Cheshire Elementary School Sanitary Sewer Improvements Preliminary Informational Meeting April 13, 2009
Background Information The Olentangy Local School District will open the new Cheshire Elementary School on Gregory Road in fall, The Olentangy Local School District will open the new Cheshire Elementary School on Gregory Road in fall, Delaware County has committed to provide sanitary sewer service to the new school. Delaware County has committed to provide sanitary sewer service to the new school. ► The Delaware County Board of Commissioners has committed to provide sanitary sewer service to the new school.
Locations of Proposed School & Existing Sanitary Sewer Existing sanitary sewer is located at the intersection of Cheshire Road and S. Old State Road.
Preliminary Sewer Alignment Studies ► The County has evaluated several possibilities for the alignment of the sewer, keeping in focus: Maximizing Sewer Service Overall Cost Constructability ► Pump stations and force mains are not desirable due to energy costs & short and long term maintenance issues.
General Path of Preliminary Sanitary Sewer Alignment
Preliminary Sanitary Sewer Alignment Options Proposed Cheshire Elementary School Site CHESHIRE ROAD GREGORY ROAD RAILROAD TRACKS LACKEY OLD STATE ROAD LEGEND Sanitary Sewer Option A Sanitary Sewer Option B Common Portion of Sewer Options A & B Existing County Sanitary Sewer EXISTING COUNTY SANITARY SEWER SANITARY SEWER OPTION A SANITARY SEWER OPTION B COMMON PORTION OF SANITARY SEWER OPTIONS A AND B ► The preliminary alignment has been narrowed to 2 options, A & B.
Upcoming Studies & Events ► The final alignment of the sewer will be determined by Delaware County following completion of the work by surveyors and other technical consultants. ► The surveyors and consultants will need to enter properties along the preliminary alignment to perform their studies. ► Per Ohio Revised Code Section (F), Delaware County has already mailed letters to property owners whose land is along the path of the preliminary alignment.
Upcoming Studies & Events (Continued) ► The surveyors and other consultants will begin their work starting this week. ► It is anticipated that the studies will be completed in approximately 2 months. ► Once the County determines the final alignment, easement negotiations with property owners will begin. ► Construction of the sewer is anticipated to begin in late 2009.