1 Presented by: Campus Services
2 Valerie Monahan, Manager – Campus Services Laura Streit, Campus Services Provider
3 Review the General Ledger Review the Subsidiary Ledger Attributes: screens 002, 006 & 009 Account balances: screens 018, 019 Transaction inquiry/view : screen 023 Optional subcode input: Screen 007 E-Print Reports
4 General Ledger Assets Cash Receivables Inventory Liabilities Accounts Payable Deposits Fund Balance Additions Deductions
5 Subsidiary Ledger Revenues Expenses
6 What is an attribute? In general, an attribute is a property or characteristic. Color, for example, is an attribute of your hair. FRS - an attribute is a changeable property or characteristic of some component of an account that can be set to different values. Why do we use attributes? To define an account for various reporting purposes and for designation among other accounts.
8 Highlights of Screen 002 General ledger accounts always begin with a zero. A general ledger account is 6 digits long. Important fields for campus users are: Responsible person School (college) Dept # and Name Long and short descriptions Fund
10 Highlights of Screen 006 Subsidiary ledger accounts always begin with one through nine. A subsidiary ledger account is 6 digits long. A subsidiary ledger account is mapped (linked) to a general ledger account Important fields for campus users are: Responsible person School (college) Dept # and Name Long and short titles Fund
12 Highlights of Screen 009 Subsidiary ledger accounts always begin with 53. A contract and grant subsidiary ledger account is 6 digits long. Important fields for campus users are: Principal Investigators name Project start and stop dates Budget open and close dates Cost share account and cost share flag Indirect cost rate
13 Screen 018 – General Ledger balances Screen 019 – Subsidiary Ledger balances
16 Highlights of Screen 018 Beginning balances- as of the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1 st ) Current Month transactions (in total) Year to Date balance as of today Flags: D: deleted (0-not deleted, 1-deleted this fiscal year, 2- deleted last fiscal year) F: freeze (0-not frozen, 1-frozen) RDSR: not used Screen is similar to FBM 092 report for the General Ledger
18 Highlights of Screen 019 Budget or revised budget Current month transactions Year to date transactions (for 53 funds, this is the project to date transactions) Encumbrances/open commitments total Budget balance available
19 Highlights of Screen 019 Subtotal option A1 – defaults to present screen AB – changes the subtotal subcodes to the highest subcode range AC – changes the subtotal subcode to it’s designated name Print subtotal Y – print subcode data and subtotals N – print subcode data only O – print subtotals only (letter O - not zero) Subcode # and description – if **** appears, that is a subtotal of the listed subcode
21 Flags Highlights of Screen 019 (cont.) DEL: deleted 0-not deleted 1-deleted this fiscal year 2-deleted last fiscal year FRZ: freeze 0-not frozen 1-frozen RVW, DRP, SUP: not used ABR: automated budget reallocation Map code – identifies the GL the SL is mapped to (without the zero in the beginning of the account)
22 Notes for Screen 019 Revenue subcodes ( ) normal revenue balances are negative amounts. Expense subcodes ( ) normal expense balances are positive amounts.
23 Notes for Screen 019 (cont.) Budget balance available (BBA) –Revised budget less year-to-date transactions less open commitments Positive BBA: Revenue over budget – good Expenses under budget –good Negative BBA: Revenue under budget – not good Expenses over budget – not good
24 Screen 023 – Transaction Inquiry (current year)
25 SCREEN 023 Transaction Inquiry or Viewing
26 Highlights of Screen 023 View an account with or without a subcode Ascending or descending order Select transactions by specific criteria such as: Batch ID and Batch date Reference field (caution: the document will appear twice – debit and credit transactions)
27 SCREEN 023 Transaction Inquiry or Viewing
28 Highlights of Screen 023 View transaction detail EC Codes – entry or transaction codes Offset account number Date of transaction
29 Screen 007 – only in the SL with some exceptions
30 SCREEN 007 Input user option subcodes
31 Highlights of Screen 007 Input the account and subcode for the system to search for any records that match Official university subcodes cannot be changed Unused subcodes (those with a zero balance for 2 complete fiscal years) are deleted in late June of each year
32 Use the F2 key for explanation of codes – position the cursor on the first character of the code Use screens 020,021 and 027 to look up encumbrances Access to FRS is the same as e-print Try using subtotal option AC, print subtotal o in screen 019 to view data Transactions for a prior year when using screen 023 will disappear in October after year end due to data capacity. Processing is not permitted to accounts that are deleted or frozen – they end up in suspense Helpful Hints
34 o What are E-Print Reports? o FBM092
35 E-Print Reports FRS system generates reports on an account’s activity that can be accessed through E-Print These reports provide various levels of detail FBM 090, FBM 091 and FBM 092 are generated each month end
36 E-Print Reports FBM 092 is a combination of FBM 090 and FBM 091 in one report FBM 091 section: Report of Transactions for the general ledger account FBM 090 section: Account Statement Report for the subledger account
37 1 FBM092 – Section FBM091
38 2 FBM092 – Section FBM091
39 3 FBM092 – Section FBM091
40 4 FBM092 – Section FBM091
41 5 FBM092 – Section FBM091
42 Entry Codes (Transaction Codes) 3 digit code signifying: 02 xBudget Entries 03 xCash Receipts 04 xCash Disbursements / Payments 05 xEncumbrances 06 xJournal Entries 09 xBalance forwards (used mainly by B&FS)
43 5 FBM092 – Section FBM091
44 6 FBM092 – Section FBM091
45 7 FBM092 – Section FBM091
46 2 nd Reference Additional information about the transaction Data is entered when the transaction is entered 7 digit check number (A/P transactions) 6 digit voucher number (A/P transactions) Earnings codes are displayed for payroll transactions Work order numbers are entered by the Copy Center Other
47 FBM092 – Section FBM091 8
48 9 FBM092 – Section FBM091
49 10 FBM092 – Section FBM091
50 11 FBM092 – Section FBM091
51 12 FBM092 – Section FBM091
52 13 FBM092 – Section FBM091
53 14 A negative change indicates an increase in fund balance during the current FY A positive change indicates a decrease in fund balance during the current FY Revenues increase fund balance Expenses decrease fund balance Fund balance also changes when transfer or loan entries are made to the account FBM092 – Section FBM091
54 FBM092 – Section FBM090 Account Statement Report – for the Subsidiary Ledger Account 1
55 FBM092 – Section FBM090 Account Statement Report – for the Subsidiary Ledger Account 2
56 FBM092 – Section FBM090 3
57 FBM092 – Section FBM
58 Budgets Input according to budget pools or broad classifications Budgets are revised throughout the fiscal year FBM092 – Section FBM090
59 Actual Balances Current month revenues and expenses do NOT include encumbrances Fiscal year shows cumulative year-to-date balances from July 1 through the month ending on the report FBM092 – Section FBM090
60 FBM092 – Section FBM090 8
61 FBM092 – Section FBM090 8
62 FBM092 – Section FBM090 9
63 Budget Balance Available Computed amount as follows: FBM092 – Section FBM090 Revised Budget Fiscal Year Actual (Total Expenses) Open Commitments (Encumbrances) Budget Balance Available This is NOT necessarily the amount of funds available to spend or the fund balance of the account
64 For cash funded accounts (where there is also a general ledger tied directly to the subledger) the budget amount is only: Projection of the amount of revenue expected to be earned Projection of the amount of expense expected to be spent Only the cash amount shown on FBM091 GL under account control 1100 (Claim on Cash) is available to spend FBM092 – Section FBM090
65 Accounts within fund groups funded strictly by budgets: 13 fund 14 fund 15 fund 16 fund 17 fund 19 fund The budget balance available would be the amount remaining to be spent FBM092 – Section FBM090
66 FBM092 – Section FBM090 9
67 Detail of subledger current month’s transactions Similar to FRS Screen 023 Separates transactions by type of entry: Budget Actual Revenue/Expense Commitments (Encumbrances) FBM092 – Section FBM091
68 FBM092 – Section FBM091
70 Campus Services Valerie Monahan Laura Streit Janet Bebell Susan Becker