General Ledger Terminology, nVision and Financials Query Financials Reporting Financials 7.02
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Understanding of basic General Ledger Terminology Using nVision to view and save as Excel files, daily Project ID status and transaction information. A basic understanding of the relational database structure; Private versus Public queries; How to run queries with results to the Financials System and to Excel; and how to change fields and criteria in an existing query and save it as a private query. A valid Financials Operator Id is required to take this class. Overview
General Ledger Terminology Examples Legacy SystemCurrent System *FAS Account==*Project Segment *Object Code==*Account
nVision Reports *Previously FAS PF Screens nVision is a customer friendly reporting package that retrieves information from your Financials Reporting System and places it into a MS Excel spreadsheet, in a form that helps you see the big picture, explore details, and make decisions. Using nVision you will be able to see daily Project ID status and transaction information quickly and easily in an organized spreadsheet format. You must use Financials Reporting to access nVision Reports.
Basic Query Tools The Financials database contains a large volume of valuable data. The data is stored in tables (storage repositories) that have functional or process titles. The capability of understanding “Public” queries for one time only use or for repeated use can be a great time saver and quick way of validating, auditing and reconciling. ….researching …..
Query Objectives: Understand the structure of a Relational Database Understand how Public and Private Queries differ Run queries with results to Financials (Screen) and to Excel (Spreadsheet) Change Fields and Criteria in an existing query and save it as a Private Query
Certificate! Financials System 7.02 Training Certificate Presented to _____________________ for the successful completion of Financials Reporting at the Avent Ferry Complex Training Labs. Instructor’s Signature Date
Questions? Matthew L. Jockisch How to reach me after today’s class. Let’s Get Started
General Ledger Terminology Financials Terminology Legacy Terminology DescriptionExample AccountObject Code Expenditure Code Revenue Object Categorizes the transaction by its nature. The leading digit classifies the transaction as being an Asset (1); Liability (2); Fund Equity (3); Revenue (4); or Expense (5) – Cash Balance (Asset) – Accounts Payable (Liability) – State C & G (Revenue) – SPA Reg. Salaries (Expense) FundBCTF (Budget Code Trust Fund) Classifies the transaction by a five digit major funding category – Academic Affairs – Trust Funds
General Ledger Terminology (cont’d) Financials Terminology Legacy Terminology DescriptionExample Organization (Org) or Department OUC (Organizatio nal Unit Code) Represents the department (OUC) effected by the transaction – Civil Engineering – Textile & Apparel Tech & Mgmt ProgramPurpose Code Classifies the transaction by broad function. 101 – Regular Term Instruction 110 – Organized Research Sub- Classification (Sub-cls) or Appropriation Number (Approp) Segments transaction for reporting purposes primarily based on sources of funding. 212 – Ledger 2 Account only 552 – C&G ABR 5 State Project ID (Prj/Grt) *The Project ID (Prj/Grt) has three different types: Classifies transaction to specific activities or cost centers. What are the three different Project ID types?
General Ledger Terminology (cont’d) Financials Terminology Legacy Terminology DescriptionExample Project Reference GL AccountReferenced Project Project Segment FAS Account SL Account Subsidiary Ledger Project PhaseFAS Account Project FAS Project Number Activity Identifier Project Project Phases are used for greater detail in activity or cost center tracking analysis (In the legacy system the Project Phase was just the five digits after the hyphen. In the current system the Project Phase is the entire numerical string of the six digit Project Segment plus the hyphen five digits.) Now you know the Project ID structure!