Franklin County FY Budget Presentation to the Board of Commissioners
Franklin County Current Proposed Budget Fiscal Year FY Proposed Budget $73,270,027 FY Proposed Budget $73,875,074 Difference Less ($605,047) Proposed Budget does not include an increase in property tax rate for the County.
Total Funding for General Fund Proposed Category Funding: General Government $5,389,696 Public Safety $20,050,048 Economic and Physical Development $5,449,809 Human Services $17,426,843 Cultural and Leisure $1,302,007 Education $23,651,623 Total Proposed - $73,270,027
Franklin County Current Requested Budget Fiscal Year FY Requested Budget $ 80,763,454 FY Revenue Budget $ 69,812,369 Difference $ 10,951,085 Fund Balance Appropriated 3,457,658 Reduction needed to avoid tax increase $ 7,493, cent increase to fund all requests
Items not funded 1. County Pay Study – Not Implemented – includes benefits Option 1 - $582,450 Option 2 - $816,230 Option 3 - $1,084,750 Option 4 - $1,855,130 or 4.40 cents 2. Education Request: Five School Resource Officers - $330,250 Sheriff’s request School Current Expense - $274,289 School Capital Outlay - $499,500 Total Education Request Not Funded - $1,104, cents
Items not funded 3. Human Resource – PT to FT Position Request - $20, Tax Collector – RIF a position effective 1/ $27, Tax Assessor - Tax Management Audits - $67, Register of Deeds – New Position - $40, Inspections – Vehicle - $22, Recreation – PT Salaries – $14,555, supplies $10, Maintenance – Roof on County Admin. Bldg - $56, Sheriff – Equipment - $115, Sheriff – Vehicles - $165,995
Items not funded 12. Communications – Four new FT positions - $190, Jail – Four new Jailer Positions - $203, Jail – New Van - $39, EMS – Overtime Change, Benefits, ect. - $730, EMS Uniforms - $58, EMS – two QRV vehicles - $100, EM – Tahoe - $50, Health Department - $49,307 vehicle, New Position - $54,458, Eliminates Dental Program - $640, IT Department – County Phone System - $85,200
Items not funded 21. Soil and Water - Eliminates a position on 1/1/ Social Services – Vehicles - $49, Solid Waste - $74,500 – Roll off waste containers
Funding Increases 1. Increase funding in Education - $638, Debt Service – Jail Renovation - $371,400 and Court House Renovation - $144,000 – Total $515, Health Department – Additional Funding required due to less revenue - $440, EMS Equipment – 3 Defibs/6 stretchers - $156, Jail Meal Program – Kitchen Renovation - $150, EMS Equipment – One Ambulance - $145,000
Funding Increases 7. RTRP per capita Investment - $20, Safe Space - $26, Library – Automation Upgrades - $34, KARTS Capital Project - $35,534 (5 year commitment) 11. New CCBI Position in Sheriff’s Office - $66, Communications Part-Time Salaries - $36, Communications Equipment - $42, Communications – CODE RED System - $12, Jail – Maintenance Position – $41, Jail Equipment – $35,590
Budget is based on no tax increase and the following FY Budgeted Tax Base $ 4,332,988,947 FY Budgeted Tax Base $ 4,257,059,737 Only a 1.80% increase in tax base Tax Collection Rate for is based on a 97.36% rate. In , the county used a 97.59% collection rate. Budgeted Current Taxes for FY $ 36,807,268 Budgeted Current Taxes for FY $ 36,247,704 Additional Revenue from Property Tax Only $ 559,564
What are our County Tax Dollars used for?
County Dollars compared to previous FY FY Budgeted County Dollars $ 48,982,239 FY Budgeted County Dollars $ 48,783,316 County dollar increase $ 198,923 Additional Revenues Property Taxes - $559,564 Sales Tax Revenue - $385,902
Fund Balance position based on estimate for FY Total Fund Balance 6/30/2013 $ 21,213,203 (less) Est. Required Reserves by Statute: $4,216,698 (less) County Earmarked Reserves 1,021,004 (less) FYE 2015 Fund Bal. Appropriation 3,457,658 (less) Expenses over Revenues 1,892,359 Projected Unassigned of Fund Balance $10,625,484 Using 2014 GF Budget of $ 73,270,027 Est. % of Undesignated Fund Balance 14.50%
Unassigned Fund Balance Comparison FYE $ 10,625,484 estimated FYE ,714,798 FYE ,201,066 FYE ,757,375 FYE ,312,790 FYE ,545,686 FYE ,455,767 FYE ,730,851 FYE ,146,678 FYE ,870,944
Fund Balance Appropriated for Budgeted Expenditures are: $ 73,270,027 Budgeted Revenues are: $ 69,812,369 Fund Balance Appropriated ($ 3,457,658) At some point in the near future, we will not be able to appropriate fund balance to balance the budget. One cent is equal to $421,860. To balance the budget without a fund balance appropriation, the county would need a 8.20 cent advalorem tax increase to continue at recommended service levels.
Education Request Board of Education: Additional Funding Requested $ 1,441,789 FYE Current Expense Funding - $ 13,150,841 Requested FYE ,093,130 Additional County Dollars Requested $ 942,289 FYE Current Expense Funding - $ 1,100,000 Requested FYE ,599,500 Additional County Dollars Requested $ 499,500
Education Request Board of Education and Sheriff’s Budget: The Sheriff is requesting five new School Resource Officers in his Budget. The total cost for these five positions is $340,080 Total additional county dollars requested related to Board of Education is: Current Expense $ 942,289 Capital Outlay $ 499,500 School Resource Officer $ 340,080 Total $ 1,781,869 Requesting a 4.25 cent tax increase
Proposed Education Recommendation Board of Education - Current Expense: Requested Proposed Current Expense $ 942,289 $ 668,000 Capital Outlay 499,500 0 School Resource Officer 340,080 0 Total $ 1,781,869 $ 668,000
EMS Recommendation Emergency Medical Services Requesting an additional $ 912,534 in Funding Requested Proposed Salaries and Benefits $ 4,778,643 $ 4,045,859 Operations 737, ,122 Capital Outlay 407, ,000 Total $ 5,923,515 $ 5,010,981
EMS Recommendation Emergency Medical Services Requesting a different method of pay for computing Overtime Pay! Two Quick Response Vehicles
Health Department Clinic Health – Revenues continue to drop for third straight year, (From $2.66 million to $2.175 million) a decrease of $484,560. Patient caseload has decreased by approximately 30%. County is providing an additional $343,981 in county tax dollars in the proposed budget with less patients expected. The Health Department may need to consider offering only what is required by State of NC in the budget.
Health Department 1. Dental Health – Due to additional county dollars required, the daily patient average dropping from 15 patients a day to 6 a day, and with the addition of 5 private dental offices now accepting Medicaid patients, the recommendation is to close the dental clinic effective 6/30/2014. Health Department requested an additional $143,749 in county tax dollars in their request for Dental services. That would require the County to provide a total of $220,837 county tax dollars to a program that was once self sustaining.
Health Department Home Health – The county is proposing an additional $142,394 in county tax dollars compared to the previous year’s budget. Home Health revenue is slightly down. We are challenging the program to market themselves to become self supporting. The State of NC does not require counties to offer this service. Total Additional County Dollars for Clinic and Home Health in the Proposed budget is $486,375
New Debt Payment Budget includes the following: Jail Renovation Debt Payment of: $371,400 Court House Renovation: $144,000 Retirement of 1994 School, Jail, Court House Certificates of Participation – ($1,621,244) Net reduction to Debt Service – ($1,202,158)
Number of FT County Positions included in the proposed budget Proposed FY Proposed FY Difference Total County 479Total County 483(4) Tax Assessor 8Tax Assessor 9(1) Health Dept. 51Health Dept. 60 (9) Sheriff Dept 74Sheriff Dept 69+5 Tax Collector 5.5Tax Collector 6(-0.5) Jail 36Jail 35+1 Water/Sewer 19Water/Sewer 18+1
Water and Sewer FY Proposed Budget Proposed Operational Expenditures: $ 6,332,360 Proposed Debt Service 1,866,064 Total Proposed Expenditures 8,198,424 Current Proposed Revenues $ 8,198,424 Transfer to General Fund for partial repayment of prior year loans: $750,000 Last year transfer $500,000 to General Fund to repay loan.
Water and Sewer FY Proposed Budget County is recommending a 4% decrease in water rates Municipal: From $7.30 to $7.00 per 1000 gallons High Volume: From $5.75 to $5.50 per 1000 gallons Low Volume: From $30.00 first 2,000 gallons From $7.30 next 1,000 gallons to 7.00 Muti-user: $11.00 per connection (no change) From $5.75 per 1,000 gallons to $5.50
Water and Sewer FY Proposed Budget Water and Sewer Fund is financially stable and is able to transfer $750,000 to General Fund to repay previous loans from the General Fund And Has now had a total of a 9% decrease in rates over the last two budget years.
Fire Departments Four Fire Tax rate increases are requested. White Level Fire District: From 6.50 to 7.50 Requesting to move from $72,000 to $87,000 Justice Fire Department: From 7.00 to 8.00 Requesting to move from $93,000 to $111,000 Pilot Fire Department: From 8.00 to 8.25 Requesting to move from $189,993 to 196,993 Hopkins Fire Department – From 3.00 to 4.00 Requesting to move from $14,800 to $19,500
Fire Protection Department Requested Recommended Central Fire District230,000 Epsom Fire District85,000 Gold Sand Fire District57,500 Justice Fire District111,000 Kittrell Fire District 1,000 Pilot Fire District196,993 White Level Fire District 87,000 Brassfield Fire District 7,979 Mitchiners Fire District134,500 Hopkins Fire District 19,500 Franklinton Fire District212,410 Youngsville Fire District1,324,800 Bunn Fire District560,000 Castalia Fire District 1,200 Centerville Fire District 59,000 TOTAL3,087,882
DEBT POSITION- General Fund General Fund Debt: $ 79,713,583 Water and Sewer: $ 11,563,499 ************************************************************************* Total Debt: $ 91,277,082 Debt per Capita: $ 1, Based on 61,500 citizens