Environmental Infrastructure Section 219 and 592 Authorities Alabama Water Resources Conference Orange Beach, Alabama September 8, 2011
Environmental Infrastructure Federal Funds Expended/Obligated TN TN • AL MS AL GA GA $0M $0M $8.8M $10M $42M FL FL 15
Metro Atlanta Environmental Infrastructure Projects Section 219, WRDA 1992, as amended Cost shared 75% Federal / 25% Non-Federal Water Supply: Intakes, distribution, groundwater production, raw water treatment, etc. Stormwater: Detention, catch basins, piping, created wetlands, capacity improvements, storage, etc. Wastewater: Treatment, collection, connectivity, expansions, separation, etc.
McDaniel Branch Stormwater Capacity Improvement Project Sponsor: City of Atlanta, Georgia This project consists of the design and construction of a system of storm water detention basins as a feasible watershed improvement project. These basins would provide water quality treatment and storm water runoff control from approximately 200 acres of urban watershed. Design is 85% Complete Delays due to sewer main relocation Expected Completion in 2013
Chattahoochee River Water Intake Sponsor: City of Atlanta, Georgia The purpose of this project is to upgrade upper and lower sill structures in order to improve conditions at the City of Atlanta’s Chattahoochee River Raw Intake structure and stabilize the east bank of the Defoors Island. Projected Cost - $1,900,000 Cost shared on a 75 / 25% (Federal /Non-Federal basis) Design Awarded August 2011 Projected Construction Completion in 2013 UPPER SILL EROSION CONTROL LOWER SILL EROSION CONTROL DEFOORS ISLAND CHATTAHOOCHEE RIVER
Groundwater Production Wells Treatment Facility Sponsor: City of Roswell, Georgia 30 GPM WELL 350 GPM WELL COMBINED GROUNDWATER WELLS PROJECT This project focuses on the expansion of the Roswell Water Plant from its current 1.2 million gallons per day (MGD) to 5 MGD. The groundwater production wells will help the City meet the 5 MGD to comply with the Metro North Georgia Water Planning District Water Supply Plan. Projected Cost – Out for Bid Construction Award Sep 2011 Expected Project Completion in 2012
Swaybranch Detention Pond Sponsor: City of Roswell, Georgia The purpose of this project is to rehabilitate and combine a failing dual detention pond by removing the existing wet pond and dry detention dams and creating a single storm water detention facility Projected Cost – Out for Bid Construction Award Sep 2011 Expected Project Completion in 2012
Mark Avenue/Noonday Creek Stormwater Structure - (ARRA) Sponsor: Cobb County, Georgia The purpose of this project is to construct a storm water detention structure across a tributary to Noonday Creek; about 300 to 400 feet upstream of Mark Avenue. Projected Cost - $2,500,000 ARRA Design Completed Spring of 2010 Construction started Mar 2011 Rock Encounter Delayed Construction 3 Months Expected Project Completion in Mar 2012
DeKalb County Stormwater Section 219 (ARRA) Sponsor: DeKalb County, Georgia The purpose of the project is to repair failing culverts that are inadequately sized to handle the storm water runoff. Repairs include limited bank shaping/rock stabilization upstream or downstream of the enlarged culvert Projected Cost - $3,500,000 ARRA Construction started Aug 2011 Expected Project Completion Aug 2012
Vistavia Drive Stormwater Crossing
Vistavia Drive Stromwater Crossing
Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District The Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2007, Section 5065 authorized the Corps to assist MNGWPD in carrying out environmental infrastructure projects. Assisting the City of Atlanta and the North Georgia Regional Water Planning District Addressing Environmental Infrastructural Problems. 15 County Planning District Project Area. 75/25% Fed/Non-Fed Cost Share Total Project Authorization Limited to $20 Million. No Funds Appropriated Model After Mississippi 592 Program
Eroding Stormwater Detention Pond Spillway Environmental Infrastructure Summary of North Georgia Authorities (Sections 219, 5002, 5064 and 5065) Section 219 – Design & Construction of water-related environmental infrastructure and resource protection and development projects (Maximum Authority $25M). Section 5002 – Technical, Planning & Design Assistance. (No Construction) Section 5064 – Design and Construction of water-related development and protection projects in the Big Creek Watershed. Section 5065 – Design & Construction of water & wastewater infrastructure projects (Maximum Authority $20M ) . Eroding Stormwater Detention Pond Spillway (219 Project)
Environmental Infrastructure WRDA 1999 - Section 592 Program, Mississippi Publicly owned Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) 75% Federal/25% non-Federal Operation & Maintenance 100% non-Federal Authorization Limit $200 Million This slide shows you the criteria for Section 592 projects along with active and pending projects…one of our bigger success stories is the Mississippi Environmental Infrastructure Program, Section 592 program. This authority, allows the Federal government to participate in agreements with local communities to cost-share water-related environmental infrastructure and resource protection and development projects, such as projects for wastewater treatment, elimination or control of combined sewer overflows, water supply, environmental restoration, and surface water resource protection and development for projects which are publicly owned. *Authorizes $110 Million until expended *The project must be publicly owned *Project Cooperation Agreement between the Corps and the non-Federal Sponsor *Cost sharing - 75% Federal/25% non-Federal *Operation & Maintenance - 100% non-Federal 14
Section 592 Project Status Regular Appropriations Brooklyn – Installation of a New Centralized Wastewater System Coahoma County –Sewer Rehabilitation and Installation of New Water Distribution System * Culkin – Upgrade of Water Distribution System * Cruger - New Water Well and Distribution System Installation Forest – Rehabilitation of the City’s Sewer System Hattiesburg – Sewer System Improvements McComb – Surface Water Resource Improvements * Natchez – Surface Water Resource Improvements Olive Branch – Sewer Rehabilitation and Installation of a Collection System Philadelphia Utilities- Water System Improvements and Sewer System Rehabilitation Summit – Sewer System Improvements Wiggins – Rehabilitation and Extension of Sewer System * - Scheduled for Close-out in FY11 ARRA Appropriations Biloxi, MS - Sewer Collection System Greenwood, MS - Replace Sewer Force Main Columbus, MS - Surface Water Resource Protection Improvements Jackson County Utility Authority - Design & Construction For Water Supply Macon, MS - Replace & Improve Sewerage System * Pascagoula, MS - Improvements To Municipal Sewer System Pearl River County, MS - Waste Water Treatment Facility Improvement Richton, MS - Sanitary Sewer System Extension And Water Well Installation Tupelo, MS - Surface Water Resource Improvements West Rankin Utility Authority – Wastewater Force Main Replacement Moss Point, MS – Sewer Rehabilitation Project Port Gibson, MS – Water System Improvements Pearlington, MS – New Water Well Installation Waveland, MS – Sewer Rehabilitation Project
Section 592 Project Status CLOSED PROJECTS FY08 MS Gulf Coast Community College, Perkinston, MS City of Gulfport City of Helena FY09 City of Picayune City of Vicksburg West Rankin Utility Authority FY10 Madison County Wastewater Authority City of Richland Community of Pearlington
Section 592 Projections Project Partnership Agreement Execution Schedule Regular Obligations Pearl River Valley Water Supply District – August 2010 East Reservoir Area Sewer System Improvements Total Cost: $5,995,100 Federal Cost: $4,016,325 Hiwannee Water Association – September 2010 Water Well Installation Total Cost: $1,075,000 Federal Cost: $806,200 City of Vicksburg, MS – September 2010 Water Distribution System Improvements Total Cost: $3,271,538 Federal Cost: $2,203,653 Ocean Springs, MS – September 2010 Sewer Rehabilitation Project Total Cost: $4,045,000 Federal Cost: $2,833,750
Section 592 Projects Culkin Water District 300,000 Gallon Elevated Water Tank Total Project Cost: $1,560,950
Section 592 Projects Madison County Wastewater Authority Sewer Collection System
Planning Process Non-Federal public interest (sponsor) request USACE (Corps) for assistance. Must have a detailed description of project, design concept and a detailed cost; Corps prepares letter report showing Federal interest for Division approval; Upon report approval – Corps and sponsor sign Project Partnership Agreement (PPA); Sponsor provides share of project funds to initiate design and construction. Sponsor can design and construct and be reimbursed against contract invoices; All projects are subject to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements; Sponsor shall acquire all needed lands, easements, rights-of-way, relocations and disposal (LERRD); and, Sponsor operate and maintain 100 percent of the completed project.
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