Selected Items from a Report of the Higher Learning Commission Comprehensive Evaluation Visit to OSU Pam Bowers Director, University Assessment & Testing
Assurance Section The team considers the response of OSU to previously identified (1995) challenges adequate in all areas except one: diversity. Commission follow-up recommended: Monitoring report on diversity 1/1/2011
Assurance Section Criterion Three - Evidence that Core Components are met: The university has a clear commitment to assessment. Although the assessment program is relatively young, it is well structured and sustainable.
Assurance Section - 3 Learning outcomes have been established for educational programs, including graduate and general education as well as distance learning and extension programs. While academic programs are at different stages in the process, there is a structure in place for assisting them in moving forward with assessment.
Assurance Section - 3 Faculty members provide leadership for assessment activities with support from administration. Conversations with Assessment Council, General Education Advisory Council, and the Director of University Assessment all indicate intense faculty participation in the process. As one faculty member said, “This is as close to a faculty-driven process as I’ve ever been involved in.”
Assurance Section - 3 The process for assessing general education has been in place for five years and most goals have been incorporated into the assessment cycle.
Assurance Section - 3 Departmental assessment processes and results are included as part of the five-year Academic Program Review. Assessment results may be used by the provost to make budgetary adjustments to programs and departments.
Assurance Section - 3 Financial resources are available to fund assessment initiatives through a state- mandated student fee program that generates approximately $500,000 annually. Over half of these funds are available to academic departments to fund assessment initiatives.
Assurance Section Criterion Four - Evidence that Core Components are met: The university is doing a good job of preparing students for a technological and global society as evidenced in the general education program and the availability of technology on campus. Recent efforts to address student preparedness to function in a diverse society are important steps and when fully implemented should result in improvements.
Assurance Section - 4 In 2001, OSU developed and adopted a solid philosophy for its general education program that underscores its commitment to breadth of knowledge, essential skills, and critical attitudes. Additionally, the General Education Advisory Council adopted new criteria and goals for the general education program.
Reports Required Monitoring Report – Diversity... Additionally, the report should provide a listing and description of the programs and initiatives, as well as outcomes of these, aimed at advancing diversity at OSU.
Reports Required In determining “significant progress,” HLC staff will look for evidence of the following, for example: inclusion of diversity in the General Education Program, and the General Education Assessment Program
Advancement Section The importance of diversity at OSU is expressed in core values, strategic themes, and strategic priorities. It is not, however, reflected in the general education curriculum or the general education assessment program. The team encourages the university to continue its recent effort to align diversity goals with the general education curriculum and assessment programs.
Advancement Section While the assessment program is solid, student involvement in the process is not apparent. The institution should work toward involving students in the assessment process both in terms of development of assessment initiatives and in disseminating the results of assessment to students.
Advancement Section The Academic Ledger is well known and understood across campus. There is a concern, however, at the apparent lack of connection between the reporting required for the ledger and the assessment of student learning outcomes.
Advancement Section The team encourages the university to make the connections between the two major assessment efforts more transparent and explicitly demonstrate how the assessment of student learning outcomes supports the assessment of the overall strategic plan.
Resources Regional Accreditation and Student Learning: A Guide for Institutions and Evaluators, Council of Regional Accrediting Commissions (CRAC) The Handbook of Accreditation, HLC Commission Statement on Assessment of Student Learning, HLC Regional Accreditation and Student Learning: Principles for Good Practices, CRAC Student Learning, Assessment and Accreditation, HLC
Resources Higher Learning Commission Website: OSU Assessment Website: OSU Accreditation Website