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Presentation transcript:

Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times. To speak on a particular agenda item, advise the attendant at the door. To place an item on the Board's agenda, please notify the County Administrator's Office at least ten days prior to the Board meeting. Any citizen concern can be communicated to the County Administrator by calling from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays. All citizen complaints are recorded and responded to as soon as possible. WHEN SPEAKING BEFORE THE BOARD, PLEASE COME TO THE PODIUM AND GIVE YOUR NAME.

BOARD AGENDA Regular Meeting PULASKI COUNTY Jan. 11, 2011 PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY 9:00 a.m. ITEM 1.Citizen Comments

2.Finance a.Follow-up from December Board Meeting: 1.Scheduling of Public Hearing on Connection Fee Changes 2.Update on Procedures Used by Town of Blacksburg re: Billing for Outside Water Usage 3.Update on Hubbard Way Request for Sewer Service

b. Review of Financial Report c.Balance Due & Lien Reports d.Budget Adjustments e.Billing Adjustments f.Accounts Payable g.Central Project Funding h.Authorizing Resolution

3.Operations a.Minutes of Previous Meeting b.Inmate Availability Report c.Drop Site Total & County Landfill Tonnage Reports d.Personnel Changes e.Inclement Weather Policy Revisions f.Sewer Vacuum Truck

4.Informational Items a.Notice of Violation – Water Treatment Plant b.Montgomery Regional Solid Waste Authority Rate Changes c.ReStore Thank You d.Drop Site Location

5.Current Authorized Projects (Staff “to do” list) a.Construction of water and sewer service to mobile home parks b.Construction of Rolling Hills, Orchard Hills, Vista, and Highland Park sewer c.Skyview/NRV Fairgrounds sewer engineering and environmental reports d.Commerce Park Utility engineering, easement acquisition and construction e.Evaluation of “radio read” water meter option f.Lakewood Estates emergency management plan g.Drop Center location serving South side of Claytor Lake h.Evaluation of joint negotiation of rail crossing fees i.Report on Balance of Sewer Revenues and Expenditures

6.Other Matters 7.Adjournment

1.Citizen Comments – We have not received any requests from citizens to be placed on the agenda.

2.Finance - (Items having significant financial impact on the Authority)

a.Follow-up from December Board Meeting: 1.Scheduling of Public Hearing on Connection Fee Changes – Board members have been provided a notice of public hearing to be published in the SW Times and the Patriot on January 16th and January 24th modifying the PSA’s water and sewer connection fees.

2.Update on Procedures Used by Town of Blacksburg re: Billing for Outside Water Usage – Board members have been provided procedures used by the Town of Blacksburg allowing residents not to pay sewer where water is not returned to the sewer system (watering gardens, washing cars and filling swimming pools) as suggested by Mr. Garland Campbell. Inclusion of an advertisement of this service is tentatively included as part of the public hearing regarding connection fees.

3.Update on Hubbard Way Request for Sewer Service – Board members have been provided a compilation of the results received to date indicating 76.9% responding with 80% being in favor of the project. The PSA standard is to receive a response from 75% of the homes to be served with 66.7% in favor. Based on the continued use of these standards and the response received, authorization to implement the following actions is recommended:

a.Contract with NRVPDC for an environmental assessment as required by Rural Development; b.Soliciting engineering assistance from adjacent localities or a professional firm in finalizing the preliminary Engineering Study and designing the proposed collection lines connecting to the Pepper’s Ferry main line. c.Request for authorization from the Pepper’s Ferry Regional Wastewater Treatment Authority to enter the main line with this neighborhood collection line.

b.Review of Financial Report – Review of the revenues and expenditures summaries is requested.

c.Balance Due & Lien Report – Review of the balance due and lien reports is requested.

d.Budget Adjustments – Board members have been provided with copies of budget adjustments.

e.Billing Adjustments - Adjustments totaling $1, cr. are submitted for review and approval by the Board.

f.Accounts Payable - Review and approval of the accounts payable is requested.

g.Central Project Funding – The construction of the PSA’s portion of this project is now completed and public water and/or sewer service has been provided to Polyester, Lee Highway, Tiny Town and Mabry trailer parks as well as the Hidden Valley Campground. However, mobile home park owners are still connecting individual units to new PSA lines. Due to lower than expected bid prices, $106,968 was applied to reducing the cost of the Subdivision Sewer and $54,145 remains to be used for Skyview.

h.Authorizing Resolution – In an effort to streamline the closing for the Commerce Park Utility project, Bond Counsel and Rural Development staff recommend combining the original and additional loans into one closing and one authorizing resolution. Thus, the combined resolution is recommended for adoption.

3. Operations: a.Minutes of Previous Meeting - Minutes of the December 2010 meeting have been provided for the Board’s review. b.Inmate Availability Report - Staff reports the PSA generally had use of two inmates per day for the month of December. Board members have also been provided a copy of an updated New River Valley Regional Jail Inmate Workforce User Agreement re-executed on January 3rd. A copy of this agreement is also being provided to each employee working with inmates (PSA refuse, garage and animal shelter).

c.Drop Site Total & County Landfill Tonnage Report – DROP SITE TOTAL FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 2010 Site Trips Tons Tons per haul Dora Highway Dublin Fairlawn Totals

County Landfill Tonnage – Dec (County customers & Refuse Department Haulers ) Commercial Residential Tires Brush

d.Personnel Changes – Board members have been provided a listing of recent personnel changes.

e.Inclement Weather Policy Revisions – Ronnie Nichols has provided the Board with an update to the county’s Inclement Weather Policy specifically related to the work schedule for PSA employees. This policy change allows reassignment of PSA refuse employees for removing snow from the Administration Building, Competitiveness Center, Maple Shade property, New River Valley Airport and the Dublin Town Center when the weather is such that trucks are not able to safely operate but County offices are not closed. This policy also provides employees with the assurance of work should they report in rather than taking a personal leave day. At the same time, travel to

the work place for employees should be reduced through predetermined assignments to work places closest to their homes. Concurrence by the PSA Board is recommended prior to formal approval by the Board of Supervisors.

f.Sewer Vacuum Truck – The sewer department is in need of a truck equipped to properly unblock and clean sewer lines. Currently, the extent of our “unblocking” equipment is a gas powered flexible sewer rod. The need for sewer equipment (vacuum truck and specialized inner pipe video equipment) will increase as various new sewer systems come on line. While the cost of a new sewer vacuum truck is approximately $250,000 both the Town of Pulaski and the City of Radford already have sewer vacuum trucks.

My thoughts are to propose contracting with both localities for the use and operation by PSA employees of their vacuum and video trucks with the PSA paying an hourly rate representative of the expected true cost of purchasing and maintaining trucks of this type. I would also propose that PSA employees operate the trucks and with keys and truck locations readily accessible to staff 24-hours per day except when otherwise utilized by either the City or the Town.

Since sewer vacuum trucks are only used on an occasional basis and the PSA would potentially have access to more than one unit, this alternative would provide the PSA with direct access to needed equipment at minimal cost while helping other localities offset their investment in these vehicles. Use of these trucks for cleaning lines owned by the Sewer Authority would be charged directly to the Sewer Authority.

4.Informational Items a.Notice of Violation – Water Treatment Plant - We received a Notice of Violation from the Department of Health in reference to an inspection of the Water Treatment Plant as it relates to the plant being operated by inadequately licensed personnel. We have since hired John Goad as senior operator and are advertising for a chief operator and one of our existing staff is taking the required class 2 license in order to meet Health Department requirements.

b.Montgomery Regional Solid Waste Authority Rate Changes – Board members have been provided a letter received from the Authority notifying the PSA of elimination of charges for Source Separated fiber and variable payment for cardboard.

c.ReStore Thank You – Board members have been provided a copy of a thank you letter from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore thanking the PSA for access to items from the Drop Center.

d.Drop Site Location – Pulaski Town Manager John Hawley advised an attempt was made to obtain the environmental information requested by the PSA. EPA plans to make a visit to the site, walk it with the town and allay any concerns that may exist. John intends to let us know when the EPA representative and the engineering consultant will be here so anyone who wants to hear their comments can be there.

5.Current Authorized Projects - The staff currently has the following projects on their “to do” list but we do not have any additional information to report regarding these items at this time.

a.Construction of water and sewer service to mobile home parks b.Construction of Rolling Hills, Orchard Hills, Vista, and Highland Park sewer c.Skyview/NRV Fairgrounds sewer engineering and environmental reports d.Commerce Park Utility engineering, easement acquisition and construction e.Evaluation of “radio read” water meter option f.Lakewood Estates emergency management plan g.Drop Center location serving South side of Claytor Lake h.Evaluation of joint negotiation of rail crossing fees i.Report on Balance of Sewer Revenues and Expenditures