CiftEducation Software for school/college management system
CiftEducation is an easy to use computer software for administration of schools, Colleges and other educational institutions from Ciftech solutions Pvt Ltd., Bangalore. The software addresses the requirements of the schools/ Colleges to automate their routine transactions and accounts. The software helps the school/ college management to handle student information like registration, admission, fee collection, attendance, progress cards.The software also handles staff details like employee designations, department, duty roster and payroll. The software does well in maintaining a good account tracking of all these activities pertaining to students as well as staff. Flexible features of CiftEducation help institutions to handle all types of transactions in a user-friendly way.
r Layout of Typical school
Front Desk New Student registration Admission – registered/ walk-ins Student selection processes (Age, Area, Voluntary Contribution, Income) Notification of selection list Fee collection – voluntary/fixed Receipt issues Cash collection reports with denominations
Student Management Admission reports Attendance and reports Stream, class and section classification Marks entry and progress cards Consolidated marks sheet Consolidated student records
School Administration Defining School/college rules Academic year Registration no. Admission no. Receipt nos – various types Late fee penalties etc
Defining Fee types Full fee Concessional fee Subsidized fee Class, subject, exam and grade definitions Userwise access rights
Staff management Defining employee category Defining department and designation Employee masters – regular and consultants Contract/casual employee register Staff duty roster – all types Employee retirement list Payroll
Pay Structure Income tax, Prof tax etc PF, ESI etc Insurance accts Staff loans – Various types Form 16 for tax payee employees Pay bills and slips
Accounts management Fee collection Full year, current dues etc Advance collection/ dues collection Collection of graded fee types Fee penalty collection Demand, Collection and Balance view Fee refunds Student dues list Student ledger Receipts and payments Duplicate receipts Trial balance Audit table
Reports – Routine and MIS Classwise registrations Classwise admissions Fee package Fee groups Admission Statistics Registration Statistics Age, gender, merit etc lists Vacancy reports
Reports – Routine and MIS General collection reports Day summary Receipt and payment statements Fee typewise collections Cancelled receipts Employee and consultant reports Pay slips and bills and many more reports