Management Plus Financials An Overview of Reviewing and Adjusting Financial Information © 2009 Domin-8 Enterprise Solutions LLC. All rights reserved.
Session Topics 1. Company Snapshot What information is available at a glance 2. Financial Reports List of reports that are most utilized in the system 3. The Ledger “Where your financials live.” How to Read and Print 4. Ledger Adjustments 5. Security Deposit Adjustments 6. Subsidized Adjustments 2
1. Company Snapshot Financial Box Click on the numbers or dollar amounts to bring up relevant reports Tenant Lists Delinquency Report Prepaid Report –Batches to post Lists amount of batches waiting to post –Pending Transfers to Accounting Package Lists the number of files in the General Ledger waiting to go over to an accounting package. If registered this will state the name of your Accounting Package 3
2. Financial Reports Most utilized Financial Reports –Cash Report vs. Cash Batch Summary –Rent Reconciliation Report –Vacancy Loss Report –Security Deposit Report –Comprehensive Rent Roll –Monthly Recap Report 4
3. The Ledger How to read a ledger –Tenant/Government/Both –Apply Details This shows what charge a payment paid off. –Ledger History –When and why things go into history? Zero balanced ledger items will move into ledger history during Month-End. BOM Balances Printing a ledger –A ledger printed from the ledger screen can contain current information, complete ledger history or a chunk of information between a set start and end date. 5
4. Ledger Adjustments How to adjust a ledger. –Demo of ledger adjustments. »Ledger amount is too high. »Ledger amount is too low. How to pay off SUBRNT Charges –Section 8/ 202 Prac »Subsidized Receipt Batch –Section 8 Existing (tenant vouchers) »Section 8 Existing Receipts 6
5. Security Deposit Adjustments Security Deposit Adjustments –Beginning Balances Batch Security Deposit creation for missing Security Deposits Adjustments of incorrect Security Deposit amounts.
6. Subsidized Adjustments –Where do these adjustments come from? Retro Activities –Move-in/Move-out Once adjustments are created and posted they will show up on the following HAP Bill. Corrections to current certifications. Interim certifications that change RENT amount. Deleting an adjustments batch will keep adjustments off a HAP. –Useful during initial setup of a new company. 8
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