting, the system will cross match the date in this field against the date range in the period file. If you do not enter a date within the date range, "Transaction Date Is OUTSIDE The Valid Posting Dates!" will appear on the message line. 5/1/2015
9 Enter the shipping code that represents the method you want the vendor to use to ship the merchandise to you in the `Ship Via' field. Enter the FOB code that represents the desired freight-on-board in the `Ship FOB' field. Enter the shipping address code that represents the location where you want the merchandise delivered in the `Ship Addr' field. Enter the payment terms code that represents the terms that you've agreed with the vendor to pay the bill in the `Pymt Terms' field. If your PO default parameters do not require these fields, they may be left blank. If you use any of these fields, they MUST be valid codes defined in Office Manager section. 5/1/2015
10 Enter any user-defined narrative in the `More Terms' field. Press the enter key if needed to advance to the next field. Enter the name of the person ordering the merchandise in the `Ordered By‘ first field, and any additional information in the Ordered By second field. Enter any special instructions in the `Spec Inst' field. 5/1/2015
11 Use the `Department Requisitions' field to track manual requisition numbers. The user-defined requisition number can be up to six characters long. The answer must be numeric. Use the `Control Requisitions' field to track manual requisition numbers. The user-defined requisition number can be up to six characters long. The answer must be numeric. 5/1/2015
12 Second screen of purchase order entry is Shipping Information: The `Ship from Address' fields are located on the left- hand side of the screen and describe the vendor. The `Ship to Address' fields are located on the right-hand side of the screen and, if applicable, describe your organization’s physical address for where you want the merchandise delivered. 5/1/2015
13 The fields at the top of the Item Information portion of the screen contain figures relevant to the purchase order. You will not be able to access these fields. They are for informational purposes only. The `PO Amount' field contains the total purchase order amount. The `PO Subtotal' field initially contains "0.00", but it will keep a running total of all items entered until the entire amount is distributed. The `Item Total' field will initially be blank, but it will contain the total amount of each item ordered as the item is entered. The `Dist Subtotal' field will be blank. The `Amt Left' field will be blank. The `Pct Left’ field will be blank. 5/1/2015
14 Item Information, with the cursor on the `Ledger for ENTIRE PO' field. The top of the screen displays basic purchase order information: division, year, purchase order number, vendor, amount, and the number of items on the purchase order. For our example we will enter the purchase order to one general ledger account using the ‘Ledger for ENTIRE PO’ field. If you need to disburse the purchase order to multiple general ledger accounts, enter past the Ledger for ENTIRE PO field and you will get the opportunity to disburse to multiple general ledger accounts. Enter the ledger number that you want to charge the purchase order to in the `Ledger for ENTIRE PO' field. Press the enter key if needed to advance to the next field. 5/1/2015
15 If your parameters are set to check budget available and you are going over your budget you will receiving a warning. Answering Y to the override questions allows you to continue. Answering N to the override question will take you back to the Ledger for ENTIRE PO field where you will be able to enter another general ledger account. 5/1/2015
16 Use the remaining fields to distribute the purchase order amount. You may distribute it to only one item, or the purchase order may include several items. The `###' field will represent the number of the item on the purchase order that you are entering data for. It will show the sequential number of the item in the purchase order. The number will increase by one each time you enter an item. Use the ‘Quantity’, ‘Price Each’, ‘UOM’, and ‘Item Descriptions’ fields to describe the item(s) to include on the purchase order. 5/1/2015
17 After at least one item has been entered, you can press the F9 key to finish the purchase order before the original amount has been distributed. You will then get to the Item Information summary screen. If this screen is correct you can F9 on this screen and will receive the option to print the purchase order. 5/1/2015
18 If you want to print the purchase order, answer “Y” to the ‘Do You Want To Print This Purchase Order’ question. The purchase order will then be printed to the default printer defined on the purchase order type in office manager. You will then be taken back to the first screen so you can create another purchase order. 5/1/2015
19 This completes the process of creating a purchase order. Keep in mind that there are many settings that will make your system differ from the previously shown slides. If you receive a message or are curious about an option and would like more information, contact LGC Software Support help desk for assistance. 5/1/2015
20 Purchase Order Sample Reports… 5/1/2015
21 Sample “PO Listing Report” 5/1/2015
22 Sample “PO Listing By Ledger” 5/1/2015
23 Sample “PO Listing By Fund” 5/1/2015
24 If you are entering purchase orders in the system and are encumbering you should periodically check to be sure outstanding purchase orders balance to general ledger. The next few slides will discuss reports that can be used to aid with the monthly balancing of purchase orders to general ledger. 5/1/2015
25 The “Purchase Order Balancing Report” is a good report that should be printed at least monthly and used as an aid in balancing purchase orders to general ledger. The report is located in Accounts Payable, Purchasing, Purchase Orders, and is labeled “Purchase Order Balancing Report.” 5/1/2015
26 Division: Specify the general ledger division of the purchase orders you are balancing. Fiscal Year: Enter the fiscal year you are printing. Use the Beg PO Number and End PO Number fields to limit the purchase order type and/or number range that you are checking. Use the Beg Date and End Date fields to limit the purchase order date range that you are printing. This will typically be for the fiscal year. 5/1/2015
27 If you want only the ledger accounts that are out of balance to be printed enter “Y” in the Print Errors Only field. If you want the program to read the year-to-date file and unprocessed packets, enter “Y” in the Process Y-T-D File”. This will typically be Y. Use the Beg Ledger and End Ledger fields to print the report for a range of general ledger accounts. If they are left blank all ledger accounts for the division and fiscal year being printed will be listed. 5/1/2015
28 The “Y/D Amount” and “G/L Amount” will show what has been processed in general ledger. 5/1/2015
29 The “P/K Amount” designates the total, by ledger account, from unprocessed encumbrance packets. 5/1/2015
30 The “I/V Amount” designates the total, by ledger account, from outstanding invoices that have purchase orders. 5/1/2015
31 The “Total G/L” designates the total that would be showing in general ledger, by ledger account, if all packets were processed and there were no outstanding invoices. 5/1/2015
32 The “P/O Amount” is the total of outstanding purchase orders to the listed general ledger account. 5/1/2015
33 The “Difference” is the difference between Total G/L and P/O Amount. When the Difference is 0.00 that lets you know that the ledger account is in balance. Any ledger accounts that do not have a difference of 0.00 should be further researched to see why it is out of balance. 5/1/2015
34 Another check to make when balancing outstanding purchase orders to general ledger is comparing the Current Year Encumbrance general ledger account to the outstanding purchase orders listing… 5/1/2015
35 Balance Sheet from general ledger: 5/1/2015
36 Outstanding Purchase Order Listing by Fund: 5/1/2015
37 When all packets have been processed the totals should agree. If they do not, further research should be done to see what is out of balance. 5/1/2015
38 This completes our presentation on purchase orders and balancing. If you have questions about any of these processes contact LGC Software Support Help Desk at /1/2015
39 Accounts Payable Invoice Entry with Purchase Order 5/1/2015
40 Option #4-Invoices from Accounts Payable main menu 5/1/2015
41 From Invoices menu, select #2-Invoice Maintenance to create a purchase order... 5/1/2015
42 Note: If your parameters are set for Accrual accounting method, you will be asked for a packet name. On Functions selection window, select “C” to create an invoice. Be sure the division and accounting period information are correct for the invoices being entered. The Accounting Period used will be the period general ledger transactions will hit. 5/1/2015
43 After entering the Accounting Information the Invoice Entry screen will appear with the cursor on the `Purchase Order‘ field. If applicable, and necessary, change the purchase order type and enter the number of the purchase order that will be used for this invoice entry. (Note: If you do not know the purchase order number, you can use the F1…Search option to do purchase order inquiry.) 5/1/2015
44 After entering the purchase order type and number summary information will display about the purchase order. Verify it is the correct vendor and purchase order information. 5/1/2015
45 Once you know the purchase order information is correct, enter the ‘Invoice’ number. You have 15 characters that can be entered for the invoice number. The invoice number can be alpha numeric. (Note: If your user profile is set to not allow duplicate invoice numbers (by vendor) and a duplicate invoice number is entered you will receive a message that you cannot override.) 5/1/2015
46 After entering the purchase order number and invoice number you will go to the ‘General Information’ invoice entry screen. Press the enter key while on the `Invoice Date' field to use the current day's date as the invoice date. If you do not want to use the current date, enter the desired date in mm/dd/yyyy format. (Note: You may receive a warning about the invoice date being outside of the posting period. If you do, and are not sure what to do, contact Zortec Customer Support for assistance.) 5/1/2015
47 Enter the due date in the ‘Due Date’ field. Pressing the enter key without putting anything in will tell the system to put in the invoice date. Enter the entire invoice amount in the ‘Invoice Amount’ field. The system will not allow you to leave it at blank or zero. Include on 1099 answer ‘Y’ if this is a 1099 eligible vendor and if this invoice should be included on their The default from the vendor’s record will appear in this field, but it can be changed on an individual invoice. 5/1/2015
48 The Check Grouping field can be used if you have more than one invoice for this vendor in this payment period and you want them to print on separate checks. Prior YR – Contact the LGDPC Zortec support team for information on this field. 5/1/2015
49 Select Flag - If you want to only print checks for certain invoices entered into the system, you can enter a code in this field and it will allow you select only those invoice with that code during the check process. Recurring – Your User Profile must be set to allow this function. Contact LGC Software Support for assistance on this feature. Voucher fields – Special parameter setup has to be done for the voucher fields to be accessible. If you need to use this function, contact LGC Software Support for assistance. 5/1/2015
50 The ‘Status’ and ‘Invoice Type’ fields are not accessible. The necessary information for these fields are populated by the system. Enter "F" in the ` [P]artial [F]ull' field if you will be liquidating the entire outstanding amount. (This will be the total in the Purchase Order Information window's `Available' field.) Enter "P" if you are going to liquidate only a portion of the purchase order's outstanding amount. 5/1/2015
51 Commission Type – Special parameter setup has to be done for use of the Commission Type field. If you believe you need to use this feature, contact LGC Software Support for assistance in setup. The ‘Amount’ field to the right of Commission Type also applies to commission processing. Discountable – Special parameter setup has to be done for access to the Discountable field. If you need to use the discount feature, contact LGC Software Support for assistance on setup. 5/1/2015
52 Parameter setup must be done for accessibility to the ‘Message on Stub’ field. This message will print on your check stub, if it is set up to do so. If you do not have access to the Message on Stub field and you are interested in this feature, contact Zortec Customer Support. The ‘Purchase Order’ display field is not accessible with ‘regular’ purchase order setup as in this presentation. If you are able to enter a purchase order number at the beginning of invoice entry, you will not have access to the ‘Purchase Order’ field after the ‘Message on Stub’ field. Note: The ‘Account Number’ field will not be accessible because the account numbers will come from the purchase order. 5/1/2015
53 You will then go to the Invoice “Item Information” screen, with the cursor in the ‘Invoice Amt/Qty’ field. This screen lists the individual items from the purchase order. Your available options for the ‘Dist’ field are “M” and “A”. Enter "A" if you want the system to automatically distribute the amount from what was entered on the purchase order. Enter "M" if you want to change the percentage of the item invoice amount that will be distributed to the various ledger accounts. 5/1/2015
54 If you answered the ‘Dist’ field as “M” you will go to the Invoice Item Entry screen to enter distribution information. Your cursor will be on the ‘Account Number’ field. The information from the purchase order will default, but can be changed, if necessary. If you need to change the expense account (invoice debit account) you can change it on the Account Number field. 5/1/2015
55 After changing or accepting the ‘Account Number’ you will enter the ‘Quantity’ and ‘Unit Cost’. (Note: The Quantity and Unit cost do not have to be itemized, but Quantity must be at least 1. You can enter quantity of 1 with unit cost of the total amount of invoice payment.) The ‘Extended’ will be calculated from the quantity times the unit cost. You will then access the ‘RE’ distribution line for the amount. The RE transaction is to reduce the encumbrance/liquidate or partially liquidate the purchase order. In this amount field enter the amount of the purchase order liquidation. By default the amount will be the total of the extended amount on the invoice distribution detail, but not greater than the total of the purchase order. 5/1/2015
56 The ‘Cumulative Totals’ that display at the bottom of the screen are system generated amounts. You do not have access to these fields. 5/1/2015
57 After hitting enter to complete the entry you will receive a Question: Use standard CASH and ACCOUNTS PAYABLE accounts? Enter "Y" and press enter to use the standard CASH and AP accounts. (Note: These accounts come from the fund control record set up in General Ledger.) Enter "N" and press enter to NOT to use the standard accounts. The ‘Invoice Distribution screen’ will appear and you will be able to enter the information for the accounts payable and cash accounts you wish to use. If you answer ‘Y’ to the ‘Use standard Cash and Accounts Payable accounts’ question you will complete the invoice entry. You will then go back to the invoice entry header screen to enter another invoice. 5/1/2015
58 This completes the process of entering an invoice against a purchase order. Keep in mind that there are many settings that will make your system differ from the previously shown slides. If you receive a message or are curious about an option and would like more information, contact LGC Software Support Help Desk at for assistance. 5/1/2015
59 If your system is set to accrual for invoices you should periodically check to be sure month end outstanding invoices balance to general ledger. The next few slides will discuss reports that can be used to aid with balancing month end outstanding invoices to general ledger. 5/1/2015
60 “End of Month Outstanding AP Report” is a good report that should be printed at least monthly and used as an aid in balancing month end outstanding invoices to general ledger. The report is located in Accounts Payable, #4- Invoices, #12-End of Month Outstanding AP 5/1/2015
61 Division: Specify the general ledger division of the purchase orders you are balancing. Period: Enter the accounting period you are balancing. Scan From Period: Enter accounting period that includes any outstanding invoices. Typically one month prior to Period. Include Manual Checks: If you wish to include manual checks, answer Y. If you wish to exclude manual checks, answer N. 5/1/2015
62 ‘Outstanding’ Payable Invoices for Month End report; Invoices From Open Invoice File 5/1/2015
63 ‘Outstanding’ Payable Invoices for Month End report; Invoices From Open Invoice File Fund Totals section 5/1/2015
64 When all invoice packets are processed, AP balance on invoices report should agree with Accounts Payable general ledger account on balance sheet report. 5/1/2015
65 Miscellaneous Topics Import Property Tax refunds Import Business License refunds Import Utility Billing refunds Import from Payroll AP Vendor Data Extract E-Payable 5/1/2015
66 Manual Checks… 5/1/2015
67 Option #5-Manual/Void Checks from Accounts Payable main menu Followed by option #2-Manual Checks from Manual/Void Check menu 5/1/2015
68 Type “C” for the create function. Enter the Accounting Period information and the screen that displays looks very similar to invoice entry. 5/1/2015
70 If applicable, enter the purchase order type and number. If no purchase order is entered, enter the vendor number (or F1 to search) and invoice number. 5/1/2015
71 The data entry screen is very much like the invoice entry screen. The biggest difference is that in manual check entry the “Check Number” and “Check Date” have to be entered. 5/1/2015
72 After entering the check number and check date be sure the “Transaction Complete” message displays. 5/1/2015
73 Once the check(s) have been entered the “Outstanding Manual Checks” report can be printed to verify the information is correct before processing. If you want to print all manuals that have been entered, but not processed, you can enter thru all fields. 5/1/2015
74 Sample report: 5/1/2015
75 After verifying the information on the report is correct you are ready to proceed with the “Process Manual Checks” option. 5/1/2015
76 Like with selecting regular invoices for payment, the Process Manual Checks option uses the ‘criteria’ and ‘functions’ to select the manuals to process. 5/1/2015
77 If the ‘process on individual choice’ option was selected, enter “Y” to select the manuals that will be processed. 5/1/2015
78 Sample “Selected Invoices Report” After selecting the manuals for processing you will go thru a series of reports. Answer “Y” to print each report that comes up. 5/1/2015
79 If needed, report options runtime questions can be changed to print the report in a different format. Answer “Y” to print the Invoice Distribution Report. 5/1/2015
80 Sample “Selected Invoice Distribution Report” 5/1/2015
81 If needed, report options runtime questions can be changed to print the report in a different format. Answer “Y” to print the Check Register. 5/1/2015
82 Sample “Check Register” report. 5/1/2015
83 After printing reports you will be prompted for accounting division and period information for general ledger. 5/1/2015
84 “Packet Name” also has to be entered for a valid packet to be created in general ledger. 5/1/2015
85 Answer “Y” to the question ‘Are you sure you are ready to update Manual Checks.’ 5/1/2015
86 The “Processing of Manual Checks” report is printed. 5/1/2015
87 Just like with any other packet, the packet that was created for the manual checks needs to be verified and processed in general ledger. 5/1/2015
88 Void Checks… 5/1/2015
89 Option #5-Manual/Void Checks from Accounts Payable main menu Followed by option #3-Void Checks from Manual/Void Check menu 5/1/2015
90 A ‘Search & Select’ screen displays. Use the selection options to find the check to void. The “Check Number” is the easiest way to find the check. 5/1/2015
91 From the list of invoices, locate and highlight what needs to be voided. If the check had more than one invoice, when you void one of the invoices that was on the check the system voids them all. 5/1/2015
92 Enter the “Void Period” and “Void Date”. 5/1/2015
93 You will also need to enter a valid “Packet Name” for processing in general ledger. 5/1/2015
94 If your system is set to use purchase orders you will get a question ‘Do You Want to Reinstate The Purchase Order? Y/N’ Answer ‘Y’ if you wish to reinstate the purchase order. Answer ‘N’ if you do not wish to reinstate the purchase order or if no purchase order was used. 5/1/2015
95 Be sure you get the “Transaction Complete” message. 5/1/2015
96 Just like with any other packet, the packet that was created for the void check(s) needs to be verified and processed in general ledger. 5/1/2015
97 This completes our presentation on the Zortec Accounts Payable section of Resource If you have questions about any of these processes contact LGC Software Support Help Desk at /1/2015