Upper West Branch Rocky River Watershed Balanced Growth Plan
Rocky River Watershed Council Medina County Soil & Water Conservation District Medina County Department of Planning Services Medina County Park District Medina County Sanitary Engineer Western Reserve Land Conservancy Medina-Summit Chapter Medina County Home Builders Association Medina County Highway Engineer Medina County Economic Development Corporation Medina County Farm Bureau Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency Medina County Emergency Management Agency The Rocky River Watershed Planning Partnership
Project Timeline
TASK Jan- 06 Feb- 06 Mar- 06 Apr- 06 May- 06 Jun- 06 Jul- 06 Aug- 06 Sep- 06 Oct- 06 Nov- 06 Dec- 06 Kick-off meetingsx Land-use analysis xxxxxxxxx Impervious coverage analysis xxxxxxxxx Create prelim PCAs & PDAs xxx First annual report x
TASK Jan- 07 Feb- 07 Mar- 07 Apr- 07 May- 07 Jun- 07 Jul- 07 Aug- 07 Sep- 07 Oct- 07 Nov- 07 Dec- 07 WPP agrees on first draft of proposed PCAs & PDAs xxx Local governments reach consensus xxxxxx Plan revised based upon public comment xxx Draft toolbox completed xxxxxxx Second annual report x Project Timeline
TASK Jan- 08 Feb- 08 Mar- 08 Apr- 08 May- 08 Jun- 08 Jul- 08 Aug- 08 Sep- 08 Oct- 08 WPP agrees on final draft of proposed PCAs & PDAs & toolbox xx Achieve local gov't acceptance xxxx Endorsement of plan by OLEC xx Complete training program xx Project Timeline
Land Use Suitability
Land Suitability Analysis Developed for the Ohio Lake Erie Commission byDeveloped for the Ohio Lake Erie Commission by EcoCity ClevelandEcoCity Cleveland The Ohio Lake Erie CommissionThe Ohio Lake Erie Commission Representatives of the 3 pilot watersheds for the Balanced Growth Initiative (Chagrin, Swan Creek and the Upper West Branch of the Rocky River)Representatives of the 3 pilot watersheds for the Balanced Growth Initiative (Chagrin, Swan Creek and the Upper West Branch of the Rocky River)
AGRICULTURE Land Suitability
AGRICULTURE Factor : Important Farmlands Classification designated by NRCS, USDAdesignated by NRCS, USDA Land Category Suitability : HIGH : all PRIME classificationsHIGH : all PRIME classifications MODERATE : not prime, but deemed noteworthy ( unique or locally important)MODERATE : not prime, but deemed noteworthy ( unique or locally important) LOW: not PRIME or not unique or of local importanceLOW: not PRIME or not unique or of local importance
CONSERVATION Land Suitability
CONSERVATION Factor #1: RIPARIAN CORRIDOR designation by USGS digitized topographic maps at 1:24,000 scaledesignation by USGS digitized topographic maps at 1:24,000 scale Factor Suitability: HIGH : areas that meet ONE of the following conditions:HIGH : areas that meet ONE of the following conditions: owithin 300 ft of a stream edge, stream drains over 300 square miles owithin 120 feet of a stream edge, stream drains square miles owithin 75 feet of a stream edge, stream drains square miles owithin 25 feet of a stream edge, stream drains under 0.5 square miles LOW : areas that do not meet ANY of the above conditionsLOW : areas that do not meet ANY of the above conditions
Areas of HIGH SUITABILITY for Riparian Corridors
CONSERVATION Factor #2: FLOODPLAIN 100 year FEMA from ODNR and floodplain soils designated by NRCS100 year FEMA from ODNR and floodplain soils designated by NRCS Factor Suitability: HIGH : areas that meet ONE of the following conditions:HIGH : areas that meet ONE of the following conditions: owithin a 100-year floodplain designated by FEMA oclassified as floodplain soils by NRCS LOW : areas that do not meet ANY of the above conditionsLOW : areas that do not meet ANY of the above conditions
Areas of HIGH SUITABILITY for Floodplains
CONSERVATION Factor #3: WETLAND OWI or NWI and types of hydric soils from NRCSOWI or NWI and types of hydric soils from NRCS Factor Suitability: HIGH : areas that meet ONE of the following conditions:HIGH : areas that meet ONE of the following conditions: owithin the confluence of an OWI-designated wetland AND hydric soils OR non-hydric soils with hydric inclusions owithin the confluence of a NWI-designated wetland AND hydric soils OR non-hydric soils with hydric inclusions owithin 165 feet of Category 3 Wetlands (designated as high quality by OhioEPA) LOW : areas that do not meet ANY of the above conditionsLOW : areas that do not meet ANY of the above conditions
Areas of HIGH SUITABILITY for Wetlands
CONSERVATION Factor #4: INFILTRATIVE CAPACITY TR-55 runoff curve numbersTR-55 runoff curve numbers combinations of NRCS hydrologic soil groups (A,B,C,D) and 2003 EPA Land Cover categories prepared by University of Cincinnati combinations of NRCS hydrologic soil groups (A,B,C,D) and 2003 EPA Land Cover categories prepared by University of Cincinnati Factor Suitability: HIGH : all areas where the combination of hydrologic soil and land cover category generate a runoff curve number no greater than 79HIGH : all areas where the combination of hydrologic soil and land cover category generate a runoff curve number no greater than 79 LOW : all areas where the combination of hydrologic soil and land cover category generate a runoff curve number greater than 79LOW : all areas where the combination of hydrologic soil and land cover category generate a runoff curve number greater than 79
LAND COVER HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER SUITABILITY Forest (deciduous, evergreen) A36HIGH B60HIGH C73HIGH D79HIGH PastureA46HIGH PastureB65HIGH PastureC76HIGH PastureD82LOW CropA64HIGH CropB75HIGH CropC82LOW CropD85LOW ResidentialA65HIGH ResidentialB77HIGH ResidentialC85LOW ResidentialD88LOW Commercial/Industrial/TransportationA85LOW Commercial/Industrial/TransportationB90LOW Commercial/Industrial/TransportationC92LOW Commercial/Industrial/TransportationD94LOW Urban/Recreational Grasses A50HIGH B68HIGH C79HIGH D84LOW
Areas of HIGH SUITABILITY for Infiltrative Capacity
CONSERVATION Land Category Suitability : HIGH : if an area has a HIGH suitability rating for any of the conservation factors (Riparian Corridor OR Floodplain OR Wetland OR Infiltrative Capacity)HIGH : if an area has a HIGH suitability rating for any of the conservation factors (Riparian Corridor OR Floodplain OR Wetland OR Infiltrative Capacity) LOW : if an area does NOT have a HIGH suitability rating for ANY of the conservation factorsLOW : if an area does NOT have a HIGH suitability rating for ANY of the conservation factors
DEVELOPMENT Land Suitability
DEVELOPMENT Residential Factor: Public Sewer Service Facility Planning Areas (208 Plans)Facility Planning Areas (208 Plans) Land Category Suitability : HIGH : areas that currently have sewersHIGH : areas that currently have sewers MODERATE : areas likely to have sewers within 20 years of last plan updateMODERATE : areas likely to have sewers within 20 years of last plan update LOW : areas not likely to have sewers within 20 years of last plan updateLOW : areas not likely to have sewers within 20 years of last plan update
Areas of HIGH and MODERATE SUITABILITY for Residential Development
DEVELOPMENT Commercial Factors : 1.Public Sewer Service 2.Highways 3.Highway Interchanges 4.Fiber-optic Networks 5.Electric Power Lines
DEVELOPMENT Commercial Factor #1: Public Sewer Service Facility Planning Areas (208 Plans)Facility Planning Areas (208 Plans) Factor Suitability: HIGH: areas that currently have sewersHIGH: areas that currently have sewers MODERATE: areas likely to have sewers within 20 years of last plan updateMODERATE: areas likely to have sewers within 20 years of last plan update LOW: areas not likely to have sewers within 20 years of last plan updateLOW: areas not likely to have sewers within 20 years of last plan update
DEVELOPMENT Commercial Factor #2: Highways Limited Access, Federal, State mapped by ODOTLimited Access, Federal, State mapped by ODOT Factor Suitability: HIGH: within ¼ mileHIGH: within ¼ mile MODERATE: between ¼ and ½ mileMODERATE: between ¼ and ½ mile LOW: greater than ½ mileLOW: greater than ½ mile
DEVELOPMENT Commercial Factor #3: Highway Interchanges mapped by ODOTmapped by ODOT Factor Suitability: HIGH: within ½ mileHIGH: within ½ mile MODERATE: between ½ and 1 mileMODERATE: between ½ and 1 mile LOW: greater than 1 mileLOW: greater than 1 mile
DEVELOPMENT Commercial Factor #4: Fiber-optic Networks Mapped by FCC?Mapped by FCC? Factor Suitability: HIGH: TBDHIGH: TBD MODERATE: TBDMODERATE: TBD LOW: TBDLOW: TBD
DEVELOPMENT Commercial Factor #5: Electric Power Lines Mapped by PUCOMapped by PUCO Factor Suitability: HIGH: within ¼ mileHIGH: within ¼ mile MODERATE: between ¼ and ½ mileMODERATE: between ¼ and ½ mile LOW: greater than ½ mileLOW: greater than ½ mile
DEVELOPMENT Commercial Land Category Suitability : HIGH : must have HIGH suitability for both SEWER and ELECTRIC POWER and NOT LOW suitability for HIGHWAY or HIGHWAY INTERCHANGEHIGH : must have HIGH suitability for both SEWER and ELECTRIC POWER and NOT LOW suitability for HIGHWAY or HIGHWAY INTERCHANGE MODERATE: must have at least MODERATE suitability for both SEWER and ELECTRIC POWER and NOT LOW suitability for HIGHWAY or HIGHWAY INTERCHANGEMODERATE: must have at least MODERATE suitability for both SEWER and ELECTRIC POWER and NOT LOW suitability for HIGHWAY or HIGHWAY INTERCHANGE LOW: all areas that do not qualify as HIGH or MODERATE commercial development suitabilityLOW: all areas that do not qualify as HIGH or MODERATE commercial development suitability
Areas of HIGH SUITABILITY for Commercial Development
DEVELOPMENT Industrial Factors : 1.Public Sewer Service 2.Highways 3.Highway Interchanges 4.Fiberoptic Networks 5.Freight Rail Lines 6.Gas Lines 7.Electric Power Lines
DEVELOPMENT Industrial Factor #1: Public Sewer Service Facility Planning Areas (208 Plans)Facility Planning Areas (208 Plans) Factor Suitability: HIGH: areas that currently have sewersHIGH: areas that currently have sewers MODERATE: areas likely to have sewers within 20 years of last plan updateMODERATE: areas likely to have sewers within 20 years of last plan update LOW: areas not likely to have sewers within 20 years of last plan updateLOW: areas not likely to have sewers within 20 years of last plan update
DEVELOPMENT Industrial Factor #2: Highways Limited Access, Federal, State mapped by ODOTLimited Access, Federal, State mapped by ODOT Factor Suitability: –HIGH: within ¼ mile –MODERATE: between ¼ and ½ mile –LOW: greater than ½ mile
DEVELOPMENT Industrial Factor #3: Highway Interchanges mapped by ODOTmapped by ODOT Factor Suitability: –HIGH: within ½ mile –MODERATE: between ½ and 1 mile –LOW: greater than 1 mile
DEVELOPMENT Industrial Factor #4: Fiber-optic Networks Mapped by FCC?Mapped by FCC? Factor Suitability: HIGH: TBDHIGH: TBD MODERATE: TBDMODERATE: TBD LOW: TBDLOW: TBD
DEVELOPMENT Industrial Factor #5: Freight Rail Lines Mapped by PUCOMapped by PUCO Factor Suitability: –HIGH: within ¼ mile –MODERATE: between ¼ and ½ mile –LOW: greater than ½ mile
DEVELOPMENT Industrial Factor #6: Gas Lines Mapped by NPMS (National Pipeline Mapping System)Mapped by NPMS (National Pipeline Mapping System) Factor Suitability: HIGH: TBDHIGH: TBD MODERATE: TBDMODERATE: TBD LOW: TBDLOW: TBD
DEVELOPMENT Industrial Factor #7: Electric Power Lines Mapped by PUCOMapped by PUCO Factor Suitability: –HIGH: within ¼ mile –MODERATE: between ¼ and ½ mile –LOW: greater than ½ mile
DEVELOPMENT Industrial Land Category Suitability : HIGH : must have HIGH suitability for both SEWER and ELECTRIC POWER and NOT LOW suitability for HIGHWAY or HIGHWAY INTERCHANGEHIGH : must have HIGH suitability for both SEWER and ELECTRIC POWER and NOT LOW suitability for HIGHWAY or HIGHWAY INTERCHANGE MODERATE: must have at least MODERATE suitability for both SEWER and ELECTRIC POWER and NOT LOW suitability for HIGHWAY or HIGHWAY INTERCHANGEMODERATE: must have at least MODERATE suitability for both SEWER and ELECTRIC POWER and NOT LOW suitability for HIGHWAY or HIGHWAY INTERCHANGE LOW: all areas that do not qualify as HIGH or MODERATE industrial development suitabilityLOW: all areas that do not qualify as HIGH or MODERATE industrial development suitability
Areas of HIGH SUITABILITY for Industrial Development
Areas with HIGH SUITABLITY for ALL 3 of the LAND USES
Areas with NO HIGH SUITABLITY for ANY of the 3 LAND USES
Questions to answer before identifying Priority Conservation Areas and Priority Development Areas 1. How do we factor in HIGH Agricultural Suitability? 2. Are there other suitability factors that we should include? 3. What,if any, weight do we give to areas described as having MODERATE suitability?
Upper West Branch Rocky River Watershed Balanced Growth Plan