2010 Draft Municipal Budget Village of Merrickville-Wolford
2010 Challenges Reduction in the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund – a grant that assists municipalities in paying for services downloaded by the Province. While minimal services at the County level were uploaded to the Ontario government for 2010, no municipal services were taken back by the province to compensate for the grant reduction. The grant reduction totaled $111,000.00 which represents a 5.75% increase in the tax rate.
2010 Challenges The Cost of police services from the OPP increased by $45,000.00 for 2010. The Village’s commitment to completing the three projects approved under the Stimulus Grant Program in 2009 of which the Village is responsible for 1/3 of all costs.
2010 Challenges The need for an additional staff person in order to meet legislative requirements and deadlines for planning, asset management and funding reports. Ensuring that municipal services continue to be offered at the lowest cost possible to ratepayers.
2010 Challenges Repairing and replacing aging municipal infrastructure such as water and sewer pipes, equipment and buildings. Encouraging economic growth throughout the municipality. Encouraging and monitoring housing development.
2010 Draft Municipal Budget REVENUES 2010 Budget Total Municipal Taxation $1,986,405.00 Total Payments in Lieu $152,625.00 Total Federal Grants $89,445.00 Total Provincial Grants $449,600.00 Total Administration $140,415.00 Total Industry and Tourism $100.00 Total Planning $800.00 Total Building $63,400.00 Total Parkland $2,000.00 Total By-law $1,200.00 Total Animal Control $5,500.00 Total Police Services Board $14,150.00 Total Fire Services $5,700.00 Total Drainage $13,000.00 Total Street and Roads $243,300.00 Total Waste Collection $63,000.00 Total Revenue Recreation $32,900.00 Total Museum $11,000.00 2009 Surplus $113,127.77 Total Revenues $3,387,667.77 EXPENSES 2010 Budget Total Council Expenses $70,500.00 Total Administrative Expenses $571,622.77 Total Donations and Grants $119,313.00 Total - Industry and Tourism $30,550.00 Total Planning and Development $7,100.00 Total Building Inspection $64,500.00 Total Parkland $2,000.00 Total Property Standards $1,500.00 Total By-law Enforcement $10,380.00 Total Animal Control $5,650.00 Total Police Services Board $14,100.00 Total Community Policing Expenses $459,600.00 Total Crossing Guard $8,830.00 Total Fire Expenses $237,900.00 Total Drainage $13,500.00 Total Streets and Roads $1,319,584.00 Total Waste Collection/Landfill $262,850.00 Total All Recreation $174,833.00 Total - Museum $13,350.00 Total Expenses $3,387,667.77
2010 Draft Municipal Budget The Village of Merrickville-Wolford continues to search for operating efficiencies while providing quality service to ratepayers. While the Village of Merrickville-Wolford strives to minimize tax increases, the cost of providing municipal services continues to increase.
2010 Proposed Tax Increase The Draft 2010 Municipal Budget requires a 4% increase in the residential tax rate On a home assessed at $150,000.00 the increase will represent an additional $44.28 of municipal taxes
2010 Tax Bill Your property tax bill consists of three levels of taxation: Municipal 2) County 3) Education
Capital Projects The Village of Merrickville-Wolford continues to invest in municipal infrastructure including: The repair and remodel of the Centennial Hall in Eastons Corners and the Merrickville Community Centre. The improvement of Wolford Ward roads through ditching and tar and chip projects. The improvement of Merrickville Ward streets through paving projects.
Stimulus Projects In 2009 the Federal and Provincial levels of government offered ‘Stimulus Funding’ in order to boost the Canadian Economy. Under this program each level of government would provide 1/3 of the total project cost for much needed infrastructure. The Village was successful in securing funding under the Stimulus Fund for two major capital road projects.
Stimulus Projects Collar Hill Road: Total cost of project: $275,000.00 Ditching Culverts Upgraded Base Paving Total cost of project: $275,000.00 Municipal cost of project $ 91,667.00
Stimulus Projects Snowdons Corners Road: Ditching Culverts Upgraded Base Tar and Chipped Total cost of project: $418,000.00 Municipal cost of project $ 139,333.00
2010 Draft Environment Budget Total Revenues $878,048.49 Total Expenses $878,048.49
Water and Sewer Revenues In 2004 new water and sewer rates were established to work in conjunction with the new metering system. These rates were determined using water consumption data from the previous several years.
Water and Sewer Revenues In other words, if users continued using the same amount of water, the new rates would raise the amount of money needed to cover expenditures. However, with the introduction of water meters, residents started to conserve water and consumption decreased drastically.
Water and Sewer Revenues As consumption decreased, so did the revenues using the new rates.
Water and Sewer Revenues While the Village of Merrickville-Wolford encourages continued water conservation, an increase in revenues is needed to meet operating expenses. In 2010 a 10% increase in water and sewer rates is required to meet expenditures.
Water and Sewer Revenues
Water and Sewer Revenues Due to the decrease in consumption and therefore the decrease in revenues, the 10% increase in rates is needed to bring revenues in line with expenditures. As shown on the next slide, if consumption had remained at the pre 2004 level, an annual increase of 3% would have maintained revenues at the required levels.
Water and Sewer Revenues
Water and Sewer Revenues Prior to the metering system the bi-monthly base rate of the water and sewer bill was $118.20 (2003). A 10% increase brings the bi-monthly base rate to $120.18 (2010). Had metering not been introduced and the base rate increased by 3% annually, the 2010 base rate would be $145.35.
Build Canada The Village was successful in securing federal and provincial funding through the Build Canada Fund for the new sewage treatment plant.
Build Canada Under this funding the Village is responsible for 1/3 of the cost of the new plant and the federal and provincial governments are each responsible for 1/3 of the cost. Total cost of the project: $7,320,000.00 Municipal cost of the project: $2,440,000.00
New Sewage Treatment Plant The Village will collect this $2,440,000.00 through: development fees imposed on new users capital fees imposed on all users over the life expectancy of the STP NO taxation dollars will be spent on the new Sewage Treatment Plant 25
Stimulus Projects In 2009 the Federal and Provincial levels of government offered ‘Stimulus Funding’ in order to boost the Canadian Economy. Under this program each level of government would provide 1/3 of the total project cost for much needed infrastructure. The Village was successful in securing funding under the Stimulus Fund for a major capital watermain project.
Stimulus Projects Main Street Watermain Replacement: Removal of old pipe Installation of new pipe Reinstatement of street Total cost of project: $957,999.00 Municipal cost of project $319,333.00
Stimulus Projects The Village will collect this $319,333.00 through: development fees imposed on new users capital fees imposed on all users over the life expectancy of the new watermain NO taxation dollars will be spent on the new watermain 28
Questions or Comments The Council and Staff of the Village of Merrickville-Wolford would like to thank you for attending this information session. Staff and Council will be happy to answer any questions or address any concerns that you may have.