Hard Coded Sequences Payroll Sequencing
SUI / SUTA Override Employee Department Job State of Local Tax Authority
State Withholding Authority Employee Override Add on Only (Res Y) Only (Res N) State of Local Tax Authority on timecard
Local Withholding Authority Employee Override Add On Only (Res Y) Only (Res N) Local Tax Authority on timecard (see user definable sequence)
General Ledger Accounts Wage Expense Account Job Cost Code (budgeted jobs) Master Cost Code (non-budgeted jobs) Department Earn Code Tab Earn Codes
General Ledger Accounts continued State Withholding State Tax Table Payroll Control File Local Withholding Local Tax Authority Payroll Control File
General Ledger Accounts continued SUTA Expense Account Department Burden Control File Liability Burden Control File FUTA Expense Account Department Burden Control File Liability Burden Control File
General Ledger Accounts continued FICA Expense Department Federal Tax Table Liability Federal Tax Table FIT Withholding Federal Tax Table
General Ledger Accounts continued Workers’ Compensation Expense Department Workers’ Comp Maintenance Record (per state) Liability Workers’ Comp Maintenance Record (per state)
User Definable Sequences Payroll Sequencing
Local Tax Authority Employee Department Job
Workers’ Compensation StateClass Employee Department Job Employee Department Job Cost Code Trade
Unions & Pay Rates UnionPay Rate Employee Job Employee Rate Table Job
Department Employee Job Cost Code
401k Expense G/L Employee Department Miscellaneous Deduction Code
Certified Payroll Settings As a side note, though not a sequence, Certified P/R settings should be considered as part of this topic. The system doesn’t search in any particular order for the settings, rather, it looks at 5 places to determine if hours should be reported on the certified reports. All five of these items must be set to be certified in order for the hours on that line of a timecard to flow through to the certified PR report. If one or more are set to no, then those hours will be excluded from the report. Job Employee Cost Code Department Earn Code