What is e-Reimbursement? Overview 1 Web-based travel and expense reimbursement for UW-Madison (replaces the Travel Expense Report spreadsheet form) Uses PeopleSoft Expenses 8.9 software (part of Shared Financial System already in place at UW)
22 What is e-Reimbursement? UW -Madison’s implementation of the PeopleSoft Expenses module P eopleSoft at UW System is branded as Shared Financial System (SFS) and includes the following modules: Asset Management Accounts Payable General Ledger Grants (branded as UW WISPER) Purchasing Expenses (branded as e-Reimbursement) E lectronic routing of expense reports and approvals with notification 2
33 Improvements A pproved reimbursements paid within 3-5 business days E lectronic deposit for employees P repare, submit, approve expenses anywhere, anytime E xpenses entered per day (i.e. meals) A ccount codes, locations, and rate limits built into the application R eceipts retained locally with Approver 3
What Can I Use e-Reimbursement For? 1. Expense Reports Please note: Use of the P-card is recommended for the following: Lodging Airfare Large puchases Frequent purchases Travel-related expenses incurred on or after October 1, 2008 Expenses which do not require a purchase order. Purchases over $5,000 require a purchase order Submitted within 60 days* after travel or expense has occurred * Submissions after 60 days are subject to approval of Division/Dean’s Office 4
What Can I Use e-Reimbursement For? 2. Travel Authorizations Pre-trip approval and planning required by some colleges & schools on campus, this electronic approval will not replace the requirement to fill out the Out-of-State Travel request form required by your Dean’s office. 3. Cash Advances for travel All cash advances are received by submitting an electronic travel authorization (noted above) and functionality is granted by request of your Dean’s office. Visit the Accounting Services web site for more information. * Submissions after 60 days are subject to approval of Division/Dean’s Office 5
66 Traveler Responsibilities K now and comply with UW System travel policies P rovide proper documentation (i.e. receipts) of expenses Submit a ctual costs personally incurred Expense reports s ubmitted by Traveler and not by a proxy (alternate) on my behalf S ubmit expense reports within 60 days 6
What is Workflow ? E lectronic routing of expense reports and approvals with notification
How does it Work? Notification is an important tool for e-Reimbursement users. e-Reimbursement uses notification to indicate to travelers, approvers, and auditors where the expense report and/or travel authorization is in the workflow queue. For example, when the traveler clicks on the "Submit" button, s are sent to notify the approver that the expense report is ready for approval and so on. Junkmail Unfamiliar is sometimes sent to a user's junk mailbox because the user and, under some circumstances the system administrator, has set up filters. Because is used as a communication device in e-Reimbursement, be sure to adjust your settings to allow the messages from e-Reimbursement to reach your inbox. that is stuck in a junk mailbox and is not noticed, will delay payment of the expense reimbursement. 8
Sample WiscMail Notification to Approvers
W here do I access the system ? Log into e-Reimbursement on the Services Tab via the My UW Portal
e-Reimbursement - About it e-Reimbursement – Use it (Phase I & II Participants Only) e-Reimbursement – Tutorial (First-time Users) S elect an option from the My UW portal Services tab in the Financial Information Resources box.
Training is Available Online Any UW-Madison employee may self-registrater for the e-Reimbursement course. Find the link to the course in the the Financial Information Resources module in the Services tab of the MyUW portal. Face-to-Face Register for face-to-face training on the OHRD web site. 12