Resources Update Geoff Perry- Product Manager
Areas to be covered Spring 2013 Summer 2013
FMS – Spring 2013 FeatureNote CFR 2012/2103 – NEW I18 CFR HeadingStatutory Change
CFR 2012/2013 New line I18
FMS – Spring 2013 FeatureNote CFR 2012/2103 – NEW I18 CFR HeadingStatutory Change Periodic DepreciationAcademy requirement
FMS – Spring 2013 FeatureNote CFR 2012/2103 – NEW I18 CFR HeadingStatutory Change Periodic DepreciationAcademy requirement Summary Cash flow ReportAcademy requirement Detailed Cash flow ReportAcademy requirement Budget Variance ReportAcademy requirement
FMS – Spring 2013 FeatureAcademyMaintainedNote CFR 2012/2103 – NEW I18X√Statutory Change Periodic Depreciation√XAcademy requirement Summary Cash flow Report√√Academy requirement Detailed Cash flow Report√√Academy requirement
FMS – Spring 2013 FeatureAcademyMaintainedNote CFR 2012/2103 – NEW I18X√Statutory Change Periodic Depreciation√XAcademy requirement Summary Cash flow Report√√Academy requirement Detailed Cash flow Report√√Academy requirement Budget Variance Report√√Academy requirement
Cash Flow Reporting Cash Flow Reporting will assist the Finance Office to predict future cash balances in their bank account(s). Reports > General Ledger > Bank Cash Flow Report Summary – predict next 3 months Cash Flow Report Detailed – predict next 3 months Budget Variation Report – calculate remainder of selected financial year
FMS – Spring 2013 FeatureNote CFR 2012/2103 – NEW I18 CFR HeadingStatutory Change Periodic DepreciationAcademy requirement Summary Cash flow ReportAcademy requirement Detailed Cash flow ReportAcademy requirement Budget Variance ReportAcademy requirement Support for STARTTLS for sending BACS Remittances i.e. GmailChange Request
FMS – Spring 2013 FeatureAcademyMaintainedNote CFR 2012/2103 – NEW I18X√Statutory Change Periodic Depreciation√XAcademy requirement Summary Cash flow Report√√Academy requirement Detailed Cash flow Report√√Academy requirement Budget Variance Report√√Academy requirement Support for STARTTLS for sending BACS Remittances i.e. Gmail √√Change Request
FMS – Spring 2013 FeatureNote CFR 2012/2103 – NEW I18 CFR HeadingStatutory Change Periodic DepreciationAcademy requirement Summary Cash flow ReportAcademy requirement Detailed Cash flow ReportAcademy requirement Budget Variance ReportAcademy requirement Support for STARTTLS for sending BACS Remittances i.e. GmailChange Request Balances and Reserves Report – ability to break down “Other Balance Sheet A/c’s” into ledger code typesChange Request
FMS – Spring 2013 FeatureNote CFR 2012/2103 – NEW I18 CFR HeadingStatutory Change Periodic DepreciationAcademy requirement Summary Cash flow ReportAcademy requirement Detailed Cash flow ReportAcademy requirement Budget Variance ReportAcademy requirement Support for STARTTLS for sending BACS Remittances i.e. GmailChange Request Balances and Reserves Report – ability to break down “Other Balance Sheet A/c’s” into ledger code typesChange Request Accounts Payable Credit Notes – appear at top of a suppliers transactions in both Cheque Printing and BACS Processing. Date of Credit Note used as the “Pay By Date” Change Requests
FMS – Spring 2013 FeatureNote CFR 2012/2103 – NEW I18 CFR HeadingStatutory Change Periodic DepreciationAcademy requirement Summary Cash flow ReportAcademy requirement Detailed Cash flow ReportAcademy requirement Budget Variance ReportAcademy requirement Support for STARTTLS for sending BACS Remittances i.e. GmailChange Request Balances and Reserves Report – ability to break down “Other Balance Sheet A/c’s” into ledger code typesChange Request Accounts Payable Credit Notes – appear at top of a suppliers transactions in both Cheque Printing and BACS Processing. Date of Credit Note used as the “Pay By Date” Change Requests Support for Windows 8Technical requirement
Summer 2013
Purchase Orders Most voted Change Request Current process Orders are printed Authorised / signed by a user with a signature .pdf orders Authorisation within FMS Print button changed to “Print / Dispatched” Change to Financial Regulations? Web services No change for orders transferred via web services i.e. Buy4School, xChangewales
Demonstration Demonstration of ing.pdf orders
.pdf Orders Ability to activate .pdf orders Ability to include a signatories name into the.pdf Ability to embed a scanned signature into the.pdf address required for supplier Render an order on screen prior to authorisation Order method & destination held in order header Order dispatched using FMS default order format - not any user configuration Generate and attach.pdf order to NEW support for systems using STARTTLS i.e. gmail
.pdf Orders School TypeOrders per week Weeks per year No. of orders per year Savings per year – 2 nd class stamp £ Primary
.pdf Orders School TypeOrders per week Weeks per year No. of orders per year Savings per year – 2 nd class stamp £ Primary Secondary
.pdf Orders School TypeOrders per week Weeks per year No. of orders per year Savings per year – 2 nd class stamp £ Primary Secondary LA:- Primary (100)20,00010,000 Secondary (10)4,0002,000
BACS Payments Invoices per week Hourly Rate No. of hours per week No. of weeks per year Savings per year £ Admin time ,500 SLT signature ,400 50p50201,000 Purchase of stationery 200 4,100
BACS Payments Invoices per week Hourly Rate No. of hours per week No. of weeks per year Savings per year £ Admin time ,500 SLT signature ,400 50p50201,000 Purchase of stationery 200 4,100 Preparing BACS payments Authorising BACS payments BACS 18p – may be free? -360
BACS Payments Invoices per week Hourly Rate No. of hours per week No. of weeks per year Savings per year £ Admin time ,500 SLT signature ,400 50p50201,000 Purchase of stationery 200 4,100 Preparing BACS payments Authorising BACS payments BACS 18p – may be free? -360 Potential saving3,090
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