From – A Report of the Connecticut Regional Institute for the 21 st Century by Michael Gallis & Associates, 1999 (known as the “Gallis Report”) Knowledge Corridor
Opportunity and Vision UCONN is moving forward with an ambitious and exciting plan to create a Research Park. The State is investing in technology and innovation, including the UCONN Research Park. There are opportunities for Tolland to attract spin-off and supporting activities that result from the investments at UCONN. Tolland leaders have committed to working together to attract business development and entrepreneurial opportunities within the Town.
Tolland has an incredible opportunity – –Tolland, as the gateway to UCONN, has a strong geographic advantage in its proximity to UCONN and accessibility to surrounding residential communities. –Tolland’s location provides UCONN with a greater connection to the “Knowledge Corridor”. –Sewer and water infrastructure has been extended into the Gateway Design District, Tolland Technology Zone and Tolland Village Area. –Extension of nearby bus service from UCONN and Hartford can provide Tolland with regional Transit Oriented Development opportunities.
Overall Concept –To prepare for and capitalize on potential for: spin- offs, affiliates, partners and support businesses/services. –Enhance the “allure” of the UCONN Research Park, generating local and regional benefits. –Employ a marketing strategy that emphasizes all commercial areas in Tolland are open for business. –Utilize Smart Growth principles to guide development patterns.
Planning / Economic Development Steps Aspects to work on locally: –Create a specific long and short term work plan for Town Council, Planning and Zoning Commission, Economic Development Commission and Tolland Economic and Community Development Corporation. –Evaluate development potential in Technology Zone, identify desirable development density and develop enabling regulations. –Explore incentives for development in the Tolland Village Area (Fee Waivers, Infrastructure Development, etc.).
–Develop a Marketing Plan: For property in the Gateway Corridor/Transit Node. For the Town overall as ready and willing with resident talent. Aspects to work on regionally: –Evaluate and Plan for Transit connecting Tolland to UCONN –Actively participate in regional/state bodies that are involved in the future development at UCONN.
State Agency Assistance Needed Assistance working with DEEP regarding Tolland’s application for a revised Diversion Permit which, if approved as requested will provide sufficient gallonage reserve to allow for future development in the Technology Zone and Gateway Design District. Support for Tolland’s application for a Regional Performance Enhancement Grant with the Towns of Mansfield and Coventry which needs to be approved. Assistance working with DEEP regarding the approval of the Phase II Sewer Facilities Plan that must be resolved to ensure Tolland’s future infrastructure needs can be met and not deter or impede development in the Technology Zone or other targeted areas.
Key Components Requiring Funding Assistance Development of a Comprehensive Plan and enabling regulations to support the re-zoning of approximately 140 acres along Route 195 between Goose Lane and Anthony Road/Baxter Street into the Tolland Technology Zone. Development and implementation of a marketing strategy for the areas encompassing the Tolland Village Area, Gateway Design District and Technology Zone. Funding assistance to relocate the commuter parking lot to an alternative site.
Development of infrastructure to encourage business development to include engineering review and commencement of infrastructure requirements and appropriate road networks, bike paths, walking trails, etc., working in conjunction with private land owners in the area. Transit Planning to evaluate identify requirements and desirable transit patterns between UCONN, Hartford and Interstate 84.
Justification for Funding Key decision-makers in Tolland are united in this effort. The community will be engaged to support this effort. Tolland has a strong history of grass roots efforts such as Conserving Tolland, the Tolland Conservation Corps and Neighbor Helping Neighbor. Tolland has committed significant local resources, funding and labor to protect regionally significant natural assets and is now working to create jobs.
Tolland is the gateway to UCONN with a high percentage of UCONN traffic coming through Tolland. Tolland’s location in the “Knowledge Corridor” plays a significant role (see attached graphic from 1999 “Gallis Report”). Furthers Growth Management Goals of concentrating development along major transportation corridors in the State Plan of Conservation and Development, as well as regional transit goals